Proof: Lawyers cost consumers $600 billion a year!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
an earlier post complained about a measly $176 billion cost to consumers/shareholders...
BUT a bigger number is the $600 billion in Defensive medicine defined as providing medical services that are not expected to benefit the patient but that are undertaken to minimize the risk of a subsequent lawsuit.

FACTS: Emergency room physicians practice Defensive medicine..
1) More than half (53 percent) of emergency physicians reported that fear of lawsuits is the main reason for ordering the number of tests they do.

Emergency Visits Are Increasing, New Poll Finds; Many Patients Referred by Primary Care Doctors

2) Nine out of 10 physicians reported practicing defensive medicine.
Estimate Defensive Medicine Costs Americans $650-850 Billion Annually
Doctors Practice Medicine in Fear, New Study Finds

ALL because ambulance chasing, Democrat donor $100 billion a year lawyers are the cause of the $600 billion in unnecessary defensive medical services!
And this is still a political discussion because Obama/Congress received over $300 million 2008 alone from lawyers to protect them from TORT REFORM that at least would have lowered the $600 billion a year "Defensive medicine" costs!
Lawyers are the #1 reason cops use pepper spray. They were getting so many bullshit lawsuits when cops used hands-on force to arrest passive resistive people (like the drunks in a bar who refuse to leave and go dead weight on the cop). Videos of cops using force on people go viral. Lawyers are in line to help the "victims" win big bucks.

But OC pepper spray has absolutely ZERO permanent effects, and has never once caused a death. Thus, lawyers have a very hard time finding something to sue over. But when a cops pulls and arm and drags them to arrest, they'll claim a physical injury was caused.

Hate Pepper Spray? Blame a lawyer.
It almost sounds as if you wish the government to put low-end arbitrary values on the lives and health of it's citizens and limit our right to sue for redress of grievances.
It almost sounds as if you wish the government to put low-end arbitrary values on the lives and health of it's citizens and limit our right to sue for redress of grievances.

Also known as Tort Reform?

Yes, I absolutely do. If you spill hot coffee on your damn self, you should not become a millionaire. I know our society has become full of fat dumbasses, but you should know coffee is hot. And you should NOT be able to get rich off saying "McDonalds made me fat".

And I'm all for "loser pays" in civil lawsuits. That would fix most of the bullshit.

Locally, a woman was drunk a drove her car into a boat landing and it sunk. She was texting and didnt pay attention, but she claims she was using GPS and didnt see the dark water in the landing. A boat ran over it the next morning. Cops ran the tag and located her at home. Since it was night before, she couldnt be charged with DUI but was charged with leaving the sunk car in the river. NOW.....she found a laywer and filed a lawsuit. For what you ask? THE CITY DID NOT PUT UP A DO NOT ENTER SIGN to let her know not to driver her car into the river. She wants $1 million, says her life was put at risk.

The city likely will settle and the bitch will get paid 100K so the city wont fork out 300K in lawyer fees.

You think thats OK?
an earlier post complained about a measly $176 billion cost to consumers/shareholders...
BUT a bigger number is the $600 billion in Defensive medicine defined as providing medical services that are not expected to benefit the patient but that are undertaken to minimize the risk of a subsequent lawsuit.

FACTS: Emergency room physicians practice Defensive medicine..
1) More than half (53 percent) of emergency physicians reported that fear of lawsuits is the main reason for ordering the number of tests they do.

Emergency Visits Are Increasing, New Poll Finds; Many Patients Referred by Primary Care Doctors

2) Nine out of 10 physicians reported practicing defensive medicine.
Estimate Defensive Medicine Costs Americans $650-850 Billion Annually
Doctors Practice Medicine in Fear, New Study Finds

ALL because ambulance chasing, Democrat donor $100 billion a year lawyers are the cause of the $600 billion in unnecessary defensive medical services!

feel free to limit liability when they limit the damages they cause.

how much do you get paid per thread? :cuckoo:
The malpractice insurance carriers have been adroit in persuading general medical societies and specialty societies to lobby for tort reform. These physician organizations have viewed lobbying for tort reform as a no-cost (other than the cost of the lobbyists) benefit. While it is true that unilateral tort reform will reduce certain of the costs of medical malpractice litigation, this is at a political cost to physicians. However necessary and beneficial tort reform may be, lobbying for it puts physicians in the position of asking for a special exemption from the laws that govern other businesses. Moreover, unilateral tort reform clearly benefits the physician at the expense of the injured patient.
The cost of tort reform is that it convinces legislators that physicians are no different from other businesspersons. This reduces the credibility of physicians when they lobby for measures, such as increasing the availability of prenatal care, that benefit the public's health. It also increases the likelihood that legislators will see tort reform as a trade for other special favors that physicians enjoy. As physicians lobby for their own parochial interests, they should not be surprised to find themselves treated as just another trade group.

Myth 8: Tort Reform Is the Solution

of course, insurance companies and doctors can lie about the issue to keep people from people compensated when they're injuried.

oh wait... they do.
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And this is still a political discussion because Obama/Congress received over $300 million 2008 alone from lawyers to protect them from TORT REFORM that at least would have lowered the $600 billion a year "Defensive medicine" costs!

You are aware that the healthcare providers make money off all that 'defensive' medicine, right?

You really think doctors and hospitals want less business?
Is anyone here really naive enough to think that doctors want tort reform and lower malpractice insurance rates so that they can pass that savings along to YOU?

The malpractice insurance carriers have been adroit in persuading general medical societies and specialty societies to lobby for tort reform. These physician organizations have viewed lobbying for tort reform as a no-cost (other than the cost of the lobbyists) benefit. While it is true that unilateral tort reform will reduce certain of the costs of medical malpractice litigation, this is at a political cost to physicians. However necessary and beneficial tort reform may be, lobbying for it puts physicians in the position of asking for a special exemption from the laws that govern other businesses. Moreover, unilateral tort reform clearly benefits the physician at the expense of the injured patient.
The cost of tort reform is that it convinces legislators that physicians are no different from other businesspersons. This reduces the credibility of physicians when they lobby for measures, such as increasing the availability of prenatal care, that benefit the public's health. It also increases the likelihood that legislators will see tort reform as a trade for other special favors that physicians enjoy. As physicians lobby for their own parochial interests, they should not be surprised to find themselves treated as just another trade group.

Myth 8: Tort Reform Is the Solution

of course, insurance companies and doctors can lie about the issue to keep people from people compensated when they're injuried.

oh wait... they do.

Using your logic there should be NO restrictions as to suing anyone!
For example, I should be able to sue you for your spelling error "injuried"!

It offends me and causes mental anguish.
When as a child another student "bullied" me because I didn't spell "injured" correctly and since then any time I read "injuried" I have severe, debilitating and complete inability to resume normal discourse ..all because the word "injuried" and the bullying episode in my life!

I'm in mental pain right now because you have created by your lazy action in not spelling "injured" correctly and I am going to hire a lawyer and sue your butt off! I'm going to file a lawsuit for $100 million as that seems fair enough for all future pain and anguish I'll have to suffer because YOU spelled "injured" "injuried"!
I'm not suing you for the money, but the principle that idiots should not be allowed to post comments without first at least checking their spelling!
I'll use a portion of the $100 million to set up a foundation just so future dangerous people like you are taught you can't just spell words wrong and get away with it!

You'll be hearing from my lawyers!
The malpractice insurance carriers have been adroit in persuading general medical societies and specialty societies to lobby for tort reform. These physician organizations have viewed lobbying for tort reform as a no-cost (other than the cost of the lobbyists) benefit. While it is true that unilateral tort reform will reduce certain of the costs of medical malpractice litigation, this is at a political cost to physicians. However necessary and beneficial tort reform may be, lobbying for it puts physicians in the position of asking for a special exemption from the laws that govern other businesses. Moreover, unilateral tort reform clearly benefits the physician at the expense of the injured patient.
The cost of tort reform is that it convinces legislators that physicians are no different from other businesspersons. This reduces the credibility of physicians when they lobby for measures, such as increasing the availability of prenatal care, that benefit the public's health. It also increases the likelihood that legislators will see tort reform as a trade for other special favors that physicians enjoy. As physicians lobby for their own parochial interests, they should not be surprised to find themselves treated as just another trade group.

Myth 8: Tort Reform Is the Solution

of course, insurance companies and doctors can lie about the issue to keep people from people compensated when they're injuried.

oh wait... they do.

Using your logic there should be NO restrictions as to suing anyone!
For example, I should be able to sue you for your spelling error "injuried"!

It offends me and causes mental anguish.
When as a child another student "bullied" me because I didn't spell "injured" correctly and since then any time I read "injuried" I have severe, debilitating and complete inability to resume normal discourse ..all because the word "injuried" and the bullying episode in my life!

I'm in mental pain right now because you have created by your lazy action in not spelling "injured" correctly and I am going to hire a lawyer and sue your butt off! I'm going to file a lawsuit for $100 million as that seems fair enough for all future pain and anguish I'll have to suffer because YOU spelled "injured" "injuried"!
I'm not suing you for the money, but the principle that idiots should not be allowed to post comments without first at least checking their spelling!
I'll use a portion of the $100 million to set up a foundation just so future dangerous people like you are taught you can't just spell words wrong and get away with it!

You'll be hearing from my lawyers!

no, shill... there already ARE restrictions on law suits, particularly in the area of medical malpractice. in most (if not all) states, before a medical malpractice action can be filed, you have to go through a panel and show the case has merit.

it also costs upwards of $50,000 to get a med mal case prepped for trial. people don't generally spend that kind of money if they don't think there's a case.

there are, finally, also sanctions for the filing of frivolous claims.

sorry.... you may get paid to post your nonsense, but it's still nonsense.
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Myth 8: Tort Reform Is the Solution

of course, insurance companies and doctors can lie about the issue to keep people from people compensated when they're injuried.

oh wait... they do.

Using your logic there should be NO restrictions as to suing anyone!
For example, I should be able to sue you for your spelling error "injuried"!

It offends me and causes mental anguish.
When as a child another student "bullied" me because I didn't spell "injured" correctly and since then any time I read "injuried" I have severe, debilitating and complete inability to resume normal discourse ..all because the word "injuried" and the bullying episode in my life!

I'm in mental pain right now because you have created by your lazy action in not spelling "injured" correctly and I am going to hire a lawyer and sue your butt off! I'm going to file a lawsuit for $100 million as that seems fair enough for all future pain and anguish I'll have to suffer because YOU spelled "injured" "injuried"!
I'm not suing you for the money, but the principle that idiots should not be allowed to post comments without first at least checking their spelling!
I'll use a portion of the $100 million to set up a foundation just so future dangerous people like you are taught you can't just spell words wrong and get away with it!

You'll be hearing from my lawyers!

no, shill... there already ARE restrictions on law suits, particularly in the area of medical malpractice. in most (if not all) states, before a medical malpractice action can be filed, you have to go through a panel and show the case has merit.

it also costs upwards of $50,000 to get a med mal case prepped for trial. people don't generally spend that kind of money if they don't think there's a case.

there are, finally, also sanctions for the filing of frivolous claims.

sorry.... you may get paid to post your nonsense, but it's still nonsense.
In 1999, a ground-breaking lawsuit drew attention to the implications of doctors’ handwriting when a cardiologist was fined $225,000 by a Texas jury. A prescription he had scrawled for Isordil, a drug for heart pain, was misread by the pharmacist as Plendil, used for high blood pressure. The patient took an overdose of the wrong medication and died of a heart attack. The total judgment of $450,000 included an equal fine against the dispensing pharmacist. Since then, six American states have subsequently passed legislation making doctors` illegible handwriting a fineable offence. Even in India the court had directed that doctors should write legibly.

YOU'd BE IN DEEP shit... for your spelling!
I am trying to understand some of you with views about "sticking it to Wall Street" i.e. support for OWS and screwing the banks...
YET when it comes to slapping a 20% tax on lawyers $100 billion a year so a $4,000 a year health insurance premium is paid BY lawyers for each of the truly 5 million uninsured you are against it!
Why are you so willing to put the screws to Wall Street/ banks BUT the shyster ambulance chasing lawyers...whoa..stops there!

Are you all paid shills by the lawyers who like Obama/Congress received the 2nd largest campaign amount in 2008 $300 million in the USA?
Did they pay you off also to defend the group that generates the FEAR that generates the proven from the people that are FEARFUL the $600 billion in unnecessary costs?
an earlier post complained about a measly $176 billion cost to consumers/shareholders...
BUT a bigger number is the $600 billion in Defensive medicine defined as providing medical services that are not expected to benefit the patient but that are undertaken to minimize the risk of a subsequent lawsuit.

FACTS: Emergency room physicians practice Defensive medicine..
1) More than half (53 percent) of emergency physicians reported that fear of lawsuits is the main reason for ordering the number of tests they do.

Emergency Visits Are Increasing, New Poll Finds; Many Patients Referred by Primary Care Doctors

2) Nine out of 10 physicians reported practicing defensive medicine.
Estimate Defensive Medicine Costs Americans $650-850 Billion Annually
Doctors Practice Medicine in Fear, New Study Finds

ALL because ambulance chasing, Democrat donor $100 billion a year lawyers are the cause of the $600 billion in unnecessary defensive medical services!

With a lottery justice system they are also that evil necessity.
The high cost of medical malpractice insurance is forcing some New York obstetricians out of the business of delivering babies and leaving some counties without ob/gyns.

A new report by Medical Liability Monitor indicates Nassau and Suffolk ob/gyns pay more than $204,000 in medical malpractice payments.

That’s only slightly higher than the $201,000 paid in Miami-Dade County, Fla., but more than 10 times the amount in many regions such as California, where obstetricians typically pay $13,400. California has a $250,000 cap on damages due to pain and suffering, reducing premiums.

Ed Amsler, a vice president of Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Co., a physician-owned company that insures the majority of doctors in New York, said he’s seeing doctors discontinue obstetrics to cut insurance costs.

Some hospitals, including St. Joseph Hospital in Bethpage, also discontinued delivering babies on Long Island.

“They’re moving to gynecology only and not doing obstetrics,” Amsler said. “We find obstetricians leaving the practice early. They used to stay into their 60s.”

The Healthcare Association of New York State released a study citing physicians leaving New York largely due to high malpractice costs.

Amsler said obstetricians don’t face more claims than other specialties, but the verdicts can be far higher, driving up rates.

He said births of neurologically impaired infants prompt the biggest verdicts. But he said in many cases, it’s not clear whether the doctor was at fault. “The correlation between that and negligence is nebulous at best,” Amsler said.

NSLIJ - High Med Mal Rates Drive Out Ob/Gyns <br> Source: Long Island Business News

It's obvious but many politicians are lawyers. They look out for their own.
At the heart of the legal system is the judicial system - a branch of government which exists to insure that there is justice in our soceity.

Yet, we have in adition to the Judicial system, the legal industry. This industry exists for one purpose - to ensure that justice is NOT served by the legal system.

After all, if the cheif determinant of the outcome of any legal action was innocence or guilt, there would be no purpose for lawyers. Why would anyone hire a lawyer if the oucome was predetermined by whether they are innocent or guilty? If 'Justice' were the inevitible outcome?

There would be no purpose for lawyers.

For this reason that lawyers, unlike almost every other profession, have a NEGATIVE value in our soceity. It may be argued that there is an unfair distribution of wealth in this world, but almost everyone else makes some positive value contribution to soceity. Not lawyers.

Effectively once a legal action has been started the legal system holds the party hostage and only payment to the lawyers - a form of ransom - determines the outcome.

For this reason everyone should consider socializing the legal industry. As is only the wealthiest benefit from this system - they can get away with anything because they can pay off the lawyers. Everyone else is subject to a 'no justice whatsoever' system. The very antithesis of the reason for the existence of the legal system.

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