Public Disrespect For The President

I respect the office. The man is a bit questionable.

I agree about the office. I question your term 'a bit'. Anyone who deliberately ratchets up 'hate' towards his opposition to create issues so that he can address those issues is scum and does not deserve the honor of leading the country. Fuck him.
The office is worthy of our highest respect. The current occupant doesn't respect the office. He doesn't respect this Nation. He doesn't respect the people he's supposed to represent. His "self-respect" is nacissistic in the extreme.
Bill Maher actually admits committing the same offenses he's accusing others of, just his offenses were directed at a "conservative", white president. The rest are all racists.
obama deserves no respect.

Deserves? No.

Earned? Yeah.

[ame=]President Obama: U.S. has killed Osama bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

But you gotta love..

[ame=]Man Throws Shoes At Bush - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is a U.S. Navy Seal now?
I didn't even think the limp-wrist knew how to operate a BB gun, nevermind personally take out Osama Bin Laden.
I respect the office of the president, which is why I continue to point out he is unworthy of it.

you’re such a hack…and maher? hes garbage.....


Brian Williams and Boooooooooooooooooooooooosh...


Biden points at a black man!!!!!!:eek:Clarence Thomas


obama and Bibi...
Politicians used to have respect for each other, there is no getting around the fact some need to grow up and act like adults.
At least Scott Walker does not act like a 4th grader.
O'Reilly should let Obama say his piece on Fox News without interruption (you can always put it on mute or change the channel for a bit), that is probably public disrespect to the extreme, but Obama has a lot to be criticized for, he's a nice person, but not a good President.
This President stuck his finger in the face of another world leader and the defense of his behavior by the left was instantaneous.

But a State's Governor points at his face during a face-to-face meeting, and the cacophony from the left is instantaneous outrage.

This President takes VERY many vacations and golf breaks, and the left is silent.

President Bush took some vacations at his ranch (clearing brush) and the left derided him for failure to attend to the Job.

President Bush walks away from a staged meeting but goes to a fake door (mugs for the camera a bit) and the left derides him as an assclown chimp.

President Obama flubs basic head-of-state protocol time and time and again, and the left pounces to his defense against any snide comments.

The fact of the matter is: Bill Maher is a glaringly obvious transparent hypocrite. He knows it, too; so he turned it around and tried to pass it off as a joke. :doubt:

It amazes me that folks on the left take Bill Maher's alleged (but actually witless) "humor" as intelligent political commentary.

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