Problem - Reaction - Solution: the globalist's modus operandi

America is un doubtedly becoming more and more "security oriented", is that not correct?

In this frenzy to be protected from the terrorist that is hiding in the closet and underneath your bed at night, our freedom and privacy is being incrementally handed over in exchange for security.

"HOUSTON Houston's police chief is suggesting putting surveillance cameras in apartment complexes, downtown streets and even private homes."

A bad twighlight zone, a horrifying novel or movie portraying a futuristic despotic nation?

No, this is right here in America.

Read the AP article here (Link)

As they walk into the building, they briefly stop to stare into an iris scanning machine, and the mechanized door opens, after a computer's voice says "Thank you, you may now proceed."

A prison, perhaps?

No, a public elementary school.

Read the article here

Talking cameras shouting orders at citizens, saying "Stop! this is a restricted area, and your photograph was just taken!"

A scene from George Orwell's 1984?

No, again, right here in America.

Watch the video report here

Maybe this is too traumatic for you, but have no fear!

A pill to fade traumatic memories? Doctors are working on it!


"Suppose you could erase bad memories from your mind. Suppose, as in a recent movie, your brain could be wiped clean of sad and traumatic thoughts.

That is science fiction. But real-world scientists are working on the next best thing. They have been testing a pill that, when given after a traumatic event like rape, may make the resulting memories less painful and intense."

Just a few examples of the kind of news i see every day, but I think that we should just forget about things like this, I mean, who cares about our freedoms. Ive heard rumors that there was a piece of paper called a constitution that protected rights, but I don't really understand it, you know, becuase our overlords give us everything now. They say if I question the measures they take it aids the enemy, and if we let the enemy win they will take our freedom away. Well, i gotta go, the alarm is sounding for the lockdown, i need to get my papers in order!
And you have a bank card. Did you know the government tracks your spending and your where-abouts every time you swipe your card?

Cameras at intersection so they can follow you around.

Dude - you are on a computer! What are you doing? Everything you type goes to the grand-poobah computer at NSA.

Everytime you type the words, "America" or "Terrorist" or "Security" (plus 100's of other words), those posts are flagged for immediate review. Once someone reads them, they radio to their agents who put you under immediate surveillance.

I know this. I used to work at NSA.

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