Princeton economist: Romney tax plan mathematically sound


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Big Government ^ | 7 Oct 2012 | TONY LEE

Princeton Economist: Romney Tax Plan Mathematically Sound

Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, and liberal think tanks have claimed Mitt Romney's plan to cut tax rates across the board by 20 percent is bad arithmetic, but a Princeton economics professor, Harvey Rosen, examined Romney's proposals in a paper and concluded Romney's plan would work.
If you laid economists end to end they couldn't reach a conclusion. Economics is probably the softest of the soft sciences, Princeton tiger or not.
The thing liberals never figure in to their calculations is that some cuts in the right places will ultimately help create jobs and, therefore, new revenue. That revenue would go farther with more workers and less on the doles. Seems like liberals are more interested in redistributing money and their main goal is simply taking from the rich and giving to the poor. They don't focus on getting those poor into the work force and off welfare. The left likes as many people needing them as possible.

They know they could create legislation condusive to job creation, but they don't. Obama has had 4 years to help the economy and instead he created policies that were job killers. Now he's out there campaigning as if he just burst onto the scene as a new candidate rather than the one responsible for the lack of recovery.
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If you laid economists end to end they couldn't reach a conclusion. Economics is probably the softest of the soft sciences, Princeton tiger or not.
That's the problem with this country right now.

Obama does not play well with others, stands the economists in the corner, does what he wants to do, and the first thing you know, ethics issues are piled up outside the front door of the White House like I cannot believe.

You may not like what a good economist says, but you can count on one thing--the best ones do their homework, and we have a couple around here who know their stuff. You should give them another chance, regent. Obama didn't, and he will not be President after January next year because he is getting voted out for not playing well with others and ignoring good advisers.
Harvey Rosen, a Princeton economics professor who once served as chairman of President George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers.

Rosen concluded that Romney could pull off his tax plan without losing revenue assuming an extra 3 percent “growth effect” to the economy resulting from Romney’s rate cuts. That’s an extremely aggressive assumption, and in conflict with recent experience. Despite Bush’s large tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, for example, real GDP grew by 3 percent or more for only two of his eight years in office. The average of the year-to-year changes was just over 2 percent.

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No way the economy can grow enough jobs in the short term to make his tax plan not explode the deficit. I know everyone likes to think that the economy will just magically recover overnight with a republican president but inflicting more conservative fantasies on us like trickle down is not really going to do us any favors.
Ryan is exactly what's wrong with this country. A hypocrite that has spent 20 of his 42 years living off taxpayers dollars to buy his mansion his lavish yearly salary complete with life long pension and healthcare yet he screams about Government helping you as a bad thing....His creepy funeral director looks seems well suited to a man that wants to kill so many essential programs for real working families.
Romney doesn't want to talk about his governorship because he left with a 34% approval rating.

Romney doesn't want to talk about Bain Capital because he looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas.

Romney doesn't want to talk about his religion because its a weird cult.

Romney doesn't want to talk about his taxes because he supervised the biggest tax fraud in American history at Marriott.
Bain Capital being investigated for tax evasion

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York’s attorney general is investigating tax strategies of some of the nation’s largest private equity firms, including Bain Capital, founded by Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, an official familiar with the probe said Sunday.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is examining whether the firms have abused a tax strategy to avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the probe. The practice involves converting some fees collected for managing accounts into fund investments, resulting in a lower tax rate.
No way the economy can grow enough jobs in the short term to make his tax plan not explode the deficit. I know everyone likes to think that the economy will just magically recover overnight with a republican president but inflicting more conservative fantasies on us like trickle down is not really going to do us any favors.


Sorry, but Libtards don't get to comment on what should or should not be done in fear of 'exploding' the deficit.

We have seen your handywork.
No way the economy can grow enough jobs in the short term to make his tax plan not explode the deficit. I know everyone likes to think that the economy will just magically recover overnight with a republican president but inflicting more conservative fantasies on us like trickle down is not really going to do us any favors.

The economy will improve simply by no longer having Obama around. In fact, I'll bet if Romney wins, the stock market shoots up the next day.
No way the economy can grow enough jobs in the short term to make his tax plan not explode the deficit. I know everyone likes to think that the economy will just magically recover overnight with a republican president but inflicting more conservative fantasies on us like trickle down is not really going to do us any favors.

The economy will improve simply by no longer having Obama around. In fact, I'll bet if Romney wins, the stock market shoots up the next day.

What? Will the all the bad personal debt just disappear? The equity restored to our homes? The black marks vanish from our credit ratings? Wages begin to rise rather than continue shrinking? Our economy is shackled to a host of systemic flaws that Romney has no intention of doing a thing about, how the hell can things just turn around simply because the president changes? Why do you think a rising stock market translates to widespread rises in working class prosperity? What the hell are you smoking?
How many economists have studied the Great Depression and written on the subject? By this time one would expect at least one tried and true manual on how to prevent and cure recession/depressions, but what do we have? We have an economist/politician with an idea that all we be great if....
From Hoover to today we have no manual, nothing. In the eighty years some, some mind you, Americans seem to have slowly accepted the idea that government should be involved in the economy.
Bain Capital being investigated for tax evasion

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York’s attorney general is investigating tax strategies of some of the nation’s largest private equity firms, including Bain Capital, founded by Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, an official familiar with the probe said Sunday.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is examining whether the firms have abused a tax strategy to avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the probe. The practice involves converting some fees collected for managing accounts into fund investments, resulting in a lower tax rate.

wow, how shocking they would come under Investigation now, I mean That can't be a Political Move, Oh no way, Democrats would never use the Courts to gain Politically right?

How many economists have studied the Great Depression and written on the subject? By this time one would expect at least one tried and true manual on how to prevent and cure recession/depressions, but what do we have? We have an economist/politician with an idea that all we be great if....
From Hoover to today we have no manual, nothing. In the eighty years some, some mind you, Americans seem to have slowly accepted the idea that government should be involved in the economy.

The "science" of economics has been tainted by a hundred years of wealthy industrialists endowing economics departments, manipulating curriculum and faculty to get the yes men they want to tell us whatever it takes to keep their stranglehold on the economy. The Koch's and other have given vast sums to produce enough Friedmanites to shout down anyone interested in making economics a science rather than a battle of muddled, unproven, faith based philosophies.
I'm laughing at the dumbfuck liberals without Economics degrees talking out their ass here.
To Republicans "job creation" is code for tax cuts for the rich. We tried that for the last 30 years, and it has not worked. Why? Because 70% of the economy is consumer demand. Putting more and more money in fewer and fewer hands reduces demand. Raise taxes on the rich, cut defense, and balance the budget the way Clinton did. George Bush almost destroyed America. Let's bring it back.
No way the economy can grow enough jobs in the short term to make his tax plan not explode the deficit. I know everyone likes to think that the economy will just magically recover overnight with a republican president but inflicting more conservative fantasies on us like trickle down is not really going to do us any favors.

The economy will improve simply by no longer having Obama around. In fact, I'll bet if Romney wins, the stock market shoots up the next day.

So you're saying the stock market is a good measure for the health of the economy?

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