Progressivism is under attack from all sides!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The ship of progressivism looks like one of those old Japanese WW2 aircraft carriers right now. Planes and bombs coming at it from all angles. The Tea Party, unions under attack, budgets being cut, pacifism towards terror is failing, they are being exposed for their behind closed door Marxism.

This country is slowly, too slowly, waking up to these big government progressives. We're going to defeat it. Freedom will win out.
The ship of progressivism looks like one of those old Japanese WW2 aircraft carriers right now. Planes and bombs coming at it from all angles. The Tea Party, unions under attack, budgets being cut, pacifism towards terror is failing, they are being exposed for their behind closed door Marxism.

This country is slowly, too slowly, waking up to these big government progressives. We're going to defeat it. Freedom will win out.

Maybe I misunderstood you, but the Tea Party has nothing to do with progressivism or the unions unless you mean by fighting against them. You put "Tea Party" in the same sentence so I just assumed you think they are antiamerican or something, which they are not.
The ship of progressivism looks like one of those old Japanese WW2 aircraft carriers right now. Planes and bombs coming at it from all angles. The Tea Party, unions under attack, budgets being cut, pacifism towards terror is failing, they are being exposed for their behind closed door Marxism.

This country is slowly, too slowly, waking up to these big government progressives. We're going to defeat it. Freedom will win out.

Maybe I misunderstood you, but the Tea Party has nothing to do with progressivism or the unions unless you mean by fighting against them. You put "Tea Party" in the same sentence so I just assumed you think they are antiamerican or something, which they are not.

Yeah I worded it bad, I threw in Tea Party as a general term as in how the momentum is swaying us away from progressivism. The TP is the polar opposite of progressivism. Combine that movement with the current move towards dissolving worker unions, budget cuts, less pacifism towards terror, people being frustrated with left wingism in general, and well, the momentum is on our side. We can't let this opportunity slip.
The ship of progressivism looks like one of those old Japanese WW2 aircraft carriers right now. Planes and bombs coming at it from all angles. The Tea Party, unions under attack, budgets being cut, pacifism towards terror is failing, they are being exposed for their behind closed door Marxism.

This country is slowly, too slowly, waking up to these big government progressives. We're going to defeat it. Freedom will win out.

Maybe I misunderstood you, but the Tea Party has nothing to do with progressivism or the unions unless you mean by fighting against them. You put "Tea Party" in the same sentence so I just assumed you think they are antiamerican or something, which they are not.

Yeah I worded it bad, I threw in Tea Party as a general term as in how the momentum is swaying us away from progressivism. The TP is the polar opposite of progressivism. Combine that movement with the current move towards dissolving worker unions, budget cuts, less pacifism towards terror, people being frustrated with left wingism in general, and well, the momentum is on our side. We can't let this opportunity slip.

And we wont let it slip. But things will have to get worse before they get better. The price of gas is going to go up ,and produce will be right behind that, life in America will be very difficult for awhile, but it has to be that way in order to get fiscal responsibility back, and that will start with people being responsible for themselves and not expecting free handouts by uncle sam.
Beginning with Rayguns terms, Republicans have had the WH for 20 out of 30 years. Why does anyone think that giving them back the reigns of powers will change the big governement (big Brother) agenda that both parties seem to lean towards?
Beginning with Rayguns terms, Republicans have had the WH for 20 out of 30 years. Why does anyone think that giving them back the reigns of powers will change the big governement (big Brother) agenda that both parties seem to lean towards?

You have to look at how Many years the GOP has held the white house but had Democratic houses and senates under them to prevent any type of legislation that would have helped this country out from being passed. Heck, Clinton only balanced the budget because he had a strong conservative congress and senate underneath him that forced him to balance it, don't let the left fool you with any other explanation, the proof is in the pudding.
Vote Conservative and don't vote for what the candidates are saying but vote for what they have or have not accomplished in the past. Don't take them at there words, look at there voting records to decide for yourself.
Progressivism is under attack from all sides. This is true. America is waking up to the fact that progressivism is synonymous with communism. Most Americans abhor the thought of a socialist state in this country.
Progressivism is under attack from all sides. This is true. America is waking up to the fact that progressivism is synonymous with communism. Most Americans abhor the thought of a socialist state in this country.

What is progressivism pappa?

The Meaning of "Progressive" Politics

Presumably, labeling one’s position “progressive” endows it with the virtue of being forward-looking, "relevant," while conversely rendering any opposing position backward, "reactionary" – all in all, a superficially more sophisticated alternative to “good” and “evil.” In a public square increasingly devoid of common referents, forward-and-back, much like left-and-right, reveals neither where someone is coming from nor what he’s going after. For the mere honesty of the debate, what we need is a political vocabulary whose terms actually describe the ideas on the table – a proposal evidently more daunting than its modest tenor would suggest.
The man who is now virtually synonymous with Progressivism, Herbert Croly (The Promise of American Life), was himself both the son of a noted proponent of Comtian positivism and the student of Harvard's Josiah Royce, a disciple of Hegel. All of these thinkers contributed to what would become the ethical foundation of the Progressive Movement: a contempt and loathing of "individualism" -- and its political expression in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution:

* Croly: "The Promise of American Life is to be fulfilled ... by a large measure of individual subordination and self-denial."

* Sociologist Lester Ward: "The individual has reigned long enough."

* Antitrust leader Henry Demarest Lloyd: Individualism is "one of the historic mistakes of humanity."

* The Outlook editor Lyman Abbott: "ndividualism is the characteristic of simple barbarism, not of republican civilization."

* Baptist minister Walter Rauschenbusch: "ndividualism means tyranny."

Tells me all I need to know about the collectivist authoritarian nature of progressivism.
Beginning with Rayguns terms, Republicans have had the WH for 20 out of 30 years. Why does anyone think that giving them back the reigns of powers will change the big governement (big Brother) agenda that both parties seem to lean towards?

Then help us get in actual fiscal conservatives.

I have voted Libertarian and Independent in all except one election my entire adult life. Since I live in Texas nobody I vote for wins but the Libertarians get to stay on the ballot if they get above a certain %.

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