Proof Bush TAX Cuts INCREASED Revenues!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many times have we heard.."Bush Tax cuts cost revenue..." On the contrary ... here are the facts!

Someone should prove differently with the facts but the facts are
after the Bush tax cuts were in affect FEDERAL REVENUE INCREASED!!!

The tables are here:]Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

I've added the percent loss/growth
  • Year Revenues adjusted 2005
  • 2000 $ 2,310
  • 2001 2,215 - $95 -4.1% ( bust,recession, 9/11 nearly 800,000 jobs lost)
  • 2002 2,026 -$189 -8.5%
  • 2003 1,901 -$125 -6.2% tax cuts start taking affect..
  • 2004 1,949 $ 48 2.5%
  • 2005 2,153 $204 10.5%
  • 2006 2,324 $171 7.9%
  • 2007 2,414 $ 90 3.9%
  • 2008 2,288 -$126 - 5.2%

Average per year revenue increase or decrease per year 0.1% EVEN AFTER bust, recession, 9/11 attack and worst hurricane SEASONS!!!

Swing in revenue from worst loss of 8.5% to best gain 10.5% or almost 19% differential... WHY???

SO then my point is still valid! When the tax cuts went in place REVENUE increased! even more then Clinton's best year!
In fact 2007 was the best in history!!!

And this happened because the Gross Domestic Product increased!
  • Year Gross domestic product
  • 2000 $ 9,951
  • 2001 10,286 $598 6.3% ( bust,recession, 9/11 nearly 800,000 jobs lost)
  • 2002 10,642 334 3.3%
  • 2003 11,142 499 4.7% tax cuts start taking affect..
  • 2004 11,867 725 6.5%
  • 2005 12,638 770 6.4%
  • 2006 13,398 760 6.0%
  • 2007 14,077 678 5.0%
  • 2008 14,369 291 2.0%
If YOU'd like me to explain WHY this works just ask!!!

I'm sure if you are an intellectually HONEST person maybe you'll come to the same conclusion I did... YOU CAN"T TRUST THE MSM to tell the truth!
Come on you intellectually HONEST people... REFUTE the facts that the tax cuts INCREASED revenues! Increased GDP!

And when you increase GDP you increase tax revenue because while the percentages (Bush cuts..) were lowered, GDP grew meaning the economic PIE grew!
Most liberals/anti-business people though are like growling pack of dogs who only see the meat in front of them never seeing the bigger PIE!
As a result most liberal/antibusiness ONLY action is to grab more, rather then work to InCREASE the pie!

If these people would just take the time to look at the math!
A slice of pie that is equal to say 25% of the pie GETS BIGGER if the PIE gets BIGGER!
The % doesn't change... the volume does!
So too in the GDP PIE!
Increase GDP.. and even lower the % will always INCREASE the volume of the slice of pie as long as the PIE/GDP continues to grow!

So what makes the GDP/Pie grow is jobs and consumers !
simple as that!!!
Good luck getting a Leftist to acknowledge that Federal tax revenues, GDP growth and employment accelerated after each and everytime a POTUS employed the technique.
Good luck getting a Leftist to acknowledge that Federal tax revenues, GDP growth and employment accelerated after each and everytime a POTUS employed the technique.

Revenues increase coming out of recession whether you cut taxes or not.

What increased because of Bush's tax cuts were the deficits.

Only spending what one does not have can create deficits.

Didn't they teach you how to run a checkbook in high school?
In 2002, tax experts who had served in the Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton administrations established the Tax Policy Center to provide unbiased analysis of tax issues. The following year TPC developed a comprehensive tax simulation model to analyze the federal income tax and proposals to change it. That model has evolved to incorporate new and additional data, changes in federal tax law, and other aspects of the tax system and the economy....

Some of the Institute’s more than 100 private sponsors and funders include The Atlantic Philanthropies, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.....

At the end of 2004 the Brookings Institution had assets of $258 million and spent $39.7 million, while its budget has grown to more than $80 million in 2009.[55] Its largest contributors include the Ford Foundation, the Gates Foundation, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and her husband Richard C. Blum, Bank of America, ExxonMobil, Pew Charitable Trusts, the MacArthur Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, and the governments of the United States, Japan, Qatar, the Republic of China, the District of Columbia, and the United Kingdom.

Tax Policy Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sen. Jeff Sessions wrongly claimed that federal revenues "went up every single year" after the Bush tax cuts were "put in." Actually, federal revenues declined for three straight years after the first tax cut was signed in 2001. : Sessions Wrong on Bush Tax Cuts

When you take a couple of words from a quote and surround them by a couple sentences of rhetoric, you are obvious perping a lie.

Imagine that.

Sessions was of course talking about what happened after both tax cuts were in place.
Good luck getting a Leftist to acknowledge that Federal tax revenues, GDP growth and employment accelerated after each and everytime a POTUS employed the technique.

Revenues increase coming out of recession whether you cut taxes or not.

What increased because of Bush's tax cuts were the deficits.

Only spending what one does not have can create deficits.

Didn't they teach you how to run a checkbook in high school?

Revenues increase coming of recession whether you cut taxes or not.

What increased because of Bush's tax cuts were the deficits.
Revenues increase coming out of recession whether you cut taxes or not.

What increased because of Bush's tax cuts were the deficits.

Only spending what one does not have can create deficits.

Didn't they teach you how to run a checkbook in high school?

Revenues increase coming of recession whether you cut taxes or not.

What increased because of Bush's tax cuts were the deficits.

Only spending what one does not have can create a deficit.

You have about as much command of this topic as you do regarding the size of Pelosi's '$4.8 trillion' tax cut for small business.

Sen. Jeff Sessions wrongly claimed that federal revenues "went up every single year" after the Bush tax cuts were "put in." Actually, federal revenues declined for three straight years after the first tax cut was signed in 2001. : Sessions Wrong on Bush Tax Cuts

When you take a couple of words from a quote and surround them by a couple sentences of rhetoric, you are obvious perping a lie.

Imagine that.

Sessions was of course talking about what happened after both tax cuts were in place.

Revenues in 2011 were lower than they were in 2001.

How could that be if revenues have gone up every year?
Only spending what one does not have can create deficits.

Didn't they teach you how to run a checkbook in high school?

Revenues increase coming of recession whether you cut taxes or not.

What increased because of Bush's tax cuts were the deficits.

Only spending what one does not have can create a deficit.

If you cut taxes, that's money you don't have to spend. If you spend anyway, you create a deficit.
Hey! Assholes. There is one primary reason tax revenues are down Unemployment. Asswipe has had an 8% unemployment rate his entire first turn. Get ready for ten percent after he raises taxes on the wealthy. Deal with it, cause it's coming. obamacare and tax increases.. job killers.

When you take a couple of words from a quote and surround them by a couple sentences of rhetoric, you are obvious perping a lie.

Imagine that.

Sessions was of course talking about what happened after both tax cuts were in place.

Revenues in 2011 were lower than they were in 2001.

How could that be if revenues have gone up every year?

Here is Sessions exact quote:

'SENATOR JEFF SESSIONS: That’s not accurate, Bob-- Bill. The revenue went up every single year after those tax cuts were put in. The revenue is down now because of the low economy.';contentBody

Destroying your memes with simple truth and fact is simply child's play.


Up your game, troll.
The bills were written that way because the Republicans had only the slimmest of Senate majorities — in fact, Vice President Dick Cheney had to cast a tie-breaking vote to pass the 2003 bill. To avoid a Democratic filibuster, the cuts were rolled into a so-called budget reconciliation measure, which cannot be filibustered. (It is the mechanism President Obama and the Democrats used to pass health care reform.)

But under Senate rules, reconciliation cannot be used for any bill that would add to the federal deficit after 10 years. The “sunset’' provision that called for the measures to expire in 2010 meant that the deficit was calculated as if the higher tax rates were back in place for succeeding years, a step Democrats criticized as camouflaging the bill’s true cost.

Bush Tax Cuts - The New York Times
Sen. Jeff Sessions wrongly claimed that federal revenues "went up every single year" after the Bush tax cuts were "put in." Actually, federal revenues declined for three straight years after the first tax cut was signed in 2001. : Sessions Wrong on Bush Tax Cuts

When you take a couple of words from a quote and surround them by a couple sentences of rhetoric, you are obvious perping a lie.

Imagine that.

Sessions was of course talking about what happened after both tax cuts were in place.

But this deception is an excellent example of why '' is just a fraud and just an arm of the communists.
When you take a couple of words from a quote and surround them by a couple sentences of rhetoric, you are obvious perping a lie.

Imagine that.

Sessions was of course talking about what happened after both tax cuts were in place.

Revenues in 2011 were lower than they were in 2001.

How could that be if revenues have gone up every year?

Here is Sessions exact quote:

'SENATOR JEFF SESSIONS: That’s not accurate, Bob-- Bill. The revenue went up every single year after those tax cuts were put in. The revenue is down now because of the low economy.';contentBody

Destroying your memes with simple truth and fact is simply child's play.


Up your game, troll.

The low economy?

So tax cuts get credit for revenues in an up economy, but they don't get the blame for lost revenues in a down economy?

That's a pretty convenient heads I win tails you lose scam.

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