Question For Willie

Rockwell was pretty much of a showman-cum-moron. He actually had some honest observations, and he was not as ridiculous as his public persona when he sat down to write or got up to speak. His speech at Brown University way back when is famous --- listen to it, and it's pretty moderate.

William Pierce, founder of the National Alliance, observed Rockwell and thought he was pretty ridiculous with all the swastika stuff and the sieg heiling. Pierce wanted to start something that would wake up intelligent white people but skipped all the Nazi weirdness. Unfortunately, the National Alliance has run into its own difficulties along these same lines, but hangs on.

The bottom line is that anyone who thinks they're going to advance the cause of white people by putting on a Nazi uniform and marching down the street is a fool. Stuff like that makes the very real issues we face seem trivial. People laugh at that, and, they should. The real shame is that the media is going to pick up on that, but they won't talk about things like racial difference, immigration, and other issues as they affect white people.

I don't know who Frank Collin is.
He was the leader of the American Nazi party after Rockwell and was the guy who tried to march on Skokie, Illinois. He was later accused of sexually molesting children and spent 3 years in prison.
That could be, or not. David Duke, Matt Hale and Chester Doles are all currently in prison for technical violations that wouldn't get the interest of the dogcatcher (Duke and Doles) or entrapment, plain and simple (Hale). So, I'm a little skeptical any time a white man with the guts to challenge the destruction of his own people gets rousted out and stuck in prison.

Pose a real challenge to the system, go to jail. The lesson of history.
Originally posted by OCA
He was the leader of the American Nazi party after Rockwell and was the guy who tried to march on Skokie, Illinois. He was later accused of sexually molesting children and spent 3 years in prison.

Face it old son...Sweet William sees the Finger of God writing messages about white power in big neon letters on the inside of his forehead where nobody can see them but him. He's a dyed in the wool crackpot who actually believes that tired, recycled and still meaningless message of white superiority. He'll believe it unto his dying breath, and nothing you or I can say will make a bit of difference.

The best thing we can all do is ignore him, let his fears eat him alive, and pray for his benighted and unshriven soul.
Ah, dang. Maybe you "colorblind conservatives" are right after all. We ARE all one race. How could I have been such a close-minded bigot? I'm going to get on the D train right now, head up to the Bronx, and see if I can't make amends.

But first, a word about my fair city from our sponsors. Only true thing you'll see this evening, USmessageboarders, so watch close. Listen in if you have the capability.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Ah, dang. Maybe you "colorblind conservatives" are right after all. We ARE all one race. How could I have been such a close-minded bigot? I'm going to get on the D train right now, head up to the Bronx, and see if I can't make amends.

How's about just jumping off the Staten Island Ferry?
Originally posted by William Joyce
Rockwell was pretty much of a showman-cum-moron. He actually had some honest observations, and he was not as ridiculous as his public persona when he sat down to write or got up to speak. His speech at Brown University way back when is famous --- listen to it, and it's pretty moderate.

William Pierce, founder of the National Alliance, observed Rockwell and thought he was pretty ridiculous with all the swastika stuff and the sieg heiling. Pierce wanted to start something that would wake up intelligent white people but skipped all the Nazi weirdness. Unfortunately, the National Alliance has run into its own difficulties along these same lines, but hangs on.

The bottom line is that anyone who thinks they're going to advance the cause of white people by putting on a Nazi uniform and marching down the street is a fool. Stuff like that makes the very real issues we face seem trivial. People laugh at that, and, they should. The real shame is that the media is going to pick up on that, but they won't talk about things like racial difference, immigration, and other issues as they affect white people.

I don't know who Frank Collin is.

So one could get from this that you are in lockstep agreement on most issues with Nazis but don't goosestep, wear the swastikas or shave your head. Much the same as the KKK has gotten rid of the sheets and robes but the train of thought is still the same. Do you also dispute the Holocaust?
I don't know what you mean by "Nazi." To almost all of the left and a depressing degree on the right, anyone who criticizes Jewish influence, acknowledges racial difference or considers whites to have rights as a group is a "Nazi."

As for the Holocaust, I wasn't there, so I don't know what happened. It is rational to believe that Jews have a heavily vested interest in making it foremost in our minds, so much so that anyone who dares say an errant word about them is presumed to be a mass murderer. In your case, they have succeeded.
Nice sidestep Willie. With all the mountains of evidence I guess yeah you'd still have to have been there for visual proof. I wonder what you'd be saying if it had been 6,000,000 gentiles who had been slaughtered by Jews? The attempted extermination of a religion by a madman and they are just supposed to get over it like it was a bad clam they ate. lol

Also you are crazy if you think whites don't have many more rights and opportunities than others in todays America. This notion that we are or will be a minority is a scare tactic pure and simple.

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