Pro abortion and Nazism


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
First, let us briefly look at the United States. It was in this country that the eugenics movement really became established. In 1910, the first major eugenic research institution, the Eugenics Records Office, was founded and in 1923, the American Eugenics Society was formed, with branches in 29 states by the end of the decade. By 1928 there were 376 college courses on eugenics, and the subject found its way into high school texts by the mid-1930's.(4) While the movement was international, by far the most work surrounding it occurred in the United States.(5) Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, did not draw a distinction between "fit" and "unfit" along racial lines, as Nazi Germany would later do. She still believed there were "tinfit" (the poor, epileptics, alcoholics, criminals, those physically and mentally disabled) who should be prevented from reproducing, by force if necessary.(6) In her Birth Control Review (October 1921, p. 5) she said, "Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupidly cruel sentimentalism."(7)
Sanger thus believed not only in birth control but in the use of it along with sterilization to promote eugenics. She did not advocate abortion, and Planned Parenthood held this position until her death in 1966. Her disavowal of abortion, however, while approving of birth control, sterilization (including forced sterilization) and eugenics, was a tactical move. It was the result of the advice given her by her lover, Havelock Ellis, who convinced her that industrial society was not quite ready for it. Previous to this she had spoken about "the right to destroy [the unborn]."(8) Sanger and like-minded American eugenicists had contacts with sex reformers in Germany, and it would be in the United States and Germany that eugenics would receive the most interest.(9) As an historian of genetic issues has put it, "when all is said and done, it is the LOGIC of eugenics far more than its racism that proved to be the most unfortunate legacy of the German race hygiene movement for the Third Reich."(10)" | The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany
The cultural atmosphere of the almost fifteen years of democratic rule in Germany (Weimar) before Hitler was lively and diverse. Berlin emerged suddenly as one of the most culturally innovative of all the capitals of Europe, second only to Paris.(11) William Shirer speaks of most Germans during the time as being democratic, liberal, even pacifist.(12) By contrast, it is also a common notion that the coming of Nazi rule in 1933, as one historian put it, "opened up a chain of primitive drives and animalic forces that seemed to separate the world before and after Hitler..."(13) If one analyzes sexual politics (sterilization, eugenics, abortion) during both of these periods, however, a different picture emerges. Weimar to Hitler was not a case of white going to black but a shift in shades of gray.
There had been a steady decline in the German birthrate since the late 19th century; families averaged only one child each. Culturally sophisticated Berlin had the lowest birthrate of any capital city in Europe. There was a general fear of the numerous Slavs to the east. Hence, there was a desire to raise the birthrate ("quantity").(14) There were, however, problems. Many males had been killed in World War I and there was a housing shortage. Many women could not marry, and for those who could, it was difficult to raise children. Due to this situation, the government of the state of Prussia, which covered some 60% of Germany, set up marriage counseling centers, which dispensed advice about fitness for marriage and procreation, encouraging the having of "healthy" offspring by avoiding certain marriages.(15) This desire for healthy children ("quality") almost contradicted the desire for a higher birthrate ("quantity").
Sex reform organizations arose, interested in unlimited birth control, sterilization, eugenics, and the liberalizing, preferably legalizing, of abortion. One of these many organizations was the National League for Birth Control and Sexual Hygiene. Its Hamburg branch, for example, had lectures such as "Race Theory, Eugenics, and Sterilization" and "The Extermination of Unfit Life." These organizations and lectures put forth the idea that collective welfare and fitness should be the chief concern in reproduction. Sex reformers in this democracy believed in the perfectability of the human race, worshipped the body and were even convinced that the quality of intercourse affected the end product.(16)
In addition to marriage counseling centers and sex reform organizations, the national government also became involved in eugenics and sterilization. " | The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany
For the first time in German history, abortion was legal. But one cannot ignore the roots reaching back almost fifteen years to the beginning of the Weimar democracy, during which time arguments had been made that unborn life was not that important so was therefore expendable. Despite the racial theories behind this decision there were some non-Nazis who approved because of the allowing of choice.(27) In 1938 the government announced that Jews could have abortions at any time, since this could only benefit the German people.(28) The Jews, as well as "unfit" Germans, had a "choice" most Germans did not. This meant that the Nazis saw abortion as a very useful weapon against undesirables; e.g. as an act of elimination. " | The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany
"Sterilization (forced or voluntary, for eugenic reasons or not) prevents a life from happening. Abortion, on the other hand, takes a life that has already happened because an unborn is the other patient in any pregnancy(35) and is no longer considered by science a mere maternal appendage.(36) The Nazis, experts in killing, knew this. " | The Abortion and Eugenics Policies of Nazi Germany
Naxism and Abortion

"...abortion is a necessary evil that we must accept out of respect for life."
- Dr. Ley, Nazi racial hygienist, on having "quality," "planned" children, at a meeting on June 15, 1937 with Nazi SS head, Heinrich Himmler. PSR, R320/N518, pp. 85-88. "​
"The Nazis believed that a woman's body belonged to the State, and the State would decide what to do with it."

The Nazis and Abortion

I'm not trying to use her own link to state pro-lifers are Nazis, that's not the case. Just using kosher's own emotion-based diatribe against her.
""The performance of abortions on Eastern workers is also a crime against humanity...It constitutes an 'act of extermination,' 'persecution on racial grounds,' and an 'inhumane act'..." "Even under the assumptions that her request was genuinely constitutes a war crime and a crime against humanity." [emphasis ours]
-Prosecutor at the Nuremberg RuSHA *(Race and Resettlement Office) trial, March 1948, NWCT, microfilm 894, roll 31, pp. 13-14. "
I guess it's going over her head that the Nazis forced abortion.

Once a pro-choicer starts advocating for forced abortions, her emotional psychotic diatribe may sound like the words of a sane human being.
We get it, you're an anti-semite.

"Article 2 II 1 of the Constitution protects life being developed in the mother's womb as an independent legal entity. The express inclusion of the right to life in the contrast, for example, to the Weimar Constitution, is to be explained primarily as a reaction to the 'destruction of life that is not worthy of living,'to the 'final solution' and to 'Liquidations' carried out by the National Socialist [Nazi] regime as governmental measures. Article 2 II I of the Constitution contains, in addition to the abolition of the death penalty in Article 102, a profession of commitment to the fundamental value of human life and to a concept of the state that places it in decisive opposition to the views of a political regime to which life meant little and which for this reason engaged in unlimited abuse of the right it had usurped over the life and death of the citizen."
"...abortion is an act of killing that the law cannot tolerate." NJW XIII, 1975, 574, 576.​
In its decision, it stated that​
“abortion is an act of
killing (T
ötenshandlung) that the law is obligated to condemn,”

and that the​
“bitter experience” with Nazism had led the Court to
value life highly.
i The beginning of the decision also showed the
connection between abortion and Nazism in this way:
Constitution protects life being developed in the mother
’s womb
as an independent legal entity. The express inclusion of the right
to life [of the unborn] in the to be explained
primarily as a reaction to...the
‘final solution’ and to ‘liquidations’

carried out by the National Socialist [Nazi] regime....”ii

In other words, according to the German Supreme Court, the
Nazis had no respect for human life, and to insure human life​
protection for the future, we have to respect all human life,
including life in the womb. The decision came to apply to all
Germany after unification in 1990 and was re-affirmed by a

second decision in mid-1993.
The Nazis were experts in killing. It is for that very reason
that they certainly knew what human life was. Their obsession
with racial superiority and​
“pure blood” has at least a rough affinity
with many believers in legalized abortion today. Today we have
the desire among many for the
“planned,” “wanted,” “quality”

child. It reminds one of the comments of Dr. Ley at the 1937
meeting, who, in trying to balance​
“quality” with “quantity” was

reluctantly willing to tolerate abortion
“out of respect for life.”
This is where you find a creative way to use the "n" word as some sort of evidence that you're NOT a racist,
Incidentally, apparently the abortion pill is made by the same company as made the gas used on Jews.

Another interesting similarity, no?

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