Prince Harry joins US election voting drive, telling Americans: 'Reject hate speech'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Yep. The elite of the elite are wading into the U.S elections.

What a way to help the Trump campaign. "Here, dear peasants. We are just on our way to collect a multi-million dollar paycheck for a cartoon voice over, you know, because we are for sale. While I have a minute, make sure you vote for China First, decimation of your economy and your Constitution."- signed the Royal Clowns from Cali.

Prince Harry joins US election voting drive, telling Americans: 'Reject hate speech'

The Duke of Sussex has urged people in the US to "reject hate speech" as he risks a diplomatic row by joining a voting drive for the country's upcoming presidential election....
Related Topics.
Yep. The elite of the elite are wading into the U.S elections.

What a way to help the Trump campaign. "Here, dear peasants. We are just on our way to collect a multi-million dollar paycheck for a cartoon voice over, you know, because we are for sale. While I have a minute, make sure you vote for China First, decimation of your economy and your Constitution."- signed the Royal Clowns from Cali.

Prince Harry joins US election voting drive, telling Americans: 'Reject hate speech'

The Duke of Sussex has urged people in the US to "reject hate speech" as he risks a diplomatic row by joining a voting drive for the country's upcoming presidential election....
Related Topics.

Prince Harry isn’t allowed to participate in British politics. He can’t make a political statement, endorse a candidate, vote, run for office, or anything else that would make it look like he was picking sides or taking up a political cause. Harry it seems, has forgotten his royal political constraints.
Yep. The elite of the elite are wading into the U.S elections.

What a way to help the Trump campaign. "Here, dear peasants. We are just on our way to collect a multi-million dollar paycheck for a cartoon voice over, you know, because we are for sale. While I have a minute, make sure you vote for China First, decimation of your economy and your Constitution."- signed the Royal Clowns from Cali.

Prince Harry joins US election voting drive, telling Americans: 'Reject hate speech'

The Duke of Sussex has urged people in the US to "reject hate speech" as he risks a diplomatic row by joining a voting drive for the country's upcoming presidential election....
Related Topics.

I have indeed rejected the Democrats, Harry. Permanently. Revel in this knowledge.

By your command, Majesty. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep. The elite of the elite are wading into the U.S elections.

What a way to help the Trump campaign. "Here, dear peasants. We are just on our way to collect a multi-million dollar paycheck for a cartoon voice over, you know, because we are for sale. While I have a minute, make sure you vote for China First, decimation of your economy and your Constitution."- signed the Royal Clowns from Cali.

Prince Harry joins US election voting drive, telling Americans: 'Reject hate speech'

The Duke of Sussex has urged people in the US to "reject hate speech" as he risks a diplomatic row by joining a voting drive for the country's upcoming presidential election....
Related Topics.

Harry's voice lost all of its clout, the day he married a Spook.

I still remember watching in terror, as Queen Elizabeth stood on the tallest spire at Windsor Castle, a large crowd of
Brits gathered 500 feet below, watching their beloved Queen preparing for an epic swan dive. of her
aides approached her preparing to give her the news of her Grandson's wife, birth of possibly a future king of
England and the Queen Mother blurted out those historic words to the aide. Words...that if the British Empire remains intact for another 1,000 years ..will never be forgotten.

"What Color is it?"
Yep. The elite of the elite are wading into the U.S elections.

What a way to help the Trump campaign. "Here, dear peasants. We are just on our way to collect a multi-million dollar paycheck for a cartoon voice over, you know, because we are for sale. While I have a minute, make sure you vote for China First, decimation of your economy and your Constitution."- signed the Royal Clowns from Cali.

Prince Harry joins US election voting drive, telling Americans: 'Reject hate speech'

The Duke of Sussex has urged people in the US to "reject hate speech" as he risks a diplomatic row by joining a voting drive for the country's upcoming presidential election....
Related Topics.
Big deal. I mean this couple are nothing more than total pipsqueaks. Anyone can create a title for themselves or be appointed a title from fellow pipsqueaks. Wow, look at me I am King Jackflash the MOST HIGH Lord & Power over all of my tillable acreage. I hold power of life & death in my discs & harrows over all voles, field mice, gophers & worms!!! The reality of it all is I actually do something constructive like growing crops to either feed my fellow Americans or livestock(depends on the commodity market). This UK based royal family(islam has royal families by the gross like they are a dime a dozen) in all reality is proped up by the American taxpayer & owes its existance to the blood of WW2 U.S. serviceman that saved their arrogant azzes from nazi German occupation.

Yep. The elite of the elite are wading into the U.S elections.

What a way to help the Trump campaign. "Here, dear peasants. We are just on our way to collect a multi-million dollar paycheck for a cartoon voice over, you know, because we are for sale. While I have a minute, make sure you vote for China First, decimation of your economy and your Constitution."- signed the Royal Clowns from Cali.

Prince Harry joins US election voting drive, telling Americans: 'Reject hate speech'

The Duke of Sussex has urged people in the US to "reject hate speech" as he risks a diplomatic row by joining a voting drive for the country's upcoming presidential election....
Related Topics.
I am against hate, violence, stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination....... and that is why I do not vote Democrat.
What? How did the Royal Rejects end up in our country? I thought they were going to Canada? Now they're living in LA lecturing us about what "We must" do in the upcoming election? They are the most entitled, pompous couple on the planet. STFU move to an island and stay there.
The silver-spooned fed idiot cannot relate to the 'forgotten man' as he never knew who they are.
Harry is only trying to quicken his total acceptance in Hollywood circles.
Poor Harry got kicked out of the royal family for hanging out with communists. He is young, and a part of him has to know that she is poison. Maybe he can turn his life around.
I live in Los Angeles.

His Highness & Her Highness also live in Los Angeles.

They live in a splendid mansion.

They are surrounded by security.

For some strange reason, some people seem to care what they say.

I live in Los Angeles.

His Highness & Her Highness also live in Los Angeles.

They live in a splendid mansion.

They are surrounded by security.

For some strange reason, some people seem to care what they say.

He better be careful, California will go through his trust fund pretty fast.

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