Preview Of Coming Attractions: Obama's Home State; Illinois


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Like the consummate flim flam man that he is, Barry Obama embraces the Occupy Wall Streeters while Illinois slides down the ways towards bankruptcy. What next to allow the land that brought us Al Capone, Rod Blagojevich, William Daly, Jeremiah Wright, Anton Reczko, Valerie Jarret and Rahm Emmanuel? The State seizing all private bank accounts?)

"SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Drowning in deficits, Illinois has turned to a deliberate policy of not paying billions of dollars in bills for months at a time, creating a cycle of hardship and sacrifice for residents and businesses helping the state carry out some of the most important government tasks.

Once intended as a stop-gap, the months-long delay in paying bills has now become a regular part of the state's budget management, forcing businesses and charity groups to borrow money, cut jobs and services and take on personal debt. Getting paid can be such a confusing process that it requires begging the state for money and sometimes has more to do with knowing the right people than being next in line.

As of early last month, the state owed on 166,000 unpaid bills worth a breathtaking $5 billion, with nearly half of that amount more than a month overdue and hundreds of bills dating back to 2010, according to an Associated Press analysis of state documents"

Deadbeat state: Ill. owes billions in unpaid bills - Yahoo! News
They're charitable groups that help the elderly and people with disabilities.

They're schools that educate students at every level.

They're cities and other local governments trying to provide services to residents.

They're businesses providing goods and services that keep state government functioning.

They have a common problem: Trying to get the state of Illinois to pay its bills on time.

Collectively, in Madison and St. Clair counties, those types of entities and businesses were owed about $75 million from the state as of Sept. 8, according to data compiled by The Associated Press and newspapers across the state.

Read more: Deadbeat Illinois: Metro-east businesses, charities, schools still waiting for state to pay its bills - Metro-east news -

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