“prime time propaganda”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Ben Shapiro:confused: (How the Left Has Taken Over TV)
Primetime Propaganda is the story—told in their own words—of how television has been used over the past sixty years by Hollywood writers,

It did not take me long, after listening to Shapiro, to know he was another right wing idiot that blame all our problems on Jews, Blacks, gays, Hollywood, MSNBC, Liberals, Communist and Socialism and found a new group to hate. Mexicans and Muslims. They hate and blame everything that is not Anglo-American, Evangelical and Republican and don’t carry a gun and a bible. They always have to have someone one to hate and blame.

Right wing idiots don’t want liberals to have a voice if they speak louder. You can hardly call Hollywood Left Wing.

Comedy Central spew left wing propaganda? OMG. What do you call FOXNEWS, Rush, Beck, Hannity, Huckabee, John Voigt, Chuck Norris, Sarah Palin, Larry the cable guy, Bill O’Reilly. List of 146 right wing republican actors and comedians. Republican Actors: List of Conservative Actors/Right Wing Actors, with Photos

Department of Justice Lists Survivalists, Constitutionalists in Extremism Guide
Some right-wing extremists fear this occurring, believing that white people will be in the minority, with Jewish people ultimately controlling the world.

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