Project Veritas: How Widespread Is Voter Fraud?


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Project Veritas

"Through Project Veritas, James O’Keefe brings investigative journalism outside the traditional newsroom and into your hands. His intensive, fully-staffed investigative team will release more explosive investigations, shining the light on corruption, misconduct, fraud and the abuse of power in American society. Project Veritas brings transparency into the back-room deals."

He and his staff have come up with some interesting instances of blatant polling booth incidents of this nation that are not in accordance with correct and lawful behavior at polling places. Here are some examples:

  1. Caught on Camera: electioneering at the Polls - "At this very moment, Project Veritas investigators are all over the country capturing some extremely disturbing Election Day footage.For instance, at MULTIPLE voting locations we caught poll supervisors ON CAMERA telling people not to vote for Romney!"
  2. Rep. Jim Moran's son, Patrick Moran is on tape conspiring to disenfranchise voters in Washington D.C., Virginia, and Maryland. "When approached by an undercover investigator for advice on how to steal the votes of more than 100 people, Moran advised falsifying documents to satisfy Virginia’s new voter ID law. He said, “Bank statement obviously would be tough, but they can fake a utility bill with ease. Moran went on to clarify that, “You’d have to forge it.”
  3. Obama Campaign workers gave advice to undercover investigators on voting multiple times, which is against the law. "This latest footage was gathered over several weeks in Texas and New Jersey. It shows Obama campaign workers, including Organizing for America Regional Field Director Stephanie Caballero, providing material assistance to individuals who state explicitly that they intend to commit election fraud."
How widespread is this deception of voters in the public that elections are being engineered to bolster specific pollsters?

And do you think America can ever have confidence in voting again if this voter fraud is not nipped in the bud?

Edit note: Add Judicial Watch 2012 Election Integrity Project News
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It's widespread enough that Dimocrats will fight voter ID at every turn. They have a good thing going and can't afford to have their applecart upset.
It is not a good thing for America when there is widespread criminal activity in the party that claims it is smarter, knows what's best, practices omerta swindling, cheats anytime someone's back is turned and lies its butt off.

We will have America back from swindlers if they don't quit the criminal ballot-stuffing "voting" shit.
Project Veritas exposes Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Political Corruption.

a quid pro quo relationship between Senator Robert Menendez Video*

"The purpose of this investigation is to demonstrate the clear conflict of interest that exists when an elected representative of the American people is bought and paid for by organized labor," says O'Keefe. "As we demonstrated in July, these union bosses don't have the taxpayers' interests in mind. Their primary objective is to get more public funding for make-work projects to increase compulsory dues and then use those dues to purchase political influence."

*Video is at Project Veritas SEIU2 page.
Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh............... We lost. Unfair. Not American. You can't do this to us. Fall on floor, kick feet and chew the rug. LOL.

What a friekin' show you 'Conservatives' are putting on.

Pimp O'Keefe? So funny...
It's widespread enough that Dimocrats will fight voter ID at every turn. They have a good thing going and can't afford to have their applecart upset.

Democrats need to get over this following the Constitution nonsense.

Wouldn't it be nice if both parties followed the Constitution consistently? Rather than just when it's politically expedient?

Unfortunately, expediency is the trump card in DC. The Court has failed us. The only way to get their attention is to make it politically costly for them to go on as they have.

Which brings me around to why I don't give a rat's ass about voter fraud. Which would you say is worse, occasional voter fraud or widespread voter ignorance? As long as most people are voting on superficial criteria, and swayed primarily through mass media, there's really very little hope of democracy producing good government - fraud or not.
Project Veritas

"Through Project Veritas, James O’Keefe brings investigative journalism outside the traditional newsroom and into your hands. His intensive, fully-staffed investigative team will release more explosive investigations, shining the light on corruption, misconduct, fraud and the abuse of power in American society. Project Veritas brings transparency into the back-room deals."

He and his staff have come up with some interesting instances of blatant polling booth incidents of this nation that are not in accordance with correct and lawful behavior at polling places. Here are some examples:

  1. Caught on Camera: electioneering at the Polls - "At this very moment, Project Veritas investigators are all over the country capturing some extremely disturbing Election Day footage.For instance, at MULTIPLE voting locations we caught poll supervisors ON CAMERA telling people not to vote for Romney!"
  2. Rep. Jim Moran's son, Patrick Moran is on tape conspiring to disenfranchise voters in Washington D.C., Virginia, and Maryland. "When approached by an undercover investigator for advice on how to steal the votes of more than 100 people, Moran advised falsifying documents to satisfy Virginia’s new voter ID law. He said, “Bank statement obviously would be tough, but they can fake a utility bill with ease. Moran went on to clarify that, “You’d have to forge it.”
  3. Obama Campaign workers gave advice to undercover investigators on voting multiple times, which is against the law. "This latest footage was gathered over several weeks in Texas and New Jersey. It shows Obama campaign workers, including Organizing for America Regional Field Director Stephanie Caballero, providing material assistance to individuals who state explicitly that they intend to commit election fraud."
How widespread is this deception of voters in the public that elections are being engineered to bolster specific pollsters?

And do you think America can ever have confidence in voting again if this voter fraud is not nipped in the bud?

You fuckers sound just like the whiney bitch Dems in 2000.

You've become what you distain.

Congrats on massive failure.
It's widespread enough that Dimocrats will fight voter ID at every turn. They have a good thing going and can't afford to have their applecart upset.

Democrats need to get over this following the Constitution nonsense.

Wouldn't it be nice if both parties followed the Constitution consistently? Rather than just when it's politically expedient?

Unfortunately, expediency is the trump card in DC. The Court has failed us. The only way to get their attention is to make it politically costly for them to go on as they have.

Which brings me around to why I don't give a rat's ass about voter fraud. Which would you say is worse, occasional voter fraud or widespread voter ignorance? As long as most people are voting on superficial criteria, and swayed primarily through mass media, there's really very little hope of democracy producing good government - fraud or not.

There’s even less hope of democracy producing good government if we allow our most cherished rights to be hijacked by those seeking only political gain.

Whatever their faults or failings, with regard to this specific issue only, democrats clearly have the better understand of the right to vote.

Rights can be restricted only when there’s a compelling governmental interest backed up with evidence, particularly with regard to a fundamental right such as voting; that evidence is lacking concerning voter ‘fraud.’

Requiring ID of voters already registered where their names appear on the registration log is a violation of that fundamental right, it presumes guilt of all voters absent specific evidence of wrong-doing, and manifests an undue burden in states with restrictive ID requirements, such as a state-issued document with a photo.

If elections officials have evidence a given voter is attempting to commit fraud, then they can address the issue with that voter on a one-on-one basis, otherwise every registered voter is entitled to cast his ballot unmolested by the state.
More past fraud, hard to catch, but a profitless venture, nonetheless:
Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of Massive voter fraud.
"While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme. In a story ignored by the national media, in April a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots. Sowers is identified on an NAACP website as a member of the Tunica County NAACP Executive Committee. Sowers received a five-year prison term for each of the 10 counts, but Circuit Court Judge Charles Webster permitted Sowers to serve those terms concurrently, according to the Tunica Times, the only media outlet to cover the sentencing."

A study conducted by the Florida Sun Sentinel in late October 2008 found:

  • More than 65,000 ineligible and duplicate voters on Florida's registration rolls.
  • 600 dead people on the list.
  • 32,000 multiply-registered voters.
  • More than 33,000 convicted felons who should not be eligible to vote.
  • In the final five weeks before voter registration closed Oct. 6, Florida added more than 2,600 ineligible felons to the rolls. Source: Ballotpedia, Florida
California Voter Fraud

The Napa County District Attorney's office charged Molly Morales of voting twice in November 3, 2009 in an election to fill a vacant seat on a local school board. On March 11, 2010, Morales entered a plea of guilty to one count of voter fraud for voting twice in the November election. She was sentenced to three years of summary probation and will have to perform 150 hours of community service, pay $1,100 in fines and pay $4,080 in restitution to Napa County. The fraud occurred because Morales received two mail-in ballots for the same election. One ballot was addressed to Molly Janice Morales and another was addressed to Molly M. LaPointe. She marked and returned both ballots.

Yet, the bragging demmies are all over the net bragging on how they voted more than one time apiece! Awwwwwww.

USMB Demmies are saying that it's all Republican's fault for losing the election for making Demmies feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel bad. :rolleyes:

Sure it is, Beach Party had your number when Von Ripper called his gang "Th' Stoop-ids." [ame=""]Eric Von Zipper Does It Again! - YouTube[/ame]

You're expecting other Americans to lay over and play dead while YOU vote twelve times apiece?

Isn't gonna happen.

The penalty for patriots who fought in the Revolutionary War to have a say in how their government is administered was often a bloody death.

Don't waste their blood by being corrupt stoop-ids who play like voting too much is a duty. It isn't. Our forbears fought for one-man-one-vote. They earned it.

Do not disenfranchise other voters because you're constipated and want to poop all over the Constitution and everybody who died bringing rightness and freedom to average people.

You're not better than patriots who died so their fellow countrymen could have a say in the government EQUAL TO OTHERS!

Start acting like citizens, not stoop-ids. BAAAAAAAAAD!

/Lectio divinia
You didn't lose because of "Fraud".

You lost becaue people like me who normally vote Republican stopped doing it.
We know DNC headquarters knew the score: Romney was more than 1% ahead the days preceding the election in many swing states. We know messages were given to precinct chairpersons in some states in which 100% of the votes were given to Obama in the worst fraud in PA history. We know excessive votes went to Democrats in areas of Republican majorities where Romney was projected to win by 8-15%.

Fraud is not winning. Directing omerta oath precinct chairpeople to divert votes from Republicans to Democrats is fraud. Directing omerta oath precinct chairpeople to dump Republican votes is fraud. We know that telling illegal immigrants to vote is illegal. We know that voting for other people is illegal. We know that Democrats voting under assumed names is illegal. We know that refusing to ask for identification at the polls is subject to fraud which is being openly solicited by former ACORN employees is still going on in order to accommodate multiple votes.

This squawking about rape and abuse by requiring identification is shinola.

Don't expect Republicans to take what you're dishing out.
It's widespread enough that Dimocrats will fight voter ID at every turn. They have a good thing going and can't afford to have their applecart upset.

Democrats need to get over this following the Constitution nonsense.
One person one vote nonsense? You're nuts if you think you can forever disenfranchise Republican voters by voting multiple times.
Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh............... We lost. Unfair. Not American. You can't do this to us. Fall on floor, kick feet and chew the rug. LOL.

What a friekin' show you 'Conservatives' are putting on.
That isn't the point. The point is Obama organizers knew he was behind and that they needed 10% more votes in every USA precinct to win by 5% or so.

Organizers getting illegal votes by every means available to produce the 10% to do this is something that will cause a huge fight.

You're not going to do this to America because you 'can.'

You're making a joke out of voting that Americans died in wars for.

You want another war over your right to be liars, thieves, slackoffs, cheaters, and freeloaders?

You're going to get it, and you will have to fight us like hell in order to maintain the stench you have produced for the last 4 or 5 elections, and even more.

As long as Obama was out there organizing, he supported this latrine/sewer.

He will pay the price.
Democrats need to get over this following the Constitution nonsense.

Wouldn't it be nice if both parties followed the Constitution consistently? Rather than just when it's politically expedient?

Unfortunately, expediency is the trump card in DC. The Court has failed us. The only way to get their attention is to make it politically costly for them to go on as they have.

Which brings me around to why I don't give a rat's ass about voter fraud. Which would you say is worse, occasional voter fraud or widespread voter ignorance? As long as most people are voting on superficial criteria, and swayed primarily through mass media, there's really very little hope of democracy producing good government - fraud or not.

There’s even less hope of democracy producing good government if we allow our most cherished rights to be hijacked by those seeking only political gain.

Whatever their faults or failings, with regard to this specific issue only, democrats clearly have the better understand of the right to vote.

Rights can be restricted only when there’s a compelling governmental interest backed up with evidence, particularly with regard to a fundamental right such as voting; that evidence is lacking concerning voter ‘fraud.’

Requiring ID of voters already registered where their names appear on the registration log is a violation of that fundamental right, it presumes guilt of all voters absent specific evidence of wrong-doing, and manifests an undue burden in states with restrictive ID requirements, such as a state-issued document with a photo.

If elections officials have evidence a given voter is attempting to commit fraud, then they can address the issue with that voter on a one-on-one basis, otherwise every registered voter is entitled to cast his ballot unmolested by the state.
You expect Republicans to review 100% of the polling places?

That would be too hard. It would be easier to just go after corrupt people the same way they committed their acts--in secrecy and "forgetting". If you push us we could be exactly like you, with dire consequences for your kingpins. There would be no laughing and la-la-la crap in your dunghole.

Unfortunately for America, going through the courts is harder, but we will if we have to. That will mean a lot of you will be going to jail for committing fraud. Do you really want to tie up America while we process cheaters with no respect for the sacrifices our warriors made to achieve equal voting for the common man?

It wasn't easy to throw off the KKK, but we did. We can by the same token throw off ACORN and its henchmen to the US Constitution.
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You didn't lose because of "Fraud".

You lost becaue people like me who normally vote Republican stopped doing it.
We know DNC headquarters knew the score: Romney was more than 1% ahead the days preceding the election in many swing states. We know messages were given to precinct chairpersons in some states in which 100% of the votes were given to Obama in the worst fraud in PA history. We know excessive votes went to Democrats in areas of Republican majorities where Romney was projected to win by 8-15%.

Fraud is not winning. Directing omerta oath precinct chairpeople to divert votes from Republicans to Democrats is fraud. Directing omerta oath precinct chairpeople to dump Republican votes is fraud. We know that telling illegal immigrants to vote is illegal. We know that voting for other people is illegal. We know that Democrats voting under assumed names is illegal. We know that refusing to ask for identification at the polls is subject to fraud which is being openly solicited by former ACORN employees is still going on in order to accommodate multiple votes.

This squawking about rape and abuse by requiring identification is shinola.

Don't expect Republicans to take what you're dishing out.

Romney was never ahead. This is kind of what you guys don't get. the guy was always a pathetic loser from the moment you nominated his dumb Mormon ass.

now you tell yourselves stories about voter fraud, because you just don't understand why people aren't voting for your guys anymore.

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