Prove it (or at least provide some evidence)!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.
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1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.
4. Magic? :eusa_whistle:
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

1. look at the economic situation in the 1920s and compare that to the 1930s. Less taxes vs. high taxes perfect example.
2. Name one job created by an entity that does not have capital. You can't.
3. It is true. Economics 101, the government can not create wealth or jobs, it simply removes jobs from one sector and takes it for itself, or redistributes it through subsidies and entitlements. Wealth is only created by the private sector, read an economics book for further clarification. Perhaps economics in one lesson will get you started.
4. So we take in 18% of GDP, we spend 20%. You would rather spend 26% and up taxes than lower spending and lower taxes which will actually encourage and provide an environment for people to create businesses and jobs? Do you have common sense? It sure doesn't seem so.
5. State issue.
6. Most would say liberty is a good thing to have, so yes. How could it not be? You want the government to have MORE power? Give me a break.
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our taxes are historically low on the top teirs.

Our deficit is historically high

Gee it aint rocket sceince guys
our taxes are historically low on the top teirs.

Our deficit is historically high

Gee it aint rocket sceince guys

they're historically lowest on the bottom tiers.. can you spell t i e r s?

you are a class warfare warrior. moron.
our taxes are historically low on the top teirs.

Our deficit is historically high

Gee it aint rocket sceince guys

they're historically lowest on the bottom tiers.. can you spell t i e r s?

you are a class warfare warrior. moron.

Yes of course, we need to have more upward mobility of money. The Upper class isn't UPPER enough.

Tax the poor!
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

1. look at the economic situation in the 1920s and compare that to the 1930s. Less taxes vs. high taxes perfect example.
2. Name one job created by an entity that does not have capital. You can't.
3. It is true. Economics 101, the government can not create wealth or jobs, it simply removes jobs from one sector and takes it for itself, or redistributes it through subsidies and entitlements. Wealth is only created by the private sector, read an economics book for further clarification. Perhaps economics in one lesson will get you started.
4. So we take in 18% of GDP, we spend 20%. You would rather spend 26% and up taxes than lower spending and lower taxes which will actually encourage and provide an environment for people to create businesses and jobs? Do you have common sense? It sure doesn't seem so.
5. State issue.
6. Most would say liberty is a good thing to have, so yes. How could it not be? You want the government to have MORE power? Give me a break.

1. Cant use that as an example because the laws of the 1920's and 1930's are not the same laws in place today. The laws of those era's have already been worked over and all loopholes exploited.
2. Millionaires, Billionaires, and poor entrepreneurs create jobs. Not just the millionaires and billionaires.
3. You should know that what is written in the "Economics 101" book plays out much differently in practice than in writing.
4. Lowering taxes gives the business owner the option of pocketing the money, paying their employees more, or re investing in their business. In reality the worker and the consumer never sees the benefits of lower corprate taxes.
5. Not a state or federal issue. It's nobody's business in a free country, remember?
6. Liberty is a great thing, I wish we had it here in America. We have limited liberty here depending on what special intrest groups get government to do.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

1. look at the economic situation in the 1920s and compare that to the 1930s. Less taxes vs. high taxes perfect example.
2. Name one job created by an entity that does not have capital. You can't.
3. It is true. Economics 101, the government can not create wealth or jobs, it simply removes jobs from one sector and takes it for itself, or redistributes it through subsidies and entitlements. Wealth is only created by the private sector, read an economics book for further clarification. Perhaps economics in one lesson will get you started.
4. So we take in 18% of GDP, we spend 20%. You would rather spend 26% and up taxes than lower spending and lower taxes which will actually encourage and provide an environment for people to create businesses and jobs? Do you have common sense? It sure doesn't seem so.
5. State issue.
6. Most would say liberty is a good thing to have, so yes. How could it not be? You want the government to have MORE power? Give me a break.

1. Cant use that as an example because the laws of the 1920's and 1930's are not the same laws in place today. The laws of those era's have already been worked over and all loopholes exploited.
2. Millionaires, Billionaires, and poor entrepreneurs create jobs. Not just the millionaires and billionaires.
3. You should know that what is written in the "Economics 101" book plays out much differently in practice than in writing.
4. Lowering taxes gives the business owner the option of pocketing the money, paying their employees more, or re investing in their business. In reality the worker and the consumer never sees the benefits of lower corprate taxes.
5. Not a state or federal issue. It's nobody's business in a free country, remember?
6. Liberty is a great thing, I wish we had it here in America. We have limited liberty here depending on what special intrest groups get government to do.

Well, the laws of the 1930's are in reaction to the great depression, they didn't cause it.
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1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

1. look at the economic situation in the 1920s and compare that to the 1930s. Less taxes vs. high taxes perfect example.
2. Name one job created by an entity that does not have capital. You can't.
3. It is true. Economics 101, the government can not create wealth or jobs, it simply removes jobs from one sector and takes it for itself, or redistributes it through subsidies and entitlements. Wealth is only created by the private sector, read an economics book for further clarification. Perhaps economics in one lesson will get you started.
4. So we take in 18% of GDP, we spend 20%. You would rather spend 26% and up taxes than lower spending and lower taxes which will actually encourage and provide an environment for people to create businesses and jobs? Do you have common sense? It sure doesn't seem so.
5. State issue.
6. Most would say liberty is a good thing to have, so yes. How could it not be? You want the government to have MORE power? Give me a break.

1. Huh? You need to explain this in more detail; the 20's were an example of excess, the 30's a period of depression.

2. Small business is not started by billionaires and millionairs; the money is generally borrowed from banks which hold deposits by regular working stiffs (billionaires and millinaires don't keep their cash in savings accounts).

3. The Government created the US Highway system which has has an estimated (CBO) 38% return on investment since its inception. Annual repairs, snow and ice removal, patrol officers, and hundreds of thousands of truck drivers who support restaurants along the way prove you're wrong.

4. I'd prefer lowering spending and raising revenue based on a cost benefit anaylysis not making decisions based on dogma.

5. Federal Issue, marriage is a civil right, "most would say liberty is a good thing".

6. CU v. FEC is anti democratic.
well we obviously disagree, although I do not understand your take on #5. Where is marriage in the constitution? It's not there. Thus, the 10th amendment picks up the slack IF people deem it an issue which has happened.
our taxes are historically low on the top teirs.

Our deficit is historically high

Gee it aint rocket sceince guys
Even if we confiscated all the wealth from the "top teirs" we still couldn't fund one year of gov't.

It aint rocket science.
our taxes are historically low on the top teirs.

Our deficit is historically high

Gee it aint rocket sceince guys

they're historically lowest on the bottom tiers.. can you spell t i e r s?

you are a class warfare warrior. moron.

Yes of course, we need to have more upward mobility of money. The Upper class isn't UPPER enough.

Tax the poor!

tax everybody.. stop the class warfare.. bullshit.or stop begging for mo mo mo
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

Since even liberal economists like Christina Romer have come out and stated that raising taxes on anyone in a weak economy isn't a good idea do we really have to repeatedly have this discussion? The REASON Obama and the Blue Dog Democrats voted to extend the Bush Tax Cuts was that they knew very well that letting them expire would bring our fragile economic recovery to a grinding halt. So why are we rehashing this? What's different "now" from a year and a half ago?

Steve Jobs...tens of thousands of high tech folks making big money at Apple, Sam Walton...hundreds of thousands of people earning a steady paycheck at Walmart and Sam's Club, Donald Trump...every time Mr. Hair opens a new golf course or high rise he's putting thousands to work on the construction and operation of each project, Bill Gates...tens of thousands of high tech folks making big money at Microsoft... Between you and me, Wry? This is one of the dumber questions ever asked.

The public sector can create a job...but in order to do so it has to have revenues from the private sector in order to pay for that job. It's the old...rob Peter to pay Paul scenario...something that seems to baffle those on the far left.

Shrinking government will lower our deficit and keep us from going bankrupt. Having to pay 100% of our GDP in interest on our national debt is a disaster for everyone and we are headed that way fast.

I could care less about gay and lesbian marriage. On a list of what's "important" to Americans this issue is so far down on the list it's laughable.

In that it was a counterbalance to the hundreds of millions that public sector unions have been pouring into election campaigns it was good for America...but in my opinion the bottom line is that we need to get rid of the payoffs from both the corporations AND the unions.
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1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

7. Cutting taxes helps balance the budget

8. Climate change is a hoax

9. Cutting benefits to the poor will help them escape poverty
1. look at the economic situation in the 1920s and compare that to the 1930s. Less taxes vs. high taxes perfect example.

Better example is to compare the '20s to the '60s, which had even higher taxes than the '20s and outperformed it in terms of per capita economic growth by two to one.

2. Name one job created by an entity that does not have capital. You can't.

That does not prove anything.

3. It is true. Economics 101, the government can not create wealth or jobs, it simply removes jobs from one sector and takes it for itself, or redistributes it through subsidies and entitlements. Wealth is only created by the private sector, read an economics book for further clarification. Perhaps economics in one lesson will get you started.

What you've just proven is that you have never taken Econ 101, because no economics class makes any such inane claim.

4. So we take in 18% of GDP, we spend 20%. You would rather spend 26% and up taxes than lower spending and lower taxes which will actually encourage and provide an environment for people to create businesses and jobs? Do you have common sense? It sure doesn't seem so.

This makes no attempt to prove that shrinking the government will jump-start the economy, which is what you were asked to prove.

5. State issue.

Yes. So what? Do you have no opinion on it? Do you agree with the OP? Disagree? If you disagree, do you have proof, as requested?

6. Most would say liberty is a good thing to have, so yes. How could it not be? You want the government to have MORE power? Give me a break.

Whose liberty to do what? The liberty of rich corporations to buy politicians is antithetical to my liberty to have my voice heard as a citizen.

Government is not the opposite of liberty. Inequality is.
6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

I move that this be stricken from the record as immaterial. It does not matter if the ruling is good. What matters is that the ruling upholds the laws and constitution. If there is a problem within our law as it currently exists, then it is the job of the legislature to change statutes and propose amendments to the constitution to make the laws work better for America.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

1) Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)
Created millionaires..
Created taxable income...

A) Bill Gates - Microsoft.. Employees 92,000 (November 2011)
The ensuing rise of stock in the company's 1986 initial public offering (IPO) made an estimated three billionaires and 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft employees

B) Steve Jobs Apple As of September 2010[update], Apple had 46,600 full time employees and 2,800 temporary full time employees worldwide
When Apple went public, it generated more capital than any IPO since Ford Motor Company in 1956 and instantly created more millionaires (about 300) than any company in history

C) Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard Hewlett-Packard - Employees 324,600

All of the above are millionaire/billionaires that create JOBS!
6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

I move that this be stricken from the record as immaterial. It does not matter if the ruling is good. What matters is that the ruling upholds the laws and constitution. If there is a problem within our law as it currently exists, then it is the job of the legislature to change statutes and propose amendments to the constitution to make the laws work better for America.

It is not immaterial, since we are discussing opinions and conservative doctrine, not legal or legislative procedure.

I doubt the legislature is going to be able to do its job, because it is already corrupt. Thus, we must rely either on the second pathway in the Constitution to an amendment (constitutional convention), or on Mr. Jefferson's proposed remedy when a government fails to protect the rights of the people.
1. Repealing the Bush Tax cuts and making Billionaires and Millionaires pay more in tax will kill jobs.

2, Millionaires and Billionaires create jobs (name them and describe the jobs)

3. Only the private sector creates jobs.

4. Shrinking government will jump start our economy (explain how adding thousands to the unemployment roles will benefit commerce, small business and the real estate market).

5. Gay & Lesbian Marriage threatens traditional marriage.

6. Citizens United v. FEC is good for America.

Oh brother...............

That 70 billion a year wont touch the deficit let alone impact our debt. But those costs will be passed along.

Reducing government employment free's up capitol. But that be a bit complex for you.

The marriage issue is to keep the fools distracted, it has been effective with you, you mentioned it.

You want the right to assemble unless the purpose is financial. Got it!!!
It is not immaterial, since we are discussing opinions and conservative doctrine, not legal or legislative procedure.

Then at the very least, it's a straw man. Who ever said that it was "good" for America? I've never seen anyone say "Oh things are going to be better for the country now because of this." The only thing that people seem to say is that they support the outcome based on their views of the laws in question.

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