Prominent Republicans criticize Mitt Romney after leaked video Read more: http://www


Active Member
May 23, 2012
In a skewering assault on her party’s presidential nominee, Peggy Noonan the former Reagan aide wrote that Romney should “peer deep into the abyss. He should look straight into the heart of darkness where lies a Republican defeat in a year the Republican presidential candidate almost couldn’t lose. He should imagine what it will mean for the country, for a great political philosophy, conservatism, for his party and, last, for himself. He must look down unblinkingly,” Noonan wrote. “And then he needs to snap out of it, and move.”

“It’s time to admit the Romney campaign is an incompetent one,”

“It’s not big, it’s not brave, it’s not thoughtfully tackling great issues . . . An intervention is in order.”

Noonan knocked Romney both for seeming like a political opportunist last week when violence flared up in the Middle East, killing a U.S. ambassador and three other embassy employees in Libya, and for comments that emerged from the fund-raising video.

“That’s not the way I view the world,” said Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.). “As someone who grew up in tough circumstances, I know that being on public assistance is not a spot that anyone wants to be in.”

Brown, when cornered by reporters Wednesday, even refused to say if he was still supporting Romney

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, considered a rising star in the GOP, spoke out against his remarks just weeks after giving a rousing speech on Romney’s behalf at the Republican National Convention.

“We have a lot of people that are at the poverty level in New Mexico, but they count just as much as anybody else,” Martinez told reporters.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who said Romney should spend less time fund-raising and more time greeting voters in swing states .“He ought to be running in Ohio and Florida like he’s running for governor and running in Virginia like he’s running for sheriff,” Graham said.

Senate candidate Linda McMahon of Connecticut knocked Romney on her Facebook page.

“I know that the vast majority of those who rely on government are not in that situation because they want to be,” she said.

N.J. Gov. Chris Christie,during a town hall meeting with New Jersey constituents, the governor — a likely 2016 White House contender — made a point of contrasting his own view with Romney’s remarks, The Star-Ledger reported

“I’m the governor of every citizen in this state, not just the ones who voted for me, but the governor of every citizen of our state,” he said in response to a question about Obama’s health care law.

Read more: Prominent Republicans criticize Mitt Romney after leaked video reveals GOP presidential candidate dismissing 47 percent of Americans as 'victims' who felt dependent on government   - NY Daily News

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