Question for Obama Supporters


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:
My beefs with Obama?

-Didn't close gitmo.
-Sent more troops to Afghanistan.
-Made multiple deals with Republican where he caved. Most notably the ACA and the Bush Tax Cuts.
-Gave Bush credit for Bin Laden.
Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

It's up to Boehner and the House Republicans to show they're working to save the economy. I don't agree with everything Obama's done, but he's got proposals out there, while we hear of nothing but obstruction and playing chicken with the economy from the Republicans.
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Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

It's up to Boehner and the House Republicans to show they're working to save the economy. I don't agree with everything Obama's done, but he's got proposals out there, while we hear of nothing but obstruction and playing chicken with the economy from the Republicans.

I think you just proved the latter.
Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

It’s interesting the extent to which the right continues to not get it, and their bizarre and inaccurate perception of the presidency.

Millions voted for the president not because they want him to ‘do’ anything, but what they wanted him not to do…

Not start a war with Iran.

Not appoint reactionary judges to Federal courts.

Not appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to privacy, due process, and equal protection rights.

Not attempt to compel Congress to repeal the ACA.

Not attempt to compel Congress to get rid of Social Security.

Not attempt to compel Congress to get rid of Medicare.

Not have a third Bush term.

There are a lot of things voters support the president not doing.
Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

It’s interesting the extent to which the right continues to not get it, and their bizarre and inaccurate perception of the presidency.

Millions voted for the president not because they want him to ‘do’ anything, but what they wanted him not to do…

Not start a war with Iran.

Not appoint reactionary judges to Federal courts.

Not appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to privacy, due process, and equal protection rights.

Not attempt to compel Congress to repeal the ACA.

Not attempt to compel Congress to get rid of Social Security.

Not attempt to compel Congress to get rid of Medicare.

Not have a third Bush term.

There are a lot of things voters support the president not doing.

Excellent description of Obama voters!

Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

I think he should try to reach an agreement to fix the budget.

BUt that has to end the giveaways to the rich Bush gave them.

We need to control entitlements.

We need to cut back on outrageous military spending.

We need to invest in repairing infrastructure.
the 2012 election was an affirmation of the Administrations policies and agenda.
You know you are such a political hack it is sickening and then you dare to question others responses and motives.
No wonder the republican rightwing nuts cannot win the presidency.

Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:
Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

I think he should try to reach an agreement to fix the budget.

BUt that has to end the giveaways to the rich Bush gave them.

We need to control entitlements.

We need to cut back on outrageous military spending.

We need to invest in repairing infrastructure.

Thanks, but do you consider these to be specific?
You know you are such a political hack it is sickening and then you dare to question others responses and motives.
No wonder the republican rightwing nuts cannot win the presidency.

Hmm, not allowed to question responses? Joe Stalin would be proud. As to questioning motives, who is constantly accusing the GOP of being racist?
If all he did going forward was continue on the trajectory he already established--continuing to implement health reform and financial reform, getting us out of Afghanistan, continuing the projects, investments, and initiatives launched by the stimulus--it will be a pretty successful term.

But I expect more than that. He'll obviously make another push for a grand bargain, hopefully one that balances the need for short-term job creation with long-term deficit reduction. I imagine he'll make a serious push for comprehensive immigration reform by the middle of next year.

He set out a very ambitious agenda in 2008 and he made remarkable strides toward achieving a huge chunk of it in the first term. But there's more to be done.
Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

It’s interesting the extent to which the right continues to not get it, and their bizarre and inaccurate perception of the presidency.

Millions voted for the president not because they want him to ‘do’ anything, but what they wanted him not to do…

Not start a war with Iran.

Not appoint reactionary judges to Federal courts. horse shit

Not appoint justices to the Supreme Court hostile to privacy, due process, and equal protection rights. horse shit that is not true NDAA 2012

Not attempt to compel Congress to repeal the ACA. Repeal obama tax?

Not attempt to compel Congress to get rid of Social Security. No one had that as an agenda do you actually think obama will get rid of his slush fund?

Not attempt to compel Congress to get rid of Medicare.

Not have a third Bush term.

There are a lot of things voters support the president not doing.

Are you ready for a fourth Bush term on steroids?
Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

I think he should try to reach an agreement to fix the budget.

BUt that has to end the giveaways to the rich Bush gave them.

We need to control entitlements.

We need to cut back on outrageous military spending.

We need to invest in repairing infrastructure.

Thanks, but do you consider these to be specific?

Yes, actually, I do.
Are there some specific things you would like him to do (e.g., economic, budgetary, tax, foreign policy, etc.), or will you just blindly support whatever he does? It seems to be the latter, but go ahead and prove otherwise:

It's up to Boehner and the House Republicans to show they're working to save the economy. I don't agree with everything Obama's done, but he's got proposals out there, while we hear of nothing but obstruction and playing chicken with the economy from the Republicans.

it's time for bamie to get up off his ass and lead.
If all he did going forward was continue on the trajectory he already established--continuing to implement health reform and financial reform, getting us out of Afghanistan, continuing the projects, investments, and initiatives launched by the stimulus--it will be a pretty successful term.

But I expect more than that. He'll obviously make another push for a grand bargain, hopefully one that balances the need for short-term job creation with long-term deficit reduction. I imagine he'll make a serious push for comprehensive immigration reform by the middle of next year.

He set out a very ambitious agenda in 2008 and he made remarkable strides toward achieving a huge chunk of it in the first term. But there's more to be done.

:clap2::clap2: Yep! You're well on your way to a 20 trillion dollar debt. Very good job demoncraps.

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