Produce your birth certificate obama


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Maybe Obama is hiding something that is on his birth certificate that is personal and he don’t want anyone to see but I bet it is not his birth place.

Birth announcements in the paper are usually posted days after birth. Deaths and births are usually announced once a week in the paper. Not daily, Mr. Trump. "I want to know"? Who the hell do you thing you are?

Woopie was right no other president has been hounded as much as Obama has about their birth place. Furthermore, if he was not born in this country, any high school student can forge a birth certificate with a seal that cannot be detected as a forgery. Illegal aliens do it all the time.

“It’s odd that he will not produce his birth certificate” I have seen the birth announce in the paper and it is only produced by the hospital. And that is not a forgery for the 1960s. That is public records and papers in in archives.

I have seen copies on the internet. He said he was born in Hawaii and that’s good enough for me. I don’t believe he could be so stupid to think he could run for president and not be a natural born citizen.

I do believe he may have something to hide and it is very personal and no amount of prodding will get him to produce it. And he may not have anything personal to hide and just love to keep radical right wingers squirming. He is probably laughing his ass off at them.

Public figures have gone to extreme length to hide personal information. Ensign, Edwards, Clinton, Bush and too many more to name.

If I was Obama, I would not release it either, even if there was nothing to hide.

This is a dead issue and you people need to stop digging it up and beating it to death over and over.

Get the f*** over it already.

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