putin´s official propagandacondom shapiro (Solovyov ) : "Life is vastly overrated"


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
putin´s horde is such a dark, nihilistic dystopia.

putin´s official propagandacondom shapiro (Solovyov ) : "Life is vastly overrated"

People who so casually speak of death while their sons are dying in very large numbers, are disgusting. The chaos death and destruction from this war could all have been avoided. First, NATO and the west in general could have easily given aid packages and favorable treatment to Ukraine and allowed them to openly declare neutrality rather than teasing them with the possibility of joining NATO.

Putin made it clear for a couple of decades that Russia felt threatened by the expansion of NATO ever closer to its borders. He was ignored. He finally began doing something about that when he invaded Georgia. NATO still did not stop and he then secured his main Black Sea port by annexing Crimea. At that point, war was inevitable because he had to be able to sustain Crimea by a land route and he had to solve the problem of having a sufficient supply of water.

I think both sides share blame and I think there are a handful of politicians in DC and Kyiv who are getting filthy rich at this time. I believe in God and I believe He repays those who would drown the world in blood so they can have money and power. The west is on a path to nuclear war and they don't seem to care.

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