Prolongations of powers of the President of the Russian Federation....


Jun 29, 2010
Prolongations of powers of the President of the Russian Federation or elections in 2018.
Creating this theme, I would like to discuss such events as:
On November, 11th, 2008 President Medvedev D.M. has brought in the State Duma projects of laws on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation About change of a term of appointment of the President of the Russian Federation …
It is a lot of a little already for 6 years. Here and a question and why for 6 years. I can notice that late companion Stalin was at the power in a flesh before the death!
Also it is necessary not to forget that the person holds a post of the president always have the right to remove from itself power and by that to shift all responsibility on the prime minister or the person which could execute temporarily power of the head of the state!
Well as it was in 2000 Yeltsin (has transferred) powers to Putin!
Here also you ask a question if the President makes changes to the constitution of the Russian Federation that why it has not made term of 10 years namely 6 years All the same economic to do long terms!
Using skills of school arithmetics 4 + 6 = 10 from here follows 2008 + 10 = 2018.
Here also you will reflect if Medvedev plans (will sustain) to sit two terms that who there will be a following president? Only not it is necessary stick with a finger on Putin it can both the truth good and fluffy but concerning that that it psychologically strong leader + intellectually developed here, I personally am at a loss to answer for the ideological reasons. And who from you can will prompt … As there On Lubyanki learn Humanitarian, Linguistic, and to the Technical education. Though from a daily life many know that in army military people are psychologically broken and moreover a place of that to think, they prefer simply on is simple to shout, it is all contain the Army subordination is called!
Here, these reflexions also push on a conclusion: Really there will be a receiver? Also pay attention to that that powers have prolonged so time that person to untwist and deduce on high posts is necessary!
All the same it is not necessary to forget that under the CONSTITUTION of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION
(Article 81 point 2) can occupy a presidential place the person to which not less than 35 years. So again mathematics: 2018-35=1983 year. It is that of mines year of a birth (receiver) but be not excluded that the receiver can is more senior then a question what for to prolong power if receiver for 4 years it is possible in easy to untwist!
For an example: Medvedev D.A. (the career) has made lifting (have helped) for 8 years (with 1999 for 2007)
Or I am not right?
The conclusion if the receiver is more younger 35 years then all develops power have prolonged that time to pull!
Here perhaps I have expressed the opinion. If at to in that is other point of view express!

1) Who will be the president in 2018? - I think that time will show!
2) And still very much it would be desirable to know And how many to cost the information on the receiver?
Who could be interested in purchases? (On I ask to answer seriously … On the TV about it do not speak and in newspapers do not write here only if at forums can answer so silly question)

Possible on your forum to create such subject as:
The Death Princesy Diany and as in this mixed upped Masons?
The Death Michael Joseph Jackson and кокое deal hereto have a Masons USA?
What is an amicable agreement Masonic Machine and methods her(its) deleting ?
what are afraid the Masons?
С than possible there is Mason?
And much other : )

P/S Masons it is creatures and creatures it is animals!
Masons bad itself see especial Aleksander Vladimirovich from Russia, Moscow

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