???Pro-life Atheists???

But it's occupying another, just as valid body. If that other body wants no part of it then it's got no business being there. Too bad. Those are the facts of life.

Life > Convenience.

I happen to find your existence quite inconvenient and your presce3nce in my routine life quite unpleasant...
This is MY body.
Your body's not at issue. Another human life is. If you didn't want to have a kid, you should've used BC and been responsible. Time to grow the fuck up.

I apply that argument to everything. I am responsible for what I do, no 1 else.

Then you oppose all law and are the biggest fool of all. I recommend moving to central Africa if you want ton know how your idea works out. ;)

Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? I've stated repeatedly that I would not have an abortion. But just because I don't plan on using a right doesn't mean I'm giving them away because it bothers someone else that I might use it.
This might be the only thing we agree on! I'm not an atheist, but I also hate when someone implies that my stance against abortion is due to religious beliefs. To me it's simply a matter of right and wrong, and killing your baby is wrong. It has nothing to do with religion at all. I would feel the same way about it if I weren't religious. I've never understood what was so difficult to understand about that, but a lot of people seem to not understand it.

It's the language you use. 'Right and wrong' do not exist, but are rerligious terminology used to refer to moral absolutes that are3 imaginary and non-existent.

They are not religious terminology and they do exist. I never said they were absolutes, there are varying shades of each, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist. Most people are born with a conscience that tells them what is right and wrong that doesn't stem from society or religion.
They are not religious terminology and they do exist.

Demonstrate that any moral values exist. Only religion can truly make any such claim.

Most people are born with a conscience that tells them what is right and wrong.
Incorrect, they are born with instictual aversions to behaviors that inhibit reproduction of the species and natural impulses (such as eating , avoiding predators, and altruism) that have been selected for by evolution. To then claim that any of these are 'good' or attempt to assign moral values to them is to commit the naturalistic fallacy, by assuming that what is 'natural' (which would include infanticide and rape) is 'good' simply because it is natural.
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Do you have trouble with reading comprehension?

You said that one's actions are noone else's concern. That is an anarchic argument against all laws, ethics, and social order. Do try to think before you post ;)

No it isn't. Not all laws are just. Your ethics might not be my ethics. No 1 else gets to dictate to me how I should behave. If I suffer the consequences of that behavior it's my problem whether those consequences are going to jail or answering to God, but it's my business and no 1 else's.
You're trying to backpedal. You said you apply that argument not everything- thus, all laws should be cast aside. You can

A) Retract your moronic assertion and attempt a different argument
B) leave, and be known a fool
C) Keep backpedaling and trying to change what you said and look like an even greater fool.

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