Question for 9/11 Conspiracy Scholars


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
For those who have studied the 9/11 Conspiracy arguments,
what is the generally accepted answer to this question:

If the buildings were not brought down by the hijacked planes
(but by demolition or explosives planted in advance)
how is it explained that the planes hit at the floor levels
where the explosives discharged. How was that coordinated?

Note: as for my personal beliefs, I do not believe anyone fully
foresaw or planned for the buildings to come down in that fashion.
I believe the hijackers were just trying to terrorize the people,
and set up multiple planes to make sure enough went through to succeed.
I don't believe people on any side, inside or outside or wherever, could
have been that insightful to plan to collapse the entire buildings.

Anyone with that much insight would have to have a clear perfect
conscience to see that far in the future, which means only good intent.
Of all the testimonies I read, the person who came closest to foreseeing in advance,
the man who knew that the buildings were in danger of collapsing after the planes
hit, he was one of the type people with only GOOD intent, selfless and open to
helping others, and never abusing knowledge for selfish gain or destruction.

Anyone with evil intent, their conscience and mind would be filled with
negative hatred or energy/thoughts, and that would limit how far they
can see or plot in advance. So I can believe that a negative mind, when
working in collusion with others, could have plotted to hijack the planes,
taking advantage of the political infighting between groups divided
and distracted over US govt. That part is understandable to have set up and
gotten away with given the amount of selfish corruption division and infighting
taking attention away from security and focus on watching out for threats.

But the disproportionate damage, especially the loss of rescue workers and firefighters,
in addition to the other devastation, this points to greater evil forces at work beyond
human will and planning. That is not consistent with human nature; the planning to
train in flying and hijacking planes for a suicide mission is one thing, but all this
other stuff was beyond human foresight. That is why there is such a tendency to blame
it on "government conspiracy" because it would have taken such widespread collusion.

Nobody is that clever.

The people I know who could be so wise never abuse their minds for evil,
and that is why they are given such gifts, as they can be trusted to use them for good.

Whoever would believe that all this could be planned by humans in advance,
I find tend to have some distrust in God or good will to be in charge over ill will.
Without any other way to explain how this could happen, it is convenient to
think govt conspirateurs have connections and resources to pull this off.
Sorry, but I never met anyone that smart.

Maybe Buddha Jesus or Einstein could think that far in advance of people,
but again, because their gifts of wisdom and vision and knowledge of God
was used for good, and never to conspire to do evil. That is my take on this whole thing.

All the 9/11 Conspiracy supporters seem to have trust issues, so that bias drives the whole argument.

If anyone can refer me to someone who DOES believe in the 9/11 Conspiracy of an inside job and collusion with US govt but does NOT have trust issues but believes God's love truth and will is greater than evil and still believes all this; then I would like to talk with that person. Otherwise all the other arguments seem biased by distrust issues so I can never tell how much is coming from that, and what is truly unbiased information presented.

Interesting....9/11 facts
Interesting how so many prominent people world wide publicly say disturbing things about the U.S. and 9/11...

Interesting how the Pentagon just happened to get hit on 9/11 in the only side of the building that was reinforced for a possible attack....

Interesting how it slipped into the news there was now technology to remote operate, fly, and land a pilotless Boeing jet a couple months before 9/11....

Interesting how it was proven that Israeli Mossad were here in the U.S. and followed (lured?) the muslims that created (scapegoated?) the Boeing jet attack of 9/11....

Interesting how the white house staff began taking Cipro, an anthrax antidote, about a month before 9/11....

Interesting how 1 week after 9/11 we had an anthrax attack....

Interesting how it began to be released to the media the anthrax had a component in it which would prove it had to of come from Iraq....

Interesting how the anthrax attack one week after 9/11 would have been a link from the terrorists to "mobile weapons labs" in Iraq....

Interesting how a U.S. scientist proved the anthrax was a weaponized strain that came from a military base right here in the U.S....

Interesting how a U.S. scientist then "commit suicide"....

Again.....interesting how the white house staff began taking Cipro the anthrax antidote about a month before 9/11....and also about a month before the anthrax attack.....
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For those who have studied the 9/11 Conspiracy arguments,
what is the generally accepted answer to this question:

If the buildings were not brought down by the hijacked planes
(but by demolition or explosives planted in advance)
how is it explained that the planes hit at the floor levels
where the explosives discharged. How was that coordinated?

Note: as for my personal beliefs, I do not believe anyone fully
foresaw or planned for the buildings to come down in that fashion.
I believe the hijackers were just trying to terrorize the people,
and set up multiple planes to make sure enough went through to succeed.
I don't believe people on any side, inside or outside or wherever, could
have been that insightful to plan to collapse the entire buildings.

Anyone with that much insight would have to have a clear perfect
conscience to see that far in the future, which means only good intent.
Of all the testimonies I read, the person who came closest to foreseeing in advance,
the man who knew that the buildings were in danger of collapsing after the planes
hit, he was one of the type people with only GOOD intent, selfless and open to
helping others, and never abusing knowledge for selfish gain or destruction.

Anyone with evil intent, their conscience and mind would be filled with
negative hatred or energy/thoughts, and that would limit how far they
can see or plot in advance. So I can believe that a negative mind, when
working in collusion with others, could have plotted to hijack the planes,
taking advantage of the political infighting between groups divided
and distracted over US govt. That part is understandable to have set up and
gotten away with given the amount of selfish corruption division and infighting
taking attention away from security and focus on watching out for threats.

But the disproportionate damage, especially the loss of rescue workers and firefighters,
in addition to the other devastation, this points to greater evil forces at work beyond
human will and planning. That is not consistent with human nature; the planning to
train in flying and hijacking planes for a suicide mission is one thing, but all this
other stuff was beyond human foresight. That is why there is such a tendency to blame
it on "government conspiracy" because it would have taken such widespread collusion.

Nobody is that clever.

The people I know who could be so wise never abuse their minds for evil,
and that is why they are given such gifts, as they can be trusted to use them for good.

Whoever would believe that all this could be planned by humans in advance,
I find tend to have some distrust in God or good will to be in charge over ill will.
Without any other way to explain how this could happen, it is convenient to
think govt conspirateurs have connections and resources to pull this off.
Sorry, but I never met anyone that smart.

Maybe Buddha Jesus or Einstein could think that far in advance of people,
but again, because their gifts of wisdom and vision and knowledge of God
was used for good, and never to conspire to do evil. That is my take on this whole thing.

All the 9/11 Conspiracy supporters seem to have trust issues, so that bias drives the whole argument.

If anyone can refer me to someone who DOES believe in the 9/11 Conspiracy of an inside job and collusion with US govt but does NOT have trust issues but believes God's love truth and will is greater than evil and still believes all this; then I would like to talk with that person. Otherwise all the other arguments seem biased by distrust issues so I can never tell how much is coming from that, and what is truly unbiased information presented.


Interesting how the World Trade Centers underwent many months of construction renovations up to the very day of 9/11, some of which were on the support columns....

Interesting how the CEO, for the company that did the many months of construction renovations on the World Trade Center buildings up to the very day of 9/11, some of which were on the steel support columns, got appointed by then Pres Bush to the Commission on White House Fellows....
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The biggest problem that coincidence theorists exhibit is their willful disability to differentiate between "Made it Happen" and "Let it Happen" theory. They purposely conflate the movement all together, and pretend we all believe the government "blew the buildings up" or "shot a missile into the Pentagon." ....

The reality is, the vast majority of us simply assert that the Cheney Administration knew the attacks were coming, let them happen, and stonewalled the investigation. The evidence for which is more vast, more sound, and more court-admissible.
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The biggest problem that coincidence theorists exhibit is their willful disability to differentiate between "Made it Happen" and "Let it Happen" theory. They purposely conflate the movement all together, and pretend we all believe the government "blew the buildings up" or "shot a missile into the Pentagon." ....

The reality is, the vast majority of us simply assert that the Cheney Administration knew the attacks were coming, let them happen, and stonewalled the investigation. The evidence for which is more vast, more sound, and more court-admissible.

Perhaps partially true.....

Fact of the matter is there is a lot more proven, substantial, relating incidences which connect and show a bigger story to the picture is more likely...

Some of which is the Israeli Mossad, some of which were active in the Israeli military, some of which were explosive experts, some of which were arrested during 9/11 time frame with evidence of explosives and held in jail for months until orders came from the top of the pyramid scheme to have them deported....

Israeli Mossad were proven to be among and watching (leading?) the muslim terrorists.
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The biggest problem that coincidence theorists exhibit is their willful disability to differentiate between "Made it Happen" and "Let it Happen" theory. They purposely conflate the movement all together, and pretend we all believe the government "blew the buildings up" or "shot a missile into the Pentagon." ....

The reality is, the vast majority of us simply assert that the Cheney Administration knew the attacks were coming, let them happen, and stonewalled the investigation. The evidence for which is more vast, more sound, and more court-admissible.
Admit it to court then; people sue the government every day. Whatcha scared of?

BOO! HAH! Made you jump.

The biggest problem that coincidence theorists exhibit is their willful disability to differentiate between "Made it Happen" and "Let it Happen" theory. They purposely conflate the movement all together, and pretend we all believe the government "blew the buildings up" or "shot a missile into the Pentagon." ....

The reality is, the vast majority of us simply assert that the Cheney Administration knew the attacks were coming, let them happen, and stonewalled the investigation. The evidence for which is more vast, more sound, and more court-admissible.

Dear JiggsCasey: I thanked your post since your reply seemed the most level and balanced. By the time I would assess blame for "letting it happen" I would hold all America responsible for inciting politically bullying and division back and forth that invited this kind of attack to go on. Nobody was paying attention but everyone was and still is focused on projecting blame wherever convenient, back and forth. This is what is destroying the country, distracting from common goals and principles and purpose which America stands on. If you have more information and research from a balanced perspective, I wish you would call in to a national radio talk show where I know the host would give you at least one segment to state your points. As long as you have the research to back it up. If you are interested, it would be nice to have credible arguments and not the same old same old that discredits any such positions. The show is on Saturdays at either or and the number to call in toll-free is 1-866-606-TALK (NOT 1-800).

I do believe that vested interests such as KBR took advantage of the situation to profit from war contracts etc. Republicans and independents I have asked admit that the war in Iraq was not directly but indirectly justified, either by association but not direct responsibility or just to pick a foreign site to have the war against terrorism instead of fighting it out on American soil. So where it was not completely justified constitutionally, people argue around that, admitting since the attacks were not following protocol neither was the response.

I can follow that much, but do not go backwards in time trying to blame parties for knowing in advance. So many contributing factors came from different sources, I would blame those also, to be fair. So that would implicate everyone wehre we are all responsible for letting this happen while we waste time attention and resources on political divisino and infighting. I blame that more than anything else, the rest only occurredin that hateful negative environment, so you get rid of that, you reduce further threats or risks; by being united these things cannot get very far without detection.

So I focus on that which is unifying not divisive. Where we prevent attacks together.
The biggest problem that coincidence theorists exhibit is their willful disability to differentiate between "Made it Happen" and "Let it Happen" theory. They purposely conflate the movement all together, and pretend we all believe the government "blew the buildings up" or "shot a missile into the Pentagon." ....

The reality is, the vast majority of us simply assert that the Cheney Administration knew the attacks were coming, let them happen, and stonewalled the investigation. The evidence for which is more vast, more sound, and more court-admissible.

Dear JiggsCasey: I thanked your post since your reply seemed the most level and balanced. By the time I would assess blame for "letting it happen" I would hold all America responsible for inciting politically bullying and division back and forth that invited this kind of attack to go on. Nobody was paying attention but everyone was and still is focused on projecting blame wherever convenient, back and forth. This is what is destroying the country, distracting from common goals and principles and purpose which America stands on. If you have more information and research from a balanced perspective, I wish you would call in to a national radio talk show where I know the host would give you at least one segment to state your points. As long as you have the research to back it up. If you are interested, it would be nice to have credible arguments and not the same old same old that discredits any such positions. The show is on Saturdays at either or and the number to call in toll-free is 1-866-606-TALK (NOT 1-800).

I do believe that vested interests such as KBR took advantage of the situation to profit from war contracts etc. Republicans and independents I have asked admit that the war in Iraq was not directly but indirectly justified, either by association but not direct responsibility or just to pick a foreign site to have the war against terrorism instead of fighting it out on American soil. So where it was not completely justified constitutionally, people argue around that, admitting since the attacks were not following protocol neither was the response.

I can follow that much, but do not go backwards in time trying to blame parties for knowing in advance. So many contributing factors came from different sources, I would blame those also, to be fair. So that would implicate everyone wehre we are all responsible for letting this happen while we waste time attention and resources on political divisino and infighting. I blame that more than anything else, the rest only occurredin that hateful negative environment, so you get rid of that, you reduce further threats or risks; by being united these things cannot get very far without detection.

So I focus on that which is unifying not divisive. Where we prevent attacks together.

History of the world shows countless conspiracies that are true and real which were created for the "good" of a bigger goal....

Countless ruling groups concocted conspiracies to motivate the masses in a propaganda effort to gain ulterior motives....

German government staged its burning of its own government building for one which was propaganda for the masses to accept new laws and policies in the guise of "for the protection of the people and the state" example of countless many

Yet many people somehow have the mindset "it could never happen to me"....

Real events and real history are often stranger and more disturbing to grasp than fiction....
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For those who have studied the 9/11 Conspiracy arguments,
what is the generally accepted answer to this question:

If the buildings were not brought down by the hijacked planes
(but by demolition or explosives planted in advance)
how is it explained that the planes hit at the floor levels
where the explosives discharged. How was that coordinated?

Note: as for my personal beliefs, I do not believe anyone fully
foresaw or planned for the buildings to come down in that fashion.
I believe the hijackers were just trying to terrorize the people,
and set up multiple planes to make sure enough went through to succeed.
I don't believe people on any side, inside or outside or wherever, could
have been that insightful to plan to collapse the entire buildings.

Anyone with that much insight would have to have a clear perfect
conscience to see that far in the future, which means only good intent.
Of all the testimonies I read, the person who came closest to foreseeing in advance,
the man who knew that the buildings were in danger of collapsing after the planes
hit, he was one of the type people with only GOOD intent, selfless and open to
helping others, and never abusing knowledge for selfish gain or destruction.

Anyone with evil intent, their conscience and mind would be filled with
negative hatred or energy/thoughts, and that would limit how far they
can see or plot in advance. So I can believe that a negative mind, when
working in collusion with others, could have plotted to hijack the planes,
taking advantage of the political infighting between groups divided
and distracted over US govt. That part is understandable to have set up and
gotten away with given the amount of selfish corruption division and infighting
taking attention away from security and focus on watching out for threats.

But the disproportionate damage, especially the loss of rescue workers and firefighters,
in addition to the other devastation, this points to greater evil forces at work beyond
human will and planning. That is not consistent with human nature; the planning to
train in flying and hijacking planes for a suicide mission is one thing, but all this
other stuff was beyond human foresight. That is why there is such a tendency to blame
it on "government conspiracy" because it would have taken such widespread collusion.

Nobody is that clever.

The people I know who could be so wise never abuse their minds for evil,
and that is why they are given such gifts, as they can be trusted to use them for good.

Whoever would believe that all this could be planned by humans in advance,
I find tend to have some distrust in God or good will to be in charge over ill will.
Without any other way to explain how this could happen, it is convenient to
think govt conspirateurs have connections and resources to pull this off.
Sorry, but I never met anyone that smart.

Maybe Buddha Jesus or Einstein could think that far in advance of people,
but again, because their gifts of wisdom and vision and knowledge of God
was used for good, and never to conspire to do evil. That is my take on this whole thing.

All the 9/11 Conspiracy supporters seem to have trust issues, so that bias drives the whole argument.

If anyone can refer me to someone who DOES believe in the 9/11 Conspiracy of an inside job and collusion with US govt but does NOT have trust issues but believes God's love truth and will is greater than evil and still believes all this; then I would like to talk with that person. Otherwise all the other arguments seem biased by distrust issues so I can never tell how much is coming from that, and what is truly unbiased information presented.


so are these men the evil ones ?

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
The biggest problem that coincidence theorists exhibit is their willful disability to differentiate between "Made it Happen" and "Let it Happen" theory. They purposely conflate the movement all together, and pretend we all believe the government "blew the buildings up" or "shot a missile into the Pentagon." ....

The reality is, the vast majority of us simply assert that the Cheney Administration knew the attacks were coming, let them happen, and stonewalled the investigation. The evidence for which is more vast, more sound, and more court-admissible.

Dear JiggsCasey: I thanked your post since your reply seemed the most level and balanced. By the time I would assess blame for "letting it happen" I would hold all America responsible for inciting politically bullying and division back and forth that invited this kind of attack to go on. Nobody was paying attention but everyone was and still is focused on projecting blame wherever convenient, back and forth. This is what is destroying the country, distracting from common goals and principles and purpose which America stands on. If you have more information and research from a balanced perspective, I wish you would call in to a national radio talk show where I know the host would give you at least one segment to state your points. As long as you have the research to back it up. If you are interested, it would be nice to have credible arguments and not the same old same old that discredits any such positions. The show is on Saturdays at either or and the number to call in toll-free is 1-866-606-TALK (NOT 1-800).

I do believe that vested interests such as KBR took advantage of the situation to profit from war contracts etc. Republicans and independents I have asked admit that the war in Iraq was not directly but indirectly justified, either by association but not direct responsibility or just to pick a foreign site to have the war against terrorism instead of fighting it out on American soil. So where it was not completely justified constitutionally, people argue around that, admitting since the attacks were not following protocol neither was the response.

I can follow that much, but do not go backwards in time trying to blame parties for knowing in advance. So many contributing factors came from different sources, I would blame those also, to be fair. So that would implicate everyone wehre we are all responsible for letting this happen while we waste time attention and resources on political divisino and infighting. I blame that more than anything else, the rest only occurredin that hateful negative environment, so you get rid of that, you reduce further threats or risks; by being united these things cannot get very far without detection.

So I focus on that which is unifying not divisive. Where we prevent attacks together.

Thanks for the response.

But this seems more about blaming society and violent video games instead of acknowledging the prime suspect. Your sentiment is shared regarding our fatally flawed paradigm. In a way, we ARE all guilty.

But for the purposes of this specific crime, the evidence is all right there in the case file, and all that has EVER been lacking is the political will, or the private capital, to try the case and isolate the suspects. I have little doubt that a verdict along those lines would go a LONG way towards changing social consciousness for our society, which is rotting at the core every time it yawns over corporate fraud, banking malfeasance, outsourcing and unjust military adventures. That's because no one ever goes to jail for it. Bernie Maddoff was a basic ponzi scheme, not the kind of corporate book-cooking and investment banking deception of a scale I'm referring to. If these elite plutocrats ever once did hard time in federal prison for their crimes, I'm confident a lot would clean itself up rather quickly.

I do not call radio shows, because the host controls the microphone and can cut off any dialogue that he or she is uncomfortable with or not prepared for.
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The biggest problem that coincidence theorists exhibit is their willful disability to differentiate between "Made it Happen" and "Let it Happen" theory. They purposely conflate the movement all together, and pretend we all believe the government "blew the buildings up" or "shot a missile into the Pentagon." ....

The reality is, the vast majority of us simply assert that the Cheney Administration knew the attacks were coming, let them happen, and stonewalled the investigation. The evidence for which is more vast, more sound, and more court-admissible.

Wrong yet again. The vast majority of you truthtards DO believe in explosives, missiles and any other hair brained theory out there that blames anyone other than Al Qaeda. If you don't believe this is true, please name other truthtards that believe it was just the Cheney administration letting it happen. Want me to point out all the truthtards believing the explosives / missiles / etc. over Cheney letting it happen? Or do you want to just admit that you're blowing smoke out of your ass.

As for your claims the "Cheney Administration" knew the attacks were coming, BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Do you have any clue at all how our intelligence community works? Cheney and his "administration" don't collect intelligence on their own now do they. No they don't. In order for a piece of data to make it to Cheney's level, you would have numerous people involved, all of whom would have to be the kind of rabid animal you truthtards like to pretend anyone in the government is. News flash, junior. Very few people are actually like that.

Intelligence gathering also isn't like someone coming out and stating emphatically when, where and how an attack is going to happen. It takes a lot of putting disparate clues together into a coherent picture.

So..... you claim there is "vast" court-admissible evidence that Cheney is guilty. No need to show vast amounts of evidence. Just show one piece of real, court-admissible evidence that proves Cheney knew. You do realize opinion is not evidence, right? Retarded liberals with a hate agenda aren't exactly credible in the first place. :lol: BTW, if you DO actually have court-admissible evidence, why aren't you in front of a grand jury presenting it? What kind of traitorous piece of shit sits on evidence like that instead of doing the right thing? I mean besides you.... :lol:
"traitorous"... now that's some stunningly poetic irony.

what a series of painfully awkward straw mans... you're horrible at this topic, i can tell.

i'll let you get on with the obligatory homophobic jabs and on to my ignore list. You're not my caliber, and I await a non-Super Trooper to take up the coincitard mantle. You most certainly aren't it.
"traitorous"... now that's some stunningly poetic irony.

what a series of painfully awkward straw mans... you're horrible at this topic, i can tell.

i'll let you get on with the obligatory homophobic jabs and on to my ignore list. You're not my caliber, and I await a non-Super Trooper to take up the coincitard mantle. You most certainly aren't it.

Gee, running from him too and another homo're not much of a man much less 9/11 "scholar".
"traitorous"... Now that's some stunningly poetic irony.

What a series of painfully awkward straw mans... You're horrible at this topic, i can tell.

I'll let you get on with the obligatory homophobic jabs and on to my ignore list. You're not my caliber, and i await a non-super trooper to take up the coincitard mantle. You most certainly aren't it.

gee, running from him too and another homo're not much of a man much less 9/11 "scholar".

your shtick is old and moldy
"traitorous"... now that's some stunningly poetic irony.

what a series of painfully awkward straw mans... you're horrible at this topic, i can tell.

i'll let you get on with the obligatory homophobic jabs and on to my ignore list. You're not my caliber, and I await a non-Super Trooper to take up the coincitard mantle. You most certainly aren't it.

PS: It looks like you have another Lewinsky following you around. Make sure she washes her dress :lol:

ha ha ha!
"traitorous"... now that's some stunningly poetic irony.

what a series of painfully awkward straw mans... you're horrible at this topic, i can tell.

i'll let you get on with the obligatory homophobic jabs and on to my ignore list. You're not my caliber, and I await a non-Super Trooper to take up the coincitard mantle. You most certainly aren't it.

Run away, truthtard. You've been exposed. :lol: Piece of shit retard actually thinks he is worth something! Couldn't even respond, much less actually provide a piece of evidence he claims he has vast amounts of. Just more proof of their incredible dishonesty and complete lack of morals. If he actually had anything, he would have produced it, not just sit there whining that he has it. :lol: Keep running truthtard. You can't handle the truth!
"traitorous"... now that's some stunningly poetic irony.

what a series of painfully awkward straw mans... you're horrible at this topic, i can tell.

i'll let you get on with the obligatory homophobic jabs and on to my ignore list. You're not my caliber, and I await a non-Super Trooper to take up the coincitard mantle. You most certainly aren't it.

Run away, truthtard. You've been exposed. :lol: Piece of shit retard actually thinks he is worth something! Couldn't even respond, much less actually provide a piece of evidence he claims he has vast amounts of. Just more proof of their incredible dishonesty and complete lack of morals. If he actually had anything, he would have produced it, not just sit there whining that he has it. :lol: Keep running truthtard. You can't handle the truth!

are you aware that you are among one of the lamest debwunkers ever ?
because you are.. it is just gibberish really
"traitorous"... now that's some stunningly poetic irony.

what a series of painfully awkward straw mans... you're horrible at this topic, i can tell.

i'll let you get on with the obligatory homophobic jabs and on to my ignore list. You're not my caliber, and I await a non-Super Trooper to take up the coincitard mantle. You most certainly aren't it.

Run away, truthtard. You've been exposed. :lol: Piece of shit retard actually thinks he is worth something! Couldn't even respond, much less actually provide a piece of evidence he claims he has vast amounts of. Just more proof of their incredible dishonesty and complete lack of morals. If he actually had anything, he would have produced it, not just sit there whining that he has it. :lol: Keep running truthtard. You can't handle the truth!

are you aware that you are among one of the lamest debwunkers ever ?
because you are.. it is just gibberish really

Think I give a fuck what YOU think? Once again you're wrong. I can't help it you can't respond to my debunking of your lame shit without lying your ass off. Like claiming me stating Kevin McPadden lied his ass off and then backing it up with facts is equal to claiming all people who heard explosions are lying. :lol: That was a good one!

And I'm not surprised you find the writings of your intellectual superiors gibberish. That is usually how it works. People with higher intelligence can understand those with "difficulties" like you, but the reverse is not always true. ;-)
Think I give a fuck what YOU think? Once again you're wrong. I can't help it you can't respond to my debunking of your lame shit without lying your ass off. Like claiming me stating Kevin McPadden lied his ass off and then backing it up with facts is equal to claiming all people who heard explosions are lying. :lol: That was a good one!

And I'm not surprised you find the writings of your intellectual superiors gibberish. That is usually how it works. People with higher intelligence can understand those with "difficulties" like you, but the reverse is not always true. ;-)

You seem curiously fascinated with asses, homosexuals and retardation. In fact, it's really all you seem to talk about.

In any crime, following the money trail is essential to solving the case. Once again, we know exactly who paid the hijackers, as confirmed by the FBI and Indian intel. Why was this man never apprehended for questioning? Why was he allowed to fade quietly into retirement after a long career working in the CIA-created ISI, never to be heard from again? Heck, why was he IN the united states during the attack talking with Senators and members of the NSA and not questioned?

Coincidence theorists' BEST response to that question has always been: "it's not easy to just capture foreign officials." LOL ... Not, "he didn't do it" or "it was just a coincidence." ... Just "we couldn't get to him." ...

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