Price of gas hits August record


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Price of gas hits August record - CBS News

U.S. drivers paid an average of $3.72 per gallon on Monday. That's the highest price ever on this date, according to auto club AAA, a shade above the $3.717 average on Aug. 20, 2008. A year ago, the average was $3.578.

More daily records are likely over the next few weeks. The national average could increase to $3.75 per gallon by Labor Day, said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at Oil Price Information Service. By comparison, gas prices stayed below $3.70 in late August and early September in both 2008 and 2011.

Thank god the private sector is doing just fine......:clap2:
And no one is ragging on Obama???
How is that even possible...

Oh that's right....liberal controlled media.
That "splains" it.
How do you expect the economy to grow unless we pay more for stuff we already buy?
Gasoline prices are about where they were in mid 2008--

--back when the prices were unacceptably high with women and minorities hit worst and it was all Bush's fault. If McCain had replied with your question, would you have said he was being reasonable?
How do you expect the economy to grow unless we pay more for stuff we already buy?
Gasoline prices are about where they were in mid 2008--

--back when the prices were unacceptably high with women and minorities hit worst and it was all Bush's fault. If McCain had replied with your question, would you have said he was being reasonable?

Back to "Bush's Fault!!" Level, right?
So remind us again what is so tragic about $3.72 gasoline.

And while you're at it let's hear about that $2.00 loaf of bread, $120 pair of shoes, $4.00 bottle of shampoo, etc. etc....
Obama administration vows inaction on rising gas prices

Finally, after weeks of historically high seasonal gas prices that are squeezing the budgets of millions of Americans, the Obama administration has provided its answer about the fuel's future and relief.

Energy Secy. Stephen Chu was asked in a House hearing if "the overall goal (of President Obama) is to get our price lower?"

Chu replied, "No."He added, "The overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil."

Actually, Chu let the administration's real agenda out of the bag back in December of 2008, hours after being named Energy secretary. Raise gas prices high enough to make expensive alternatives seem a more reasonable expense.

"Somehow," Chu told the Wall Street Journal, "we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe." That unpolitical but revealing quote has haunted this White House ever since.

While this Democrat president can't make many claims to genuine achievement in the first 1,136 days of his presidency, he has made impressive progress in raising the price of gasoline for American drivers more than halfway to Europe's $8-$9 a gallon level. Gas was $1.84 a gallon way back when Aretha Franklin's huge hat sang in the Obama administration.
If the Chu/Bam duo are so bent on raising and sustaining high prices then why don't they increase the Federal tax at the pump? Answer- bad PR and it may cost votes.
Solution- pin the blame on the evil oil companies and tax the shit out of THEM.

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