Progressive Transitions: Obama's Economic Success


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Welcome to Progressive Transitions, the place that's as real as you can imagine! Today we're going to talk about Barack Hussein Obama's (Praise be his Holy Name) unprecedented economic success!

That's right! He's been a great success! Almost 92% of Americans we choose to count, have a job. A real job too, not like a czar or some make-work project. That's almost 92% That's a big number, kids!

And another thing, we've only had our credit downgraded once -- so far!

And we've set records! Don't you want to set records? Well we do! We have record deficits and Paul Krugman tell us they stimulate the economy, if we didn't have deficits the number of Americans who have a job might fall, and fall a lot too.

Unemployment is not bad either, it stimulates the economy.

So there you have it: we're almost 92% employed, only downgraded once (so far) and are doing all we can to stimulate the economy into submission
Welcome to Progressive Transitions, the place that's as real as you can imagine! Today we're going to talk about Barack Hussein Obama's (Praise be his Holy Name) unprecedented economic success!

That's right! He's been a great success! Almost 92% of Americans we choose to count, have a job. A real job too, not like a czar or some make-work project. That's almost 92% That's a big number, kids!

And another thing, we've only had our credit downgraded once -- so far!

And we've set records! Don't you want to set records? Well we do! We have record deficits and Paul Krugman tell us they stimulate the economy, if we didn't have deficits the number of Americans who have a job might fall, and fall a lot too.

Unemployment is not bad either, it stimulates the economy.

So there you have it: we're almost 92% employed, only downgraded once (so far) and are doing all we can to stimulate the economy into submission

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