Pundits punk'd by satirical claims Ryan dissed Romney


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
And libtards are supposed to be so much smarter than conservatives? :rofl:


Pundits punk'd by satirical claims Ryan dissed Romney | Fox News

Memo to the media: Clearly mark political satire, especially if it makes Republicans look bad. Otherwise, you might fool a Nobel prize-winning New York Times columnist.

Columnist Paul Krugman and other commentators were apparently duped Wednesday after Politico ran a satire piece that included what -- if true -- would have been an inflammatory comment by Republican running mate Paul Ryan.

Krugman, a blogger for MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and a host of other liberal pundits fell for Simon's satire -- apparently finding the quote too good to not be true.

Simon did include a note at the end of the column that explained his point -- even as he put himself in a league with some slightly better satirists:

[Author’s note: Jonathan Swift did not really want Irish people to sell their children for food in 1729; George Orwell did not really want the clocks to strike thirteen in 1984; Paul Ryan, I am sure, calls Mitt Romney something more dignified than “Stench” and Microsoft did not invent PowerPoint as a means to euthanize cattle. At least I am pretty sure Microsoft didn’t.]
So first they dont get the Romney joke, not surprising, it wasnt super funny. And not they dont get satire. What the heck? are they really that stupid?
[Author’s note: Jonathan Swift did not really want Irish people to sell their children for food in 1729; George Orwell did not really want the clocks to strike thirteen in 1984; Paul Ryan, I am sure, calls Mitt Romney something more dignified than “Stench” and Microsoft did not invent PowerPoint as a means to euthanize cattle. At least I am pretty sure Microsoft didn’t.]

I guess those who got punk'd are not well read.


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