Putin tells his spies to keep up the good work while they can


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
wink wink

The most serious attention must be paid to information security, to the fight against extremism and against corruption," he added.
If not he's got some nerve agent and some poison..Trump helped out his bud Pootin by taking the cybersecurity budget money and spending it on that great wall of China..er the US.
Tell us all about it. How much precisely did Trump take from cybersecurity to spend on the wall?

Funny how much you idiots hate Donald Trump yet I didn't see one comment during the long drawn out
tantrum of Trump's time in office about leaving our cybersecurity naked and defenseless.

You'll say anything in retrospect, whether true or not. In fact the less it's true the better for the uninformed
rabble and other idiots like yourself. U.S. Government to Spend Over $18 Billion on Cybersecurity – Homeland Security Today
If not he's got some nerve agent and some poison..Trump helped out his bud Pootin by taking the cybersecurity budget money and spending it on that great wall of China..er the US.
Tell us all about it. How much precisely did Trump take from cybersecurity to spend on the wall?

Funny how much you idiots hate Donald Trump yet I didn't see one comment during the long drawn out
tantrum of Trump's time in office about leaving our cybersecurity naked and defenseless.

You'll say anything in retrospect, whether true or not. In fact the less it's true the better for the uninformed
rabble and other idiots like yourself. U.S. Government to Spend Over $18 Billion on Cybersecurity – Homeland Security Today
Frank Figliuzzi, a former FBI deputy director for counterintelligence, said that hackers were able to target supposedly secure government systems in part because cybersecurity funds had been diverted to other areas considered more important by the president

We have a president diverting money, billions of it, to build a wall, changing personnel at the top of the Pentagon and we’ve not heard word one about the plan or strategy to respond to this ongoing attack.

…there is no one in charge from the Oval Office down throughout the intelligence community.

Compared to 2020, the DoD cybersecurity funding decreased by 2.27%

Apparently Donnie has put a gag order on anyone attributing the worst hack in US history on Russia.
Wants us to think it wasn't so bad and that it was CHIIIIIINA!! What a dolt. :icon_rolleyes:

Apparently Donnie has put a gag order on anyone attributing the worst hack in US history on Russia.
Wants us to think it wasn't so bad and that CHIIIIIINA!! What a dolt. :icon_rolleyes:


Sounds like his same actions during the Covid...it's not so bad...
If not he's got some nerve agent and some poison..
Leftists are always doing drugs. Occam's Razor says it's unnecessary to blame an overdose of some recrational street drug or another on foreign agents, spies, conservatives, or that suspicious character with a cloak and dagger smoking a cigar next door.
I have no drugs to take where can I get some? People overdose because they are addicted and they have no political party affiliation only an addiction that rules their lives.. Your attempt to pigeonhole people for your petty political affiliation only shows what a shallow and pedantic personality you have, and your complete ignorance of addiction. But, that is okay because you hold no value for any human but yourself...
But that is okay because you hold no value for any human but yourself...
Get off the drugs if you want to be considered human. Dregs of society addicted to crack, heroin, morphine, methamphetamine, etc. etc., are inhuman monsters whose violence knows no bounds to satiate their drug addictions.
wink wink

The most serious attention must be paid to information security, to the fight against extremism and against corruption," he added.
Rissiaa biggest stated goal in 2016 was to divide the populace in America. 4 years later here you are still parroting their propaganda and fueling their long term goals.
Apparently Donnie has put a gag order on anyone attributing the worst hack in US history on Russia.
Wants us to think it wasn't so bad and that CHIIIIIINA!! What a dolt. :icon_rolleyes:


Sounds like his same actions during the Covid...it's not so bad...

Trumpy Bear: "I have everything well under control".
Yep, and he said the same thing about the COVIDS way back in March.
Any time he makes that claim, be VERY worried.
wink wink

The most serious attention must be paid to information security, to the fight against extremism and against corruption," he added.
Rissiaa biggest stated goal in 2016 was to divide the populace in America. 4 years later here you are still parroting their propaganda and fueling their long term goals.
Russia is so good at dividing the US they made the US go to war with itself...160 years ago...
If not he's got some nerve agent and some poison..Trump helped out his bud Pootin by taking the cybersecurity budget money and spending it on that great wall of China..er the US.

The hack came through a civilian contractor. Are you saying we should be spending tax dollars defending private companies?
Frank Figliuzzi, a former FBI deputy director for counterintelligence, said that hackers were able to target supposedly secure government systems in part because cybersecurity funds had been diverted to other areas considered more important by the president

We have a president diverting money, billions of it, to build a wall, changing personnel at the top of the Pentagon and we’ve not heard word one about the plan or strategy to respond to this ongoing attack.

…there is no one in charge from the Oval Office down throughout the intelligence community.
Where is Frank Figliuzzi's evidence for what he claims? And why is this one single disgruntled person's
opinion given so much credence by you? Oh, right...because you want to believe what he claims.

And where in the name of God do you get the balls to claim Trump has put BILLIONS of dollars into his wall?
You would do well to shut the fuck up when you start making asinine claims like that.
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Rissiaa biggest stated goal in 2016 was to divide the populace in America. 4 years later here you are still parroting their propaganda and fueling their long term goals.
Who are Russia's REAL allies? Trump patriots or leftist idiots who divide the nation with their absurd paranoid
rantings? Four years of constant turmoil, anger, lies and confusion.
As usual the left is the enemy they claim Russia to be.
Russia IS a foe, but the left has made themselves equally dangerous to our security and well being through
their seditious actions....such as stealing the presidency and destabilizing our country.
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If not he's got some nerve agent and some poison..
Leftists are always doing drugs. Occam's Razor says it's unnecessary to blame an overdose of some recrational street drug or another on foreign agents, spies, conservatives, or that suspicious character with a cloak and dagger smoking a cigar next door.
I have no drugs to take where can I get some? People overdose because they are addicted and they have no political party affiliation only an addiction that rules their lives.. Your attempt to pigeonhole people for your petty political affiliation only shows what a shallow and pedantic personality you have, and your complete ignorance of addiction. But, that is okay because you hold no value for any human but yourself...
Certainly not yours. But that's just good common sense.
If not he's got some nerve agent and some poison..Trump helped out his bud Pootin by taking the cybersecurity budget money and spending it on that great wall of China..er the US.
You're full of shit. Trump was Putin's worst nightmare.

Putin is very excited to get another Democrat president in office, and wondering what gifts he will receive this time. The Obama administration gave Putin the Crimean peninsula and 20% of America's uranium. That is proof positive that Putin was a much stronger leader than Obama.

Then moonbats claimed that Trump is a Russian agent when he pointed out the obvious fact that Obama was Putin's little bitch.

And under the Clinton administration, Russia got a free space station on the US taxpayer dime. Russia would not even have a space program if the Democrats did not gut NASA's budget to fund Russia's space program.

Democrat voters are the stupidest most gullible people on the entire fucking planet.
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The cyber hack by Russia story is to divert from the real scandal of Chinese spies fucking their way through Congress. No hacking necessary.

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