Pro choice people unite


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
If you believe it's your right to have an abortion post your nick here if you've had an abortion. You should not be ashamed if you believe it's your right.

And men post your nick if your girlFriend or wife had an abortion.

Be proud.
No offense misty but abortion is legal and maybe someday the brave new world or liberal eugenics can make post birth abortion legal. It seems to me as a man that the best thing for a woman's mental health is to try to put the death of her unborn out of her mind. Being proud of it sounds kind of creepy for a woman and sleazy for a man.
so misty are you ready to reveal your total medical history to everyone.....are you aware that in medical terms abortion applies to miscarriages....are you asking women who miscarried to post that....
If you believe it's your right to have an abortion post your nick here if you've had an abortion. You should not be ashamed if you believe it's your right.

And men post your nick if your girlFriend or wife had an abortion.

Be proud.

what is the purpose of this thread?

did you think it was smart or cute when you started it?

do you think people are gonna reveal their medical history so the board can have at them?
If you believe it's your right to have an abortion post your nick here if you've had an abortion. You should not be ashamed if you believe it's your right.

And men post your nick if your girlFriend or wife had an abortion.

Be proud.

There is no ‘right’ to an abortion, there is a right to privacy, and in the context of that right to privacy the state may not enact a law which manifests an undue burden to a woman seeking an abortion. See: Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992).

Citizens are not required to justify the exercising of a Constitutional right, and the right to privacy places an important restriction on the power of the state.

Otherwise, no one is ‘pro abortion,’ everyone agrees it’s a practice which must be ended; the conflict rests as to the solution.
(((((((((SB))))))), We were lucky: I was able to have our son.

Between one-third and one-half of ALL conceptions end in miscarriage, aka 'spontaneous abortion'.

I did not vote in the '88 election because I couldn't stand long enough in the polling booth to punch my ballot.....
stats dont help a bit when its a wanted child.....not a bit...nor do they help when its an unwanted child...forcing women to bear children they do not want or desire is simply forcing a child into a life of hell...

i do not understand how pro birthers can put their infamous bumpersticker on their car

"if you cant feed 'em, dont breed 'em"

you always know the asshole with that sticker is pro birth and that is it....
(((((((((SB))))))), We were lucky: I was able to have our son.

Between one-third and one-half of ALL conceptions end in miscarriage, aka 'spontaneous abortion'.

I did not vote in the '88 election because I couldn't stand long enough in the polling booth to punch my ballot.....

i wished all children were as wanted and loved as that child of your must have been....

and i am sorry for the renewed pain that fuckwad misty caused you trying to make some point ...which is still not understood and i am still waiting for her medical history
I've never had an abortion. And never would.

Where are the proud names of those who used their rights to kill an innocent life.
so misty are you ready to reveal your total medical history to everyone.....are you aware that in medical terms abortion applies to miscarriages....are you asking women who miscarried to post that....

Purposely killing your baby is not the same as a miscarriage
One reason. Women who have abortions choose it. Women who miscarry, grieve. It wasn't their choice.
Misty, I'm glad you're not ashamed to have had an abortion. It's a very personal choice, and I don't think anyone who makes it should be ashamed of their decision.

Fuck you. I would never kill a baby. You whore
i am so sorry to hear that mhunterb....i hope you were able to have kids after that.....

losing a child is never easy

You literally make me sick with your fake hypocrisy. I tried but you're an idiot.
My ex wanted our first child sucked from her uterus.

She also ate a bottle of Tylenol PM when she was 2 months into the infestation.

May not earn me the stripes to post here but that just too fucking bad.
Misty, I'm glad you're not ashamed to have had an abortion. It's a very personal choice, and I don't think anyone who makes it should be ashamed of their decision.

Fuck you. I would never kill a baby. You whore

What is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head one too many times as a baby? Why are you such a drama queen?

Starting a thread demanding women who have had an abortion post about it so you can spit on them is one of the most pathetic calls for attention I've ever seen.
It seems to me that pro choicers want abortions, but they can't live with the shame.

"Pro Choice" is a term of blanketed disguise. It's meant to separate reality in order to assuage the psyche. Sort of like compensating shame, or guilt.

Nowhere else in nature does the female of a species selectively elect to cause the knowledgable cessation of its offspring.

But then, neither birds nor bees have a government to validate their conveniecnes.
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