'Queen's bones' found in Winchester Cathedral royal chests


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Bones held in mortuary chests in Winchester Cathedral could include those of an early English queen, researchers have found.

The contents of six chests have been analysed and radiocarbon-dated.

University of Bristol biological anthropologists found they contained the remains of at least 23 individuals - several more than originally thought.

One is believed to be that of Queen Emma who was married to kings of England, Ethelred and Cnut.
Although the chests, originally placed near the high altar, had inscriptions stating who was supposed to be within them, it was known the names bore no relation to the actual contents.

The contents had become mixed when the cathedral was ransacked and the bones were scattered by Roundhead soldiers during the English Civil War in 1642.

They were repacked by locals so it was not known whose remains were replaced, or if they were the same bones.
'Queen's bones' found in cathedral chests

That's interesting.
. . . to the English maybe? :dunno:

Patriotic Americans know that the fucking English Oppressed us during the Revolution, the War of 1812, conspired with Wilson to sucker us into WWI, hid from the public knowledge of the Japanese fleet steaming toward Pearl Harbor and conspired with Roosevelt to start WWII.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) is nothing but the Milner Group "writ large." It helped start the Council on Foreign Relations over here and it is center of the round table group globalist cabal that keeps us enslaved. We are no more than a colony once more.

This is the brain child of where the Federal Reserve and all central banking has originated and how the U.S. was bankrupted.

Our true enemy is the British which have kept us enslaved and have their spooks in control of the intel establishment over here.

Folks talk of Russian interference in our elections?

I doubt there has ever been an election or an assassination that hasn't been connected to British intel.

All our entertainment and propaganda is linked up with Britain's, and probably always has been.

No thanks. Shove that royal shit up their ass.

The only way the world will ever be free is if the Great Britain is dissolved, frees the Irish and the Scottish, and leaves America alone.
I'm so damned tired of the propaganda. (Frankly I don't care what the Welsh do. :71:)
. . . to the English maybe? :dunno:

Patriotic Americans know that the fucking English Oppressed us during the Revolution, the War of 1812, conspired with Wilson to sucker us into WWI, hid from the public knowledge of the Japanese fleet steaming toward Pearl Harbor and conspired with Roosevelt to start WWII.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) is nothing but the Milner Group "writ large." It helped start the Council on Foreign Relations over here and it is center of the round table group globalist cabal that keeps us enslaved. We are no more than a colony once more.

This is the brain child of where the Federal Reserve and all central banking has originated and how the U.S. was bankrupted.

Our true enemy is the British which have kept us enslaved and have their spooks in control of the intel establishment over here.

Folks talk of Russian interference in our elections?

I doubt there has ever been an election or an assassination that hasn't been connected to British intel.

All our entertainment and propaganda is linked up with Britain's, and probably always has been.

No thanks. Shove that royal shit up their ass.

The only way the world will ever be free is if the Great Britain is dissolved, frees the Irish and the Scottish, and leaves America alone.
I'm so damned tired of the propaganda. (Frankly I don't care what the Welsh do. :71:)

I agree on the Welsh but do recall that it was YOU rebellious Colonials who gave the world Obama. It may be the Law of unintended consequences but I much prefer the Queen to your current crop of Royals: The Clintons, the Kardashians and the Bushs. OK; you got it right with the Trumps: Melania is simply Majestic so Don qualifies by marriage. Like the Welsh I don't give a damn about the Obamas.

. . . to the English maybe? :dunno:

Patriotic Americans know that the fucking English Oppressed us during the Revolution, the War of 1812, conspired with Wilson to sucker us into WWI, hid from the public knowledge of the Japanese fleet steaming toward Pearl Harbor and conspired with Roosevelt to start WWII.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) is nothing but the Milner Group "writ large." It helped start the Council on Foreign Relations over here and it is center of the round table group globalist cabal that keeps us enslaved. We are no more than a colony once more.

This is the brain child of where the Federal Reserve and all central banking has originated and how the U.S. was bankrupted.

Our true enemy is the British which have kept us enslaved and have their spooks in control of the intel establishment over here.

Folks talk of Russian interference in our elections?

I doubt there has ever been an election or an assassination that hasn't been connected to British intel.

All our entertainment and propaganda is linked up with Britain's, and probably always has been.

No thanks. Shove that royal shit up their ass.

The only way the world will ever be free is if the Great Britain is dissolved, frees the Irish and the Scottish, and leaves America alone.
I'm so damned tired of the propaganda. (Frankly I don't care what the Welsh do. :71:)

Nice rant. Not relevant here though.

I am way more interested in how the conversation went down in trying to get the bones back into the boxes by the locals. Pretty sure it came close to Monty Python.
How do they know if it was her bones, oh yeah, they don't have any idea who bones they are.
. . . to the English maybe? :dunno:

Patriotic Americans know that the fucking English Oppressed us during the Revolution, the War of 1812, conspired with Wilson to sucker us into WWI, hid from the public knowledge of the Japanese fleet steaming toward Pearl Harbor and conspired with Roosevelt to start WWII.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) is nothing but the Milner Group "writ large." It helped start the Council on Foreign Relations over here and it is center of the round table group globalist cabal that keeps us enslaved. We are no more than a colony once more.

This is the brain child of where the Federal Reserve and all central banking has originated and how the U.S. was bankrupted.

Our true enemy is the British which have kept us enslaved and have their spooks in control of the intel establishment over here.

Folks talk of Russian interference in our elections?

I doubt there has ever been an election or an assassination that hasn't been connected to British intel.

All our entertainment and propaganda is linked up with Britain's, and probably always has been.

No thanks. Shove that royal shit up their ass.

The only way the world will ever be free is if the Great Britain is dissolved, frees the Irish and the Scottish, and leaves America alone.
I'm so damned tired of the propaganda. (Frankly I don't care what the Welsh do. :71:)

I agree on the Welsh but do recall that it was YOU rebellious Colonials who gave the world Obama. It may be the Law of unintended consequences but I much prefer the Queen to your current crop of Royals: The Clintons, the Kardashians and the Bushs. OK; you got it right with the Trumps: Melania is simply Majestic so Don qualifies by marriage. Like the Welsh I don't give a damn about the Obamas.



Kenya was a British colony.

If you look at the Diversity in the British government and the idealogy of the global socialists and the wealth redistribution sceme to unite all nations for global Dirgism, I have no doubt they wanted to get a little color into the ruling administrative structure.

Obama's family was closely linked to the Bristish ruling class. I have no doubt either his father or grandfather were British citizens. Obama's maternal side worked for the Ford foundation and he himself worked for USAID, both known to work closely with the CIA.

OTH, it would not surprise me to find out that is paternal side, being the ruling class of Kenya, was working with British intel that had the idea to have young Obama's father sent to Hawaii for education. Introductions were made and the rest was just hoped for. This was, of course, probably not the only iron they had in the fire.

These folks are not partisan, they don't care if a R or a D is in power. They own both parties. Trump is no different. Two decade ago he was a D, and his commerce secretary Wilbur Ross just changed his party affiliation in 2016 after he quit is job after working here for 27 years. . . N M Rothschild & Sons. Don't think I don't know about Trump's British connections. :45:

(Bill was a Rhodes Scholar and has his own connections to the Milner groups, I'm sure if we rooted around, we could find the Bush family as well.)

Free your mind, question more. Don't just accept what the CFR and RIIA media narrative of reality is at face value.

. . . or, are you a MI6 spook, spreading disinfo? :eusa_think:
Last edited:
. . . to the English maybe? :dunno:

Patriotic Americans know that the fucking English Oppressed us during the Revolution, the War of 1812, conspired with Wilson to sucker us into WWI, hid from the public knowledge of the Japanese fleet steaming toward Pearl Harbor and conspired with Roosevelt to start WWII.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) is nothing but the Milner Group "writ large." It helped start the Council on Foreign Relations over here and it is center of the round table group globalist cabal that keeps us enslaved. We are no more than a colony once more.

This is the brain child of where the Federal Reserve and all central banking has originated and how the U.S. was bankrupted.

Our true enemy is the British which have kept us enslaved and have their spooks in control of the intel establishment over here.

Folks talk of Russian interference in our elections?

I doubt there has ever been an election or an assassination that hasn't been connected to British intel.

All our entertainment and propaganda is linked up with Britain's, and probably always has been.

No thanks. Shove that royal shit up their ass.

The only way the world will ever be free is if the Great Britain is dissolved, frees the Irish and the Scottish, and leaves America alone.
I'm so damned tired of the propaganda. (Frankly I don't care what the Welsh do. :71:)

I agree on the Welsh but do recall that it was YOU rebellious Colonials who gave the world Obama. It may be the Law of unintended consequences but I much prefer the Queen to your current crop of Royals: The Clintons, the Kardashians and the Bushs. OK; you got it right with the Trumps: Melania is simply Majestic so Don qualifies by marriage. Like the Welsh I don't give a damn about the Obamas.



Kenya was a British colony.

If you look at the Diversity in the British government and the idealogy of the global socialists and the wealth redistribution sceme to unite all nations for global Dirgism, I have no doubt they wanted to get a little color into the ruling administrative structure.

Obama's family was closely linked to the Bristish ruling class. I have no doubt either his father or grandfather were British citizens. Obama's maternal side worked for the Ford foundation and he himself worked for USAID, both known to work closely with the CIA.

OTH, it would not surprise me to find out that is paternal side, being the ruling class of Kenya, was working with British intel that had the idea to have young Obama's father sent to Hawaii for education. Introductions were made and the rest was just hoped for. This was, of course, probably not the only iron they had in the fire.

These folks are not partisan, they don't care if a R or a D is in power. They own both parties. Trump is no different. Two decade ago he was a D, and his commerce secretary Wilbur Ross just changed his party affiliation in 2016 after he quit is job after working here for 27 years. . . N M Rothschild & Sons. Don't think I don't know about Trump's British connections. :45:

(Bill was a Rhodes Scholar and has his own connections to the Milner groups, I'm sure if we rooted around, we could find the Bush family as well.)

Free your mind, question more. Don't just accept what the CFR and RIIA media narrative of reality is at face value.

. . . or, are you a MI6 spook, spreading disinfo? :eusa_think:
If M16 want a spook my bank acc is Bank Dilligaf 007007007 Cayman Is. RusskiCONX

why, i always wondered, we're the 'royals' such a fascination ?


Reason 1. Ridicule.

Reason 2.Cinderella.

Reason 3. Rich people are way easier to track through out history. They had more education. They were more likely to read and write documents and letters, as well as, to be written about. It's only a problem when people today view that as all there was to any time period or what was written at the time was exactly the way it was for everyone or, as in Queen Emma's instance, the pious figure of morality. Trial by fire.

Reason 4. This is the law and this is what was really going on.

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