Public Sector layoff in CA


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Cosa Mesa, CA is laying off half its Public Workers.

They are trying to reduce pension costs. They will also be contracting out more of the city services to private contractors.

Mayby WI should have followed suite and simply laid folks off and privitized instead of saving the jobs.

Wonder who would have screamed bloody murder about that??
Cosa Mesa, CA is laying off half its Public Workers.

They are trying to reduce pension costs. They will also be contracting out more of the city services to private contractors.

Mayby WI should have followed suite and simply laid folks off and privitized instead of saving the jobs.

Wonder who would have screamed bloody murder about that??

The UNIONS....
Cosa Mesa, CA is laying off half its Public Workers.

They are trying to reduce pension costs. They will also be contracting out more of the city services to private contractors.

Mayby WI should have followed suite and simply laid folks off and privitized instead of saving the jobs.

Wonder who would have screamed bloody murder about that??

God Damn facist Republicans!!! Oh wait, CA is lead by Democrats, never mind! This is good then. Only Republicans that make financial decisions to cut government costs are facists, when Democrats do it liberals will ignore it!
Cosa Mesa, CA is laying off half its Public Workers.

They are trying to reduce pension costs. They will also be contracting out more of the city services to private contractors.

Mayby WI should have followed suite and simply laid folks off and privitized instead of saving the jobs.

Wonder who would have screamed bloody murder about that??

Gov. Walker may still be forced to do just that. Proves unions aren't above eating their own donut?
Sorry Mods. Didn't realize LilOlLady's thread was the same. Not much in her title to link em.
Mayby WI should have followed suite and simply laid folks off and privitized instead of saving the jobs.

Yeah, that privatization worked SO well for them in the past... Remember Enron? They only bilked, what, 30 BILLION dollars out of the state and caused blackouts and skyrocketing electricity costs... to make an effing profit! You know what I don't understand? Everytime a utility or service is privatized, the cost for the consumer goes through the roof! I guess being good little corporatists, that is the whole point. Face it, municipal utilities are much more efficient and cost the consumer a lot less.
I can speak with certainty here, the Univ. of Cal. system (U.C.) is laying off big time. The survivors have already been furloughed for 26 days a year.

Their individual unions have been scrambling, the UC regents have been playing hard ball.
But some unions have done better than others..;)
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Where are all the Hollywood liberals, who CRY for higher taxes on themselves on behalf of the working man? WHY aren't these Hollywood liberals donating millions to the CA state government to be given to all these workers about to be laid off?

Clooney? Penn? Gerafalo? Damon? Michael Moore? All the rich Hollywood liberals could act on their beliefs, and donate millions of the money they wanted taxed from them to these public sector workers.

God damn hypocrites.

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