Pro Expatria!


Live, Love, Laugh.
Dec 30, 2011
Shanghai, China
Pro Expatria! Or loosely translated, "for the life of living abroad." Whether a traveler, tourist, on the run from creditors, or mostly, wanting to stretch your dollar in your retirement years, lets share tips on living abroad. Outside the military and foreign service, 3 million Americans can't be wrong! Circle in and share your tips for living the good life as an American overseas. I'll go first.

1. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. No matter whether you are in Mogadishu on the run or in Kuala Lampur, if you can get access to an internet connection, you can stay in touch with everyone you want. Just get your friends lined up and go from there. One quick message from here or there, and it is out there.

***For those on the run, hiding from collectors, or whoever, and I don't recommend this, *winks* you can use it for the opposite. Simply download a National Geographic photo from the opposite corner of the world from where you are, resize it on Paint on your laptop, then post it on Facebook with a line like..."Victorian Falls. Heavenly. Wish you were here!"

Share your tips for living the good life as an American wanting to stretch the dollar overseas.
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