Putting Trump's GOP Jew Security Fence In Perspective: Understanding, "Holy Land!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So Acts 7:22 notes that Moses was an educated man, of Imperial, Enslaving, Egypt. An Imperial, Enslaving religion would be created, The Moses Atrocity. Following Deuteronomy 23:19-20, the Jews would be admonished--in not so many words--to multiply, be fruitful, fill all the earth--and Screw, 'Em," with the device--in arithmetic--of usury. The New Testament would tend to depart from the old, in Matthew 25:14-30. The basis concept, "The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Poorer," doesn't even work in the rarely noted story. An Inverse Usury had been proposed in Matthew 20:1-16. The Republicans took away the "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit, from America: As soon as they could in 2011.

In response to allegations of rapists, terrorists, and criminals crossing the border, centuries later: Modern Israel itself would go further: To create the concept of "The Security Fence," and even justify it!

Background & Overview of Israel's Security Fence | Jewish Virtual Library

Famously, House Speaker Boehner would invite the Modern Jewish leader, of Israel, to speak before the legislative chambers of the famous Western Democracy, USA. Within months, the Speaker's Party would go forward in some nature of charade of the so-called, "Holy Land." A security fence would be proposed in the face of allegedly crossing the border: Rapists, Terrorists, and Criminals. The Republicans had famously run the Mormon for President. Apparently a "Holy Land" concept was thought to be the answer, subsequent the Romney defeat.

Senate Leader Reid, however, sees no apparent need for the "Holy Land" concept.

On this message board, clearly of The Truth, then clearly partisans, GOP, seem to be on board with the Holy Land concept. The concept arises from what Moses called, "The Chosen People," and their Euro-concept, "Schvarztik." School, in the Euro versions, are also like that. The people do not get the qualified doctoral teachers, but do get the refugees instead.

And so the march of the GOP to a Holy Land continues, unabated.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations know holy versions, imposed of White Eyes, all too well themselves!)

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