Priest Calls for Pelosi to be Excommunicated


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Father John Malloy, SDB at a Shepherd's Voice blog posts this:

I have a suggestion for our Bishops—that they use their authority to announce to dissident Catholic celebrities their excommunication and their heresy which is incurred automatically when they support abortion. Bishops, please make it public. Here’s start of horrific examples: Pelosi, Biden and now Carolyn Kennedy! Publicly excommunicate them if they don’t repent from their grave sin.

He then cites Roman Catholic Canon law @ A Shepherd's Voice: Wake Up Call

There are no few politicians and public individuals who should be kicked out of their churches – Dingy Harry being a leading candidate for the Mormon church!
If she isn't following the faith, then why shouldn't she be? And what does it really matter to her? She's already made a decision to ignore it's influence in her life.

i think thats funny as hell.... i hope the do it just to watch the drama that would follow

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