pubs reluctant to put forward their own budget plan

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Republicans still reluctant to put forward their own budget plan -

Republicans are ever-reluctant to pitch their own plan for averting the “fiscal cliff,” instead complaining that it’s time for the Democrats to get serious on entitlement reform.

In what Paul Krugman described Sunday as the GOP’s “Operation Rolling Tantrum,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, took to the Sunday shows to describe how he was “flabbergasted” at the White House budget proposal, which would include $1.6 trillion in tax increases on the wealthy over the next ten years, as well as additional stimulus spending. “We’re nowhere, period,” Boehner said on Fox News Sunday. “We’re nowhere.”

Democrats say they’re just waiting for a GOP proposal: “We aren’t going to negotiate with us,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said last week.

“The president is not going to negotiate with himself,” said White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer, the New York Times reports. “He’s laid out his position, and Republicans have to come to the table.”
We keep proposing plans and passing budgets and the Dems are like junkies just looking for their next fix of tax hikes.

Time for you guys to sober up and pretend you're leaders
Republicans do not is the first step to compromise
Remember when Reagan needed the Democrat Congress to go along with Tax Reform so he demonized and insulted them and refused to deal with them?

Yeah, me neither
Republicans do not is the first step to compromise

Really? Remind us who has publically agreed to considering increasing taxes. Now remind us who has not agreed to considering spending cuts even though they crow about a "balanced approach". That is all you need to know about who is willing to negotiate and compromise.
“But if we’re all striving for a solution, I’m confident we can get there. Mr. President, this is your moment. We’re ready to be led, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans. We want you to lead — not as a liberal or a conservative, but as the president of the United States of America. We want you to succeed. Let’s challenge ourselves to find the common ground that has eluded us.”

Read more: John Boehner:

We're still waiting for Obama to lead. What is his "balanced" plan he keeps campaigning on and on about? What deep and serious cuts has he proposed. To date, all he has offered is to tax wealthy people more.
Boehner needs to repeat that constantly and endlessly. Progs only "Learn" by rote
Republicans do not is the first step to compromise

Really? Remind us who has publically agreed to considering increasing taxes. Now remind us who has not agreed to considering spending cuts even though they crow about a "balanced approach". That is all you need to know about who is willing to negotiate and compromise.

What fucking planet are you living on? Serious question.
Republicans do not is the first step to compromise

Really? Remind us who has publically agreed to considering increasing taxes. Now remind us who has not agreed to considering spending cuts even though they crow about a "balanced approach". That is all you need to know about who is willing to negotiate and compromise.

What fucking planet are you living on? Serious question.

Planet reality, not planet bizarro. Tell us, how are things on planet bizarro? Last week, Obama made a number of appearances discussing his my2k campaign and asking people to put pressure on Congress in regards to extending the Bush Tax Cuts for the middle class while increasing taxes on the wealthy. That is kind of funny since for the last 4 years, he has constantly told us that the Bush Tax Cuts only helped the rich and not the middle class. Now he wants to extend them to "CONTINUE" helping the middle class. Bizarre, no? In Obama's appearances last week where he also kept mentioning a "balanced approach", tell the class how many times he gave any specifics on the spending cuts he was offering in balance? I'll make it eay on you, NONE. Bizarre, no? Like I said, I live on planet reality. You can deny this all you want, but a few simple google searches will prove you wrong. It's all on the record. I'll bet you really believe that Obama isn't going to cum in your mouth and will respect you in the morning. Sucker! No pun intended.
Both sides need to agree to serious cuts to our defense budget, but that is the Republican's sacred cow. While Democrats will need to compromise on certain cuts to entitlements the Republicans seem less willing to come to an agreement on defense. Instead they nominate candidates like Romney who only want to increase defense spending.
Republicans do not is the first step to compromise

Yeah, the administration is completely open to negotiations....

No 'fiscal cliff' deal without higher rates, Geithner says -

Here is what is OFF THE TABLE

1. Extend tax cuts to richest 2%
2. Using the budget negotiations to repeal Obamacare

If Republicans insist on that, they will see the automatic cuts and tax increases take effect

If Republicans want to negotiate, there is room to phase in the tax increases, negotiate on spending cuts, defense, stimulus, Medicare, welfare cuts

It is a massive budget, there is plenty of room to negotiate
Really? Remind us who has publically agreed to considering increasing taxes. Now remind us who has not agreed to considering spending cuts even though they crow about a "balanced approach". That is all you need to know about who is willing to negotiate and compromise.

What fucking planet are you living on? Serious question.

Planet reality, not planet bizarro. Tell us, how are things on planet bizarro? Last week, Obama made a number of appearances discussing his my2k campaign and asking people to put pressure on Congress in regards to extending the Bush Tax Cuts for the middle class while increasing taxes on the wealthy. That is kind of funny since for the last 4 years, he has constantly told us that the Bush Tax Cuts only helped the rich and not the middle class.
Example #1 - This just isn't the case. You idiots made up this talking point. Go ahead and prove this one. You can't.

Now he wants to extend them to "CONTINUE" helping the middle class. Bizarre, no?

Yes, very bizarre. Since you made it up and act as if it's reality. That is bizarre.

In Obama's appearances last week where he also kept mentioning a "balanced approach", tell the class how many times he gave any specifics on the spending cuts he was offering in balance? I'll make it eay on you, NONE. Bizarre, no? Like I said, I live on planet reality. You can deny this all you want, but a few simple google searches will prove you wrong. It's all on the record. I'll bet you really believe that Obama isn't going to cum in your mouth and will respect you in the morning. Sucker! No pun intended.

He's said repeatedly he's willing to make cuts and just wants to hear from republicans what they want to cut. Why can't they tell him what they want to cut? He's made it clear how he wants to raise taxes.

I'll ignore your childish dick sucking references because I realize that's the mentality of people such as yourself who live in a world where you actually believe the crap you believe, where you were sure Romney would win, and honestly believe that Obama hates America or whatever other BS you spew.
What fucking planet are you living on? Serious question.

Planet reality, not planet bizarro. Tell us, how are things on planet bizarro? Last week, Obama made a number of appearances discussing his my2k campaign and asking people to put pressure on Congress in regards to extending the Bush Tax Cuts for the middle class while increasing taxes on the wealthy. That is kind of funny since for the last 4 years, he has constantly told us that the Bush Tax Cuts only helped the rich and not the middle class.
Example #1 - This just isn't the case. You idiots made up this talking point. Go ahead and prove this one. You can't.

Now he wants to extend them to "CONTINUE" helping the middle class. Bizarre, no?

Yes, very bizarre. Since you made it up and act as if it's reality. That is bizarre.

In Obama's appearances last week where he also kept mentioning a "balanced approach", tell the class how many times he gave any specifics on the spending cuts he was offering in balance? I'll make it eay on you, NONE. Bizarre, no? Like I said, I live on planet reality. You can deny this all you want, but a few simple google searches will prove you wrong. It's all on the record. I'll bet you really believe that Obama isn't going to cum in your mouth and will respect you in the morning. Sucker! No pun intended.

He's said repeatedly he's willing to make cuts and just wants to hear from republicans what they want to cut. Why can't they tell him what they want to cut? He's made it clear how he wants to raise taxes.

I'll ignore your childish dick sucking references because I realize that's the mentality of people such as yourself who live in a world where you actually believe the crap you believe, where you were sure Romney would win, and honestly believe that Obama hates America or whatever other BS you spew.

Seriously? How fucking clueless is this administration? Saying that the Repubs have offered nothing doesn't make it so. They've been making offers for the last few years and Obama simply acts like they don't exist. So does the media. And the folks on planet bizarro fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Boehner said the day after the election that we were ready for the President to lead. The ball is in his court. He needs to ball up and tell the American public what his "balanced" plan is. The Repubs have already conceded tax increases. What is Obama going to concede to move the negotiations and balanced approach forward? He need only to look a the 2011 Spending Reduction Act for a laundry list of Republican ideas that he claims he doesn't have. He can google it and print it off the interwebs.

The Spending Reduction Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)
Republicans do not is the first step to compromise

Really? Remind us who has publically agreed to considering increasing taxes. Now remind us who has not agreed to considering spending cuts even though they crow about a "balanced approach". That is all you need to know about who is willing to negotiate and compromise.

OK got me

Planet reality, not planet bizarro. Tell us, how are things on planet bizarro? Last week, Obama made a number of appearances discussing his my2k campaign and asking people to put pressure on Congress in regards to extending the Bush Tax Cuts for the middle class while increasing taxes on the wealthy. That is kind of funny since for the last 4 years, he has constantly told us that the Bush Tax Cuts only helped the rich and not the middle class.
Example #1 - This just isn't the case. You idiots made up this talking point. Go ahead and prove this one. You can't.

Yes, very bizarre. Since you made it up and act as if it's reality. That is bizarre.

In Obama's appearances last week where he also kept mentioning a "balanced approach", tell the class how many times he gave any specifics on the spending cuts he was offering in balance? I'll make it eay on you, NONE. Bizarre, no? Like I said, I live on planet reality. You can deny this all you want, but a few simple google searches will prove you wrong. It's all on the record. I'll bet you really believe that Obama isn't going to cum in your mouth and will respect you in the morning. Sucker! No pun intended.

He's said repeatedly he's willing to make cuts and just wants to hear from republicans what they want to cut. Why can't they tell him what they want to cut? He's made it clear how he wants to raise taxes.

I'll ignore your childish dick sucking references because I realize that's the mentality of people such as yourself who live in a world where you actually believe the crap you believe, where you were sure Romney would win, and honestly believe that Obama hates America or whatever other BS you spew.

Seriously? How fucking clueless is this administration? Saying that the Repubs have offered nothing doesn't make it so. They've been making offers for the last few years and Obama simply acts like they don't exist. So does the media. And the folks on planet bizarro fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Boehner said the day after the election that we were ready for the President to lead. The ball is in his court. He needs to ball up and tell the American public what his "balanced" plan is. The Repubs have already conceded tax increases. What is Obama going to concede to move the negotiations and balanced approach forward? He need only to look a the 2011 Spending Reduction Act for a laundry list of Republican ideas that he claims he doesn't have. He can google it and print it off the interwebs.

The Spending Reduction Act | Republican Study Committee (RSC)

Didn't think you'd actually answer anything I asked. You rubes are beyond predictable. It's people like you that are the reason why the republican party is dying a slow humiliating death.
Partisans don't get it. The cliff isn't going ANYWHERE. It is inevitable no matter what anyone does.

The severity of the recession/depression to come is debatable with respect to what the showmen in DC do.

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