Progressive propaganda

YouTube - Generation WE : The Movement Begins...

What are the key words ?
Tolerant ,progressive, collective, economic disparity, environmental disasters, Americas arrogance ,just and sustainable world .

Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong

Eric Hoffer Project - Eric Hoffer Biography

Progressivism=Lets take anything about america that made it special and successfull and rally against it.

Progressives need to be punched in the nose by those who feel the negative effects of their policies.
YouTube - Generation WE : The Movement Begins...

What are the key words ?
Tolerant ,progressive, collective, economic disparity, environmental disasters, Americas arrogance ,just and sustainable world .

Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong

Eric Hoffer Project - Eric Hoffer Biography

Progressivism=Lets take anything about america that made it special and successfull and rally against it.

Actually I'd say ...

Progressives, "We want government to protect us from ourselves, our ignorance and reality. "

Personally all I want from government is to protect me from progressives.
How ironic, they are upset by the very things waves of progressives caused, massive debt, overseas wars and depandance on fossil fuels.

They have the wrong name, it should have been generation pinheads.
This is real astro turfing
They are smarter better educated and more technologically ingenious than those who caused the mess and now they are going to fix it.
With the same ideas than have destroyed the country.
This is real astro turfing
They are smarter better educated and more technologically ingenious than those who caused the mess and now they are going to fix it.
With the same ideas than have destroyed the country.
Reality is a harsh mistress.

They will learn, the hard way it seems.
This is real astro turfing
They are smarter better educated and more technologically ingenious than those who caused the mess and now they are going to fix it.
With the same ideas than have destroyed the country.
Reality is a harsh mistress.

They will learn, the hard way it seems.
They are followed by a generation raised on capt planet .
This is real astro turfing
They are smarter better educated and more technologically ingenious than those who caused the mess and now they are going to fix it.
With the same ideas than have destroyed the country.
Reality is a harsh mistress.

They will learn, the hard way it seems.
They are followed by a generation raised on capt planet .
It gets worse, the generation after thatw as raised on Spongebob.
YouTube - Generation WE : The Movement Begins...

What are the key words ?
Tolerant ,progressive, collective, economic disparity, environmental disasters, Americas arrogance ,just and sustainable world .

Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong

Eric Hoffer Project - Eric Hoffer Biography

Oh the horror! I think it was an awesome declaration, and that its high time and then some old age and treachery abandoned its traditionally held role and used its power to assist youth and skill. Our children deserve a world in which they can realize their full potential.
YouTube - Generation WE : The Movement Begins...

What are the key words ?
Tolerant ,progressive, collective, economic disparity, environmental disasters, Americas arrogance ,just and sustainable world .

Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong

Eric Hoffer Project - Eric Hoffer Biography

Oh the horror! I think it was an awesome declaration, and that its high time and then some old age and treachery abandoned its traditionally held role and used its power to assist youth and skill. Our children deserve a world in which they can realize their full potential.

Doctors back 'right to die' - Google News
I'm not sure what to make of that? I would not consider it progressive. It reminds me of the partisanship of so much of America already - yet another group proclaiming they have found utopia if we only listen. And while I can agree with many of the comments where did this grow from? My wife teaches, and much family and friends teach, these age groups and the common consensus is they are self centered and mentally entitled. In many cases financially entitled as well.

So while several of the values are laudable, do we really need more self centered citizens, isn't that the greed that placed us in our current place? And if the baby boomers did so poorly, they did so in raising a bunch of brats.

Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong
AboutAuthor | Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong | Beautifull
Here we sit in the smoking ruins of the epic failure know as the Reagan revolution, but the fault lies squarely on the people who have been out of power for over 30 years...
I'm not sure what to make of that? I would not consider it progressive. It reminds me of the partisanship of so much of America already - yet another group proclaiming they have found utopia if we only listen. And while I can agree with many of the comments where did this grow from? My wife teaches, and much family and friends teach, these age groups and the common consensus is they are self centered and mentally entitled. In many cases financially entitled as well.

So while several of the values are laudable, do we really need more self centered citizens, isn't that the greed that placed us in our current place? And if the baby boomers did so poorly, they did so in raising a bunch of brats.

Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong
AboutAuthor | Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong | Beautifull

I don't think its self centered for these kids today to have the political sophistication needed to realize their demographic strength and its potential to better the world they, and their own children, must operate in. Nor, while I see it as a sort of generational populism, consider it partisan. I got the impression they were tired of the old arguments and out dated "solutions" from the post WWII era until today, from both "sides." They're looking for solutions, and they are also looking for a true definition of current problems rather than those dated arguments applied to realities they just don't apply to. And they're quite correct in their judgments. We will all be long dead while they look upon their own progeny, answerable for what they did...and did not do to make a better world for them. I think that if we cannot help, the least we can do is get out of the way.
YouTube - Generation WE : The Movement Begins...

What are the key words ?
Tolerant ,progressive, collective, economic disparity, environmental disasters, Americas arrogance ,just and sustainable world .

Generation WE: A Generation 95 Million People Strong

Eric Hoffer Project - Eric Hoffer Biography

Progressivism=Lets take anything about america that made it special and successfull and rally against it.

Actually I'd say ...

Progressives, "We want government to protect us from ourselves, our ignorance and reality. "

Personally all I want from government is to protect me from progressives.

The people you describe are comprised of only one segment: The slackers, but your criticism ignorantly extends to anyone who needs some sort of government assistance in order to survive. Tens of thousands of hard working individuals who don't have the choices you critics obviously have are not criminals or addicts, and are honest with high moral values.

This is why you NewNewConservatives are universally dispised: You lump everyone into one neat little category in order to justify your ideological agenda. It's ignorance at its finest, it's why you were booted out of office following Reagan-Bush41 and Bush43 and why presidents who believed in people first, not party first, were thereafter elected. If OBama is in trouble now, it's mainly because of the shrillness of the rabid right wingers who dominate the news headlines, which of course, eventually leads to a herd mentality.

Who wants to talk about corporate welfare? Billions in subsidies to oil giants who already make billions in profits and don't even need it? Billions in tax credits to health insurers of employer-sponsored policies; revenue lost to corporate outsourcing; subsidies to "hobby" farmers, as well as mega farms. And the list is endless.

At the moment conservatives are screaming about the "share the wealth" philosophy of some liberals who propose taxing the rich more heavily to help the poor and middle class. I don't favor that approach either, but the complainers would have more credibility if they were also attacking the many ways the wealthiest Americans dip into your pockets as well. Corporate welfare is just one of them, and just as many conservatives as liberals vote for this kind of redistribution of wealth.

Corporate Welfare - Redistribution From Poor To Rich
Its all the same progressive song and dance for the early 20th century , "we know better, the future is ours, get out of the way, utopia awaits, if the stupid people would just die already, and give us power and money '.
They are followed by a generation raised on capt planet .
It gets worse, the generation after thatw as raised on Spongebob.

Your igorant little exchange tends to prove you were raised on Uranus. I love "debates" which are 100% rant, and no facts.
If anyone here knows ignorant, its you, as it about 99% of what you post.

Tell me, are you really this slack jawed and stupid or is it an act?
It gets worse, the generation after thatw as raised on Spongebob.

Your igorant little exchange tends to prove you were raised on Uranus. I love "debates" which are 100% rant, and no facts.
If anyone here knows ignorant, its you, as it about 99% of what you post.

Tell me, are you really this slack jawed and stupid or is it an act?

I think you know better. You can dish it out, but you sure as shit can't take it.

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