Pumpkins & Pouches


Sep 23, 2010
Four days ago Phyllis Schlafly published a piece detailing some scary stuff, to wit:

An even bigger problem is that the Obama administration is about to give Communist China some of our most precious and up-to-date military technology.

This particular chicanery started when the Obama administration foolishly tried to use taxpayers' money to force green energy to replace fossil fuels. But green energy can't compete in the free market because it's so much more expensive to produce.


. . . Obama awarded a grant of $250 million of Stimulus money to a firm called A123 to make batteries for electric cars, which also went bankrupt and now is trying to pay off its investors by auctioning the company.

The high bidder at $256 million in a December auction was the Wanxiang Group, which has close ties to Communist China's government. Its chief executive is one of the wealthiest men in China, a prominent figure in the Chinese Communist Party.

This sale is dangerous to U.S. security because it involves the transfer of advanced battery technology using lithium iron phosphate, which produces longer life, lighter weight, higher power and more stable batteries that can operate in both very low and very high temperatures. In China's hands, the new A123 technology will threaten U.S. electrical power and communications grids.

China is eager for this acquisition because of its potential use in space weapons, anti-satellite missiles, lasers, and counter-space systems. Retired Navy Vice Admiral Barry Costello, former commander of the Navy's Third Fleet, says the sale of A123 will give a big boost to China's military expansion and warfare capability in space, cyber warfare and unmanned vehicles, all of which rely on battery power.


A123 employs more than 100 scientists and engineers working on sensitive materials that are part of what is scheduled to be sold to Wanxiang. If China gets access to A123's commercial applications, it will be easy for China to reverse-engineer the military applications.

Obama's Giveaway to the Communists
Phyllis Schlafly
Jan 15, 2013

Obama's Giveaway to the Communists - Phyllis Schlafly - Page 1

Giving Communist China a helping hand with military technology is much worse than Alger Hiss and American traitors giving Stalin atomic secrets because it is being done openly without fear of punishment. No pumpkins for Hussein’s people when diplomatic pouches are available if opposition in Congress gets too noisy.

In today’s federal government nothing prevents Hussein & Company from giving away more and more. The precedent has been set. Full pardons for treason have been written in advance.

It gets worse. American Communists are determined to give China all of the help it needs so it does NOT go the way of the Soviet Union:

For some time, there have been unsubstantiated reports of the Obama administration engaging in clandestine negotiations with China toward satisfying America’s debt to that nation via exchanges of land and resources. Such an arrangement would be illegal and treasonous of course, but given its deportment to date, that would not likely deter this administration.


This week, I presented substantiation to the aforementioned reports, much to the fear and consternation of most people who became apprised of this phenomenon. Referencing sources that have proven reliable in the past, I cited such things as Chinese military operatives engaging in clandestine “research” within U.S. borders, and assessments of land and resources having been conducted by China in recent years, all with the administration’s approval.

All of this falls well within the parameters of Barack Obama’s long-standing desire to bring America down, as it were, punishing the American people for centuries of enjoying the spoils of imperialism, colonialism, and oppression, as well as finally bringing this nation under the heel of communism.


Thus – which came as an outrage, but no surprise to many – it is the Chinese government that is lobbying Obama to disarm the American public. They foresee a time when there will be widespread anger against them for their role in this obscene arrangement, and would rather not have to militarily engage armed Americans over land or resources that they will control, some of which is in America’s heartland. Some perceive Obama’s spirited pursuit of gun control after the Sandy Hook massacre as typical knee-jerk liberal opportunism, but it is far more than that.

As reported previously in this space, despite Obama’s affinity for communism and show of solidarity with the world’s leftists, the Chinese government thinks him a fool, yet they are more than happy to expand their global influence at our expense.

The Darkest Design of Barack Obama
Eric Rush
Friday, January 18, 2013

The Darkest Design of Barack Obama?

The scariest nightmare of all is the hypothesis that tens of millions of “Americans” who voted for Hussein in 2012 thoroughly understand what he is doing and agree with him. A weak case can be made that they were misled in 2008. Not so in 2012.

Jerome Corsi gives more details on Communist land barons moving into America. I know treason is not funny, but a couple of things gave me a laugh anyway.

First: Americans better not lose their guns in case good old-fashioned range wars break out.

Second: You have to love the chutzpah it took to use an acronym that can easily be confused with the Council on Foreign Relations, or maybe a subliminal message is intended:

1. China would negotiate with the U.S. government to create a “crisis relief facility,” or CRF.

China poised to play debt card – for U.S. land
Communist nation could control American land as 'development zones'
Published: 10 hours ago

THe problem is that nobody cares.

President Clinton did the exact same thing, and the only reaction was a big yawn.

Of course, if either of the President Bush's did this they would be screaming for impeachment.
THe problem is that nobody cares.

President Clinton did the exact same thing, and the only reaction was a big yawn.

Of course, if either of the President Bush's did this they would be screaming for impeachment.

To Mushroom: Lots of people care, but it is up to the government to police itself.

Since you mentioned the Bush’s you might be interested in this:

Allowing China to have equity interests in U.S. energy production is a reversal of the Bush administration’s policy. In 2005, the Bush administration blocked China on grounds of national security from an $18.4 billion deal to purchase California-based Unocal Corp.

Obama lets Chinese own U.S. energy resources
Beijing acquiring major ownership in oil, natural gas across nation
Published: 18 hours ago

Obama lets Chinese own U.S. energy resources

Aside from the excerpt —— Corsi’s update shows that Hussein & Company are marching forward; confident the “government” has no intention of policing them.
It’s a lot worse than real estate and technology. Here comes Kerry’s first chance to betray the country:

“John Kerry comes to the position with an immense depth of experience on nuclear, non-proliferation and disarmament issues and he has long supported the risk-reduction measures that the Obama administration has committed itself to,” said Daryl Kimball, the executive director of the Arms Control Association.

“He is going to be a very active and creative force for advancing the president's nuclear risk reduction agenda, which remains unfinished.”

Obama to push for nuclear treaty
By Julian Pecquet - 02/09/13 08:40 AM ET

Obama to push for nuclear treaty - The Hill's Global Affairs

Let’s pray that the filthy sneaks can’t do it behind closed. If they can’t do it in secret just remember that 94 senators confirmed Kerry when it comes to ratifying any treaty that comes out of “nuclear risk reduction” That is less risk for Communist China, Russia, North Korea, and soon Iran.

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