Private prisons should be abolished

Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Yes, I know this is a juvenile detention center and not an actual prison. But the same thing has been happening at higher levels.
That's classic. Someone else abuses the system and you want thousands of people that had nothing to do with it put out of work. It's like gun control. Some scumbag shoots someone and you wanna take guns away from people that didn't do it. Sick.
Prisons are a state function. Giving someone incentive to profit off of taxpayer money seems like a bad idea to me.
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Yes, I know this is a juvenile detention center and not an actual prison. But the same thing has been happening at higher levels.

That was out in Pennsylvania. I remember that.

What happens at higher levels is that they have prison guards that are underpaid and lack training. Tax payers still pay for the lawsuits. Some are so bad that the state does not renew the contract.

I hate to play Cassandra but if people continue to BS around with public safety and not putting people away then that pendulum is going to swing the other way and people will not just demand it but beg for it and private prisons will become fashionable again.
If we eliminate private prisons, do I have to let all those homeless guys out of my basement?

Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Yes, I know this is a juvenile detention center and not an actual prison. But the same thing has been happening at higher levels.
That's classic. Someone else abuses the system and you want thousands of people that had nothing to do with it put out of work. It's like gun control. Some scumbag shoots someone and you wanna take guns away from people that didn't do it. Sick.

There are plenty of things I would like to see privatized. Prisons are not one of them.

And what about the state and federal prison employees that are put out of work by the private prisons? They don't matter?
If we eliminate private prisons, do I have to let all those homeless guys out of my basement?


If you get tax money for them, yes you do.

If not, we will call you a charitable institution, and you can keep going.
I know how to fix this.

A) Hang all violent 1-degree murderers, violent rapists, and robbers that savagely beat/shoot people within 2 weeks after they are found guilty.

B) Subsidize prison food supply with prison labor hog/chicken vegetable farms.

That'd free a lot of money up right there.

C) Reopen State Mental Institutions, some people in prison really do need psychiatric help.
Is there anything that government officials touch, that isn’t corrupt?
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Yes, I know this is a juvenile detention center and not an actual prison. But the same thing has been happening at higher levels.
That's classic. Someone else abuses the system and you want thousands of people that had nothing to do with it put out of work. It's like gun control. Some scumbag shoots someone and you wanna take guns away from people that didn't do it. Sick.

There are plenty of things I would like to see privatized. Prisons are not one of them.

And what about the state and federal prison employees that are put out of work by the private prisons? They don't matter?
Fake news. Private prisons take up the slack. Most of these units are all full.
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Yes, I know this is a juvenile detention center and not an actual prison. But the same thing has been happening at higher levels.
That's classic. Someone else abuses the system and you want thousands of people that had nothing to do with it put out of work. It's like gun control. Some scumbag shoots someone and you wanna take guns away from people that didn't do it. Sick.

There are plenty of things I would like to see privatized. Prisons are not one of them.

And what about the state and federal prison employees that are put out of work by the private prisons? They don't matter?
Fake news. Private prisons take up the slack. Most of these units are all full.

Fake news? The judges have plead guilty.
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Yes, I know this is a juvenile detention center and not an actual prison. But the same thing has been happening at higher levels.
That's classic. Someone else abuses the system and you want thousands of people that had nothing to do with it put out of work. It's like gun control. Some scumbag shoots someone and you wanna take guns away from people that didn't do it. Sick.

There are plenty of things I would like to see privatized. Prisons are not one of them.

And what about the state and federal prison employees that are put out of work by the private prisons? They don't matter?
Fake news. Private prisons take up the slack. Most of these units are all full.

Ok. I am going to help you out here. Fake news means the story is untrue. It doesn’t mean you don’t like it. Just because you don’t like it does not mean it is fake. This story is true. People plead guilty for the crimes they committed.
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit

Yes, I know this is a juvenile detention center and not an actual prison. But the same thing has been happening at higher levels.
That's classic. Someone else abuses the system and you want thousands of people that had nothing to do with it put out of work. It's like gun control. Some scumbag shoots someone and you wanna take guns away from people that didn't do it. Sick.

There are plenty of things I would like to see privatized. Prisons are not one of them.

And what about the state and federal prison employees that are put out of work by the private prisons? They don't matter?
Fake news. Private prisons take up the slack. Most of these units are all full.

Ok. I am going to help you out here. Fake news means the story is untrue. It doesn’t mean you don’t like it. Just because you don’t like it does not mean it is fake. This story is true. People plead guilty for the crimes they committed.
Prove it liar.
I don't think we can afford NOT to have private prisons and many other facilities and functions contracted out to private companies. Whether it's public or private, we still have to diligently manage whatever it is to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse as much as possible.
Prisons--especially for juveniles--should not be privatized. They can call themselves "rehabilitation facilities" to attract eager parents who'd like to improve their children's temperament. Imagine: the day will come when corporations will be advertising the features of their prisons, if this situation gets out of hand. As private entities, they also have the right and freedom to device internal laws and customs as they see fit. They can evade accountability and responsibility for mishaps. Suing them for abuse or lapses would be emotionally and financially taxing. Moreover, where would they get their employees from? What qualifications or accreditation(s) must they possess? As John Worrall argues in "Crime Control in America: What Works?," prisons and correctional facilities are better off under the direct purvey of the state, no matter what else gets privatized. This is not to argue that public prisons are faultless. At least with public prisons, we don't have the profit-chasing craze. Prison reforms are certainly necessary, but that shouldn't include privatization.

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