Progressive Left Wing Liberal Party

The Progressive Lust for Power
The Left's camouflage that hides its real motive.
May 18, 2016
Bruce Thornton

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been talking a lot about “fairness” and “equality” during their primary campaigns. Like most progressives, they pass themselves off as the champions of the ordinary people who are suffering beneath the boot of rapacious capitalists and the plutocratic “one percent.” Give us power, they say, and we will create “social justice” for all the victims of “white privilege” and capitalist greed, not to mention redistributing even more money from the selfish “rich” in order to finance such utopian goals.

Promiscuously displaying their hearts bleeding for the oppressed has long been the progressive camouflage that hides their real motive: the lust for power. Whether they want power to advance their failed ideology (Sanders), or to gratify their ambition for status and wealth (Hillary), in the end it doesn’t matter. History has repeatedly proven that the libido dominandi, the ancient lust for dominating others that lies behind the progressives’ political ambitions, in the end always leads to tyranny and misery.

When progressivism began in the late 19th century, progressives at least were honest about their aim to expand their power over the ignorant, selfish masses. A striking––and prophetic–– example can be found in Woodrow Wilson’s 1890 essay “Leaders of Men.” Wilson rejected the limited executive of the Constitution for a more activist president who has the “insight” to know “the motives which move other men in the mass”:


The Progressive Lust for Power
Oh yeah, you must have missed the massive power grab that the GOP implemented during and after the Civil War... Care to put any real Wilsonian actions toward this progressive accusation?
Was it anything like the dems with kkk or jim crow...
The Democratic party did not start the was started by individuals pissed at loss of war, occupying Union forces and elections of black men to state legislatures...
More people need to learn democrats started the kkk.....
The Progressive Lust for Power
The Left's camouflage that hides its real motive.
May 18, 2016
Bruce Thornton

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been talking a lot about “fairness” and “equality” during their primary campaigns. Like most progressives, they pass themselves off as the champions of the ordinary people who are suffering beneath the boot of rapacious capitalists and the plutocratic “one percent.” Give us power, they say, and we will create “social justice” for all the victims of “white privilege” and capitalist greed, not to mention redistributing even more money from the selfish “rich” in order to finance such utopian goals.

Promiscuously displaying their hearts bleeding for the oppressed has long been the progressive camouflage that hides their real motive: the lust for power. Whether they want power to advance their failed ideology (Sanders), or to gratify their ambition for status and wealth (Hillary), in the end it doesn’t matter. History has repeatedly proven that the libido dominandi, the ancient lust for dominating others that lies behind the progressives’ political ambitions, in the end always leads to tyranny and misery.

When progressivism began in the late 19th century, progressives at least were honest about their aim to expand their power over the ignorant, selfish masses. A striking––and prophetic–– example can be found in Woodrow Wilson’s 1890 essay “Leaders of Men.” Wilson rejected the limited executive of the Constitution for a more activist president who has the “insight” to know “the motives which move other men in the mass”:


The Progressive Lust for Power
Oh yeah, you must have missed the massive power grab that the GOP implemented during and after the Civil War... Care to put any real Wilsonian actions toward this progressive accusation?
Was it anything like the dems with kkk or jim crow...
The Democratic party did not start the was started by individuals pissed at loss of war, occupying Union forces and elections of black men to state legislatures...
More people need to learn democrats started the kkk.....


the Democrats are the party of the three "S"
slavery, segregation and socialism

They have always been racist...

They just changed races this time
There are traditional liberals and then there are "progressives".

Traditional liberals don't have a history of saying the Constitution was written by "rich white slave rapers", or cynically dividing America into competing grievance groups, or telling business owners that they "didn't build that", or comparing anyone to the Right of them to Hitler, or creating "safe spaces" in colleges so that young minds can hide from scary opposing views, or avoiding honest conversation by screaming "racist!", or punishing people who dare to say what they're thinking (in America!), or having a stroke when they see a cross in a public place.

Traditional liberals are open-minded, curious, constructive and decent to others.

The question at this point is how many of these traditional liberals still remain.
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The Progressive Lust for Power
The Left's camouflage that hides its real motive.
May 18, 2016
Bruce Thornton

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been talking a lot about “fairness” and “equality” during their primary campaigns. Like most progressives, they pass themselves off as the champions of the ordinary people who are suffering beneath the boot of rapacious capitalists and the plutocratic “one percent.” Give us power, they say, and we will create “social justice” for all the victims of “white privilege” and capitalist greed, not to mention redistributing even more money from the selfish “rich” in order to finance such utopian goals.

Promiscuously displaying their hearts bleeding for the oppressed has long been the progressive camouflage that hides their real motive: the lust for power. Whether they want power to advance their failed ideology (Sanders), or to gratify their ambition for status and wealth (Hillary), in the end it doesn’t matter. History has repeatedly proven that the libido dominandi, the ancient lust for dominating others that lies behind the progressives’ political ambitions, in the end always leads to tyranny and misery.

When progressivism began in the late 19th century, progressives at least were honest about their aim to expand their power over the ignorant, selfish masses. A striking––and prophetic–– example can be found in Woodrow Wilson’s 1890 essay “Leaders of Men.” Wilson rejected the limited executive of the Constitution for a more activist president who has the “insight” to know “the motives which move other men in the mass”:


The Progressive Lust for Power
Oh yeah, you must have missed the massive power grab that the GOP implemented during and after the Civil War... Care to put any real Wilsonian actions toward this progressive accusation?
Was it anything like the dems with kkk or jim crow...
The Democratic party did not start the was started by individuals pissed at loss of war, occupying Union forces and elections of black men to state legislatures...
More people need to learn democrats started the kkk.....
And repubs were left out and joined later..Ol' Trump's Pop was a KKK member, and was arrested during a parade....Good old fashion Christian soldiers...
Trump Beats Elizabeth Warren Among Women
February 15, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Bad news for the left. America doesn't share their deranged crush on Elizabeth Warren. Where they see a millionaire vanguard of the "You didn't build that" non-working class revolution, everyone else sees an even more unpleasant and less likable version of Hillary Clinton.

Even Massachusetts voters would prefer someone else to run. Nationally, Trump beats Warren 42 to 36 in a presidential election. But that's not the most hurtful part.

This is.

Warren performs far worse against Trump than a generic Democrat.

Progs will be tempted to cry that most of the country doesn't know her. But this was when the media was lovingly lavishing attention on Warren for her Senate tantrum. Furthermore even an unknown Democrat performs far better than she does.

This isn't news to anyone who has been following her polls. In the lefty echo chamber, Warren can do no wrong. But the public doesn't like her.

And there's plenty of fun in the crosstabs.


So Senate Republicans know what they're doing when they're making Warren into the face of the opposition. They're helping the left drive the Democrats over a Warren cliff.

Trump Beats Elizabeth Warren Among Women
March 9, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

These numbers are unsurprising. They go hand in hand with the general polarization. The vanishing middle. Free speech requires a middle. It requires the belief that we can ultimately talk things out and get along. That belief is vanishing. And nowhere is its decline more obvious than on the college campus.


What we're seeing now, the violent riots and physical attacks, are a symptom of an illiberal society. Having a First Amendment is nice. It's a great statement of principles. But laws depend on culture. A society that culturally rejects Freedom of Speech won't have it. It will find various ways to deny it. But when there's a will, there's a way.

We are becoming a tribal society. That doesn't just eliminate speech. It eliminates any and every consensus, including democratic elections (note that Trump is the second of the last two Republican presidents, both of whose elections were deemed illegitimate) and moral codes. Throw away the consensus and all that's left is force. If you don't like a speaker, shut him down by any means.

This is a symptom. And it ought to be worrying us a lot more than it is.

Our Illiberal Society
An Internet platform for anti-Semitism & anti-Americanism.
April 17, 2017

Discover The Networks


Closely allied with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), EI not only refers to Israel’s creation in 1948 as Al Nakba (Arabic for The Catastrophe), but claims that “the … Nakba is ongoing” even to this day. Articles published by EI routinely smear Israel as a “racist” nation that practices “apartheid” and targets its Palestinian neighbors with all manner of “atrocities” such as “ethnic cleansing,” “genocide,” “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” “extermination,” “human rights violations,” “state terrorism,” and “massacres.”

EI strongly supports the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement, a Hamas-inspired initiative that aims to use various forms of public protest, economic pressure, and court rulings to advance the Hamas agenda of permanently destroying Israel as a Jewish nation-state.


The Electronic Intifada is a classic embodiment of what David Horowitz has dubbed “The Unholy Alliance” between the radical Left and radical Islam. Radical Islam seeks to promote societal purification and “social justice” by means of jihad, or holy war, whose highest ideal is martyrdom achieved while attempting to conquer evil worldly powers like the United States and Israel – the Great Satan and the Little Satan, respectively. The radical Left similarly advocates revolution – be it of a political, social, or violent nature – as a means of punishing so-called “oppressor” nations like America and Israel.

Central to both radical Islam and the radical Left is an inclination to overthrow the existing order and create a paradise on earth, whether that paradise be based on Sharia Law or on socialist economic principles. Western leftists may find the bigotry and intolerance of Islamic radicals repugnant, but their desire to rid the world of U.S./Israeli “imperialism” and “racism” overrides this revulsion and thus beckons them to forge the unholy alliance.

The Electronic Intifada

What the left don't understand is when islam is finished using them their going to cut the lefts head off and all their affiliates...
Saving America by hating everyone.
April 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


But the left’s faith in the power of its contempt has nothing to do with its tactical effectiveness.

The left remains convinced that Jon Stewart brought down Bush and Tina Fey brought down Palin because ridiculing the right isn’t just an ugly tactic. Instead it carries an almost religious meaning. Mocking Republicans can save us. Every ideology expresses its superiority through its own triumphalism. Sneering is the left’s own invocation of its own superiority. These are the grown up politics of kids who were convinced that they were better than everyone else because they looked down on them.

Much as Allahu Akbar denotes the superiority of the Muslim and the inferiority of the non-Muslim, the knowing smirk, the lifted eyebrow and the braying laugh of the audience when the unironic applause sign flashes is the prayer of the progressive to the cruel little god of his own ego.

The ritual is tribal. A lefty dons the mock wig of the hated enemy and is ritually humiliated for the entertainment of the tribes of Manhattan, Berkeley and Marin County. The foe is destroyed in effigy. The video of his destruction is virally spread with titles such as, “Saturday Night Live Destroys Trump”.


The Left’s Culture of Contempt
May 3, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Yes this comes from Salon. And Salon is competing hard to be the craziest lefty clickbait site. Half its articles look like some rambling lunatic's blog. But what they're serving up here is Timothy Snyder. Snyder's historical works are poor and muddled. Like many modern historians, he practices a kind of Voxian revisionism which doesn't so much dig up history as try to find a hot take on it. After two books on WW2 and the Holocaust, which have their own problems, Snyder is straight up throwing red meat to the crazy left. Except that the entire left is crazy now.

Here's what we're dealing with.


That would make Timothy Snyder a fascist. But why quibble.

We have people preaching a civil war in the name of combating fascism. And then claiming that President Trump incites violence.

This Is How Insane the Left is Becoming
The Origins of Leftist Racial Orthodoxy

May 31, 2012 By Michael Filozof

If "diversity" is good, why do liberals congregate in lily-white enclaves like Vermont (the whitest state in the Union, according to the Census) and Marin County, California? White liberals hector others incessantly about the need for "diversity," but most have no interest in living in neighborhoods with large numbers of blacks. The ideal society in the liberal mind always seems to be a Scandinavian socialist one (which is to say that liberals strive to make the U.S. more like some of the most uniformly white nations in the world).

The liberal enforcers of racial correctness are quick to decry the evils of racism, yet they are quite willing to practice it themselves in the form of affirmative action -- and they are strangely silent when blacks engage in "hate crimes" against whites. Conservatives have been increasingly willing to point out these and other hypocrisies of our racial orthodoxy, but they invariably fail to understand its true origins.

What drives our contemporary racial orthodoxy? Many conservatives mistakenly believe that liberals obsessed by race are afflicted with "white guilt." Not so. The truth about racial matters in the U.S. is this: racial issues are not actually about race. In the hands of the progressive left, race is a tool used by powerful whites against other whites; specifically, race is a weapon used by liberals to bludgeon conservatives and delegitimize conservative, patriotic values.

But it has not always been so.

Prior to World War II, progressives and leftists -- like Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger -- viewed blacks as inferior human scum who should be eliminated through eugenic hygiene. But after World War II, "progressive" thinking about race underwent an astonishing metamorphosis. The American left forged a strategic alliance with blacks, using race to attack the core values of an American society they had now come to despise as the ultimate evil.


The White Negro is perhaps the most important work of literature in postwar America. It provided a blueprint for the cultural revolution of the 1960s, and in hindsight, it explains nearly all left-wing, anti-conservative behavior since. If blacks were social outcasts in American life, then the white enemies of traditional American values would align with them. An immoderate drunk like the late Sen. Edward Kennedy -- who was kicked out of Harvard for cheating, then killed a young girl he was presumably cheating on his wife with, and got away with it -- could not possibly point the finger at blacks and tell them to be honest, chaste, and sober. He could, however, falsely accuse Judge Robert Bork of wanting blacks to "sit at segregated lunch counters" to deflect attention from his own behavior. And it worked. (Today, following the same "enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy, leftists align themselves with Islamic terrorists and radicals, under whose rule they would never actually want to live.)


Left-wing racial rhetoric about "fairness" and "equality" and "non-discrimination" has been used to conceal a subterranean leftist agenda of anti-Americanism and anti-conservatism for over fifty years. Conservatives persist in stupidly taking this rhetoric at face value; hence, they always find themselves on the racial defensive.

Conservatives need to stop being suckered by this leftist con game, and they need to do it before November.

Read more: Articles: The Origins of Leftist Racial Orthodoxy
They do suffer from white guilt.

They are literally a bunch of cucks.
May 30, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


It's important to address the level of hatred. And the consequences which that hatred can have. And to recognize that this is not some unique phenomenon associated with President Trump. We've seen this circus of hate make the rounds before with fantasies about killing President Bush. It's not about Trump. It's about the innate extremism of the left.

And until Democrats recognize that, they will be sleepwalking into escalating violence.

The Kathy Griffin Beheading Photo is the Inevitable Outcome of Trump Hate
Can a Conservative Conduct an Orchestra?
The left's campaign to purge a conservative voice from the music community.
August 1, 2017
Dennis Prager

Most Americans are at least somewhat aware of what is happening at American (and European) universities with regard to conservative speakers. Universities disinvite conservative speakers, never invite them or allow the violent (or threatened violent) prevention of them. No non-left-wing idea should be permitted on campus.

But we may have hit a new low.


For those not up to date on concert halls, the Walt Disney Concert Hall, which opened less than 15 years ago, is one of the preeminent concert halls of the world. Being invited to conduct a superb orchestra at that hall is one of the great honors of my life.

However, about a month ago, a few members of the orchestra, supported by some Santa Monica city officials, decided to lead a campaign to have me disinvited.

As I said, this is a new low for the illiberal left: It is not enough to prevent conservatives from speaking; it is now necessary to prevent conservatives from appearing even when not speaking. Conservatives should not even be allowed to make music.


Can a Conservative Conduct an Orchestra?

What really lies behind the widespread desecration of statues and memorials.
August 21, 2017

Dawn Perlmutter


Iconoclasm is generally defined as the destruction of sacred images, usually for religious or political motives. America is experiencing an epidemic of iconoclasm and it did not begin in Charlottesville. For several years there have been numerous incidents of vandalism of Confederate statues, fallen officer memorials, and veterans’ monuments. The widespread desecration of statues and memorials throughout the country directly corresponds to the increase in anarchist, socialist, communist, anti-police, anti-government and anti-Trump movements.

Throughout history and across cultures, regime change always begins and ends with the destruction and removal of symbols. Iconoclasm is one of the most powerful strategies for cultural revolution. From the French Revolution to the Bolshevik Revolution to the Islamic State, regime change has been accompanied by the destruction of statues, paintings, monuments, sacred objects and other symbols identified with the previous government.

The first wave of contemporary American iconoclasm began in June 2015 after the mass murder of nine parishioners at the historically black Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina. A widely circulated photo of the self-identified white supremacist, Dylann Roof, holding a gun and a confederate flag definitively linked confederate symbols to white supremacist violence. Subsequently any and all things Confederate were designated as undeniable symbols of racism. Black nationalist, socialist and communist groups began organizing campaigns against Confederate flags and statues that they perceive as symbols of slavery, injustice, racial oppression and white supremacy.


AMERICAN ICONOCLASM: The Destruction of Sacred Images

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