Proof of sports media bias,censorship and lying.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
The media in sports is just like the mainstream media in their reporting.Bias and full of lies.

Here are two examples of how they lie and withhold facts.

1.Here in KC where I live i was once reading the sports page and saw where Kaufmann stadium where the Royals play was in discussion along with the Red Sox for hosting the all star game that the royals hosted a few years back. I was like WTF??? MLB has already approved Kauffman stadium for hosting the site why are they withholding that fact?:mad:

See I had already known months ago what most people in the city did not that kansas city had already been approved to host it because a sports ticket broker friend of mine who was in the know on these things told me about it. so when the media printed out in the paper a few months later kc had been selected for the next site,that they decided on KC,i was like-you idiots,it was decided a year ago,WHY are you just NOW reporting it to everyone?:mad::cuckoo:

they like to keep a lid on things as long as possible and keep people guessing obviously the assholes.

Then there was a night when the Chiefs were playing a game in Oakland on a thursday night when it was cold and raining.the media here in kc reported that the stadium was half empty with many empty seats.complete bullshit of course.anybody who watched the game as i did,saw the place was packed without an empty seat.:rolleyes:

yet people around here NEVER question the governments version of events of the media when they report what the government says no matter how absurd their explanations are.why is that when they lie in sports all the time as well?:rolleyes:
Here is an example of censorship in the sports media as well.

When the Chiefs had both Elvis Grbec and Rich Gannon foe their quarterbacks the chiefs radio call show hosts were taking calls one night after a chiefs game they were down at a sports bar doing it. I wrote on a piece of paper something i wanted them to read over the air about how Rich Gannon should be the starting quarterback and not Elvis Grbec.

The host of course defended Elvis grasping at straws trying to justify it but here is the thing where it gets really interesting. afterwards I thanked him for reading that on the air for me saying-"I know you disagree with me and everything that is why i want to thank you for reading it even though you dont agree with me."

well here is where it gets very interesting.He then said to me-"Oh no,actually we agree with you." you can imagine my shock to hear that right? He then went on to say this-"See since we work for the chiefs radio network,we cant give our honest thoughts that Gannon should be the starter.we have to defend their decisions the fact we are the voice of the chiefs."
talk about fucking press my ass.:rolleyes:

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