Question for those among us who are Black

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M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
If it were in your power to do so, would you go back to the early 1600s and (somehow) eliminate the institution of slavery across the entire western hemishpere?
If it were in your power to do so, would you go back to the early 1600s and (somehow) eliminate the institution of slavery across the entire western hemishpere?

And you think slavery is only a black and western hemisphere thing? :lol:

How about ask the question: Would you (being black) go back in time and not go into the bush, catch your enemies tribes peoples and sell them to the whites.

And if anyone says that they would not try and stop it as per your question.... is crazy.
I'm not black but the Indian in me might want to go back and make sure every European that comes to these shores never returns home.......... :eusa_whistle:
Not black but I would eliminate it - since no1 else really answered.
Not black but I would eliminate it - since no1 else really answered.

If that were the case most blacks would still be back in Africa starving to death.

I don't like that part of our history but don't you think it's time we moved on???

I didn't start the thread.

Slavery is wrong at all points in history, so given the chance I'd always eliminate it.

100% of the time. The side effects don't matter.
lets not be up in arms about something that cant be changed....

what about the slaves that exist in todays culture? and no we are not talking submissives

"The Slave Next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today"

Six inconvenient truths about the U.S. and slavery - Michael Medved - Townhall Conservative

Free the Slaves’ best estimate, through a study we did with the University of California, Berkeley in 2004, is that there are at least 10,000 people in slavery in the United States at any given time. The US government estimates that 14,500-17,500 people are trafficked into the US each year. Free the Slaves believes that further research is needed to uncover the full extent of the problem in the US. It is already clear, however, that slavery is a significant problem in the United States, and not just in the major urban areas. We found documented cases of slavery and human trafficking in at least 90 cities throughout the country. The majority of victims are enslaved in domestic work, farm labor, or the sex industry. Most are brought from other countries into the US through force, fraud or coercion and then forced to work for no pay. Others make their way into the US on their own but are then forced into slavery when they arrive - tricked by offers of a good job. Still, other victims are born in the US. In addition, slave-made goods flow into and through the US every day and make their way into our cupboards and closets. Everyone in the United States is touched by slavery in some way. To find out more about slavery in the US, see the Hidden Slaves report or the Community Member Guide.
I'm not black but the Indian in me might want to go back and make sure every European that comes to these shores never returns home.......... :eusa_whistle:
The vast majority of them did -not- return home.:dunno:

Basically that was the Indians' problem with the whole situation. They didn't mind tourism, it was all those people that stayed on with their strange diseases, customs, weird gods and jibber-jabber talk that bothered them
Not black but I would eliminate it - since no1 else really answered.

If that were the case most blacks would still be back in Africa starving to death.

I don't like that part of our history but don't you think it's time we moved on???

Why would they be starving to death? I guess ending slavery wouldn't have ended colonial racism, the more relevant reason for what you're talking about.
I'm not black but the Indian in me might want to go back and make sure every European that comes to these shores never returns home.......... :eusa_whistle:
The vast majority of them did -not- return home.:dunno:

Basically that was the Indians' problem with the whole situation. They didn't mind tourism, it was all those people that stayed on with their strange diseases, customs, weird gods and jibber-jabber talk that bothered them

Missing the point....... :eusa_whistle:

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