President vs. Congress


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
Sometimes it is better to have a strong and empowered leader who would be able to implement policies according to his political will. In this case president's actions should have a priority. Sometimes , when the nation made the wrong choice, it is wise to tighten control over president's actions with the help of congress. Everything is about power balance between legislative bodies.
So the question is. How to make the most out of good presidents and confine the unworthy?
Sometimes it is better to have a strong and empowered leader who would be able to implement policies according to his political will. In this case president's actions should have a priority. Sometimes , when the nation made the wrong choice, it is wise to tighten control over president's actions with the help of congress. Everything is about power balance between legislative bodies.
So the question is. How to make the most out of good presidents and confine the unworthy?
That's an easy question to answer. The president has the power and authority to ask the American people to join in a protest of Congress. The president can personally lead marches to the steps of the Capitol, and call Congress out into the street. The president can ask for air time on national TV, name names, expose the selling of votes on the floors of Congress, expose corruption, call out the ones pushing anti-America legislation, and call for investigations of those members of Congress accepting money and favors for their votes on legislation. The president can ask to debate issues on national TV with those in Congress that are pushing anti-America legislation.

The president can use the power and voice of the American public to challenge Congress on issues not beneficial to all Americans. In other words, the president needs to use the people to confront Congress on every issues that's not right for America. I would strongly support a president that personally lead marches and protests against Congress. The president could call for non-violent riots in the streets to protest Congress. The president plus the people is a powerful combination.
Sometimes it is better to have a strong and empowered leader who would be able to implement policies according to his political will. In this case president's actions should have a priority. Sometimes , when the nation made the wrong choice, it is wise to tighten control over president's actions with the help of congress. Everything is about power balance between legislative bodies.
So the question is. How to make the most out of good presidents and confine the unworthy?
That's an easy question to answer. The president has the power and authority to ask the American people to join in a protest of Congress. The president can personally lead marches to the steps of the Capitol, and call Congress out into the street. The president can ask for air time on national TV, name names, expose the selling of votes on the floors of Congress, expose corruption, call out the ones pushing anti-America legislation, and call for investigations of those members of Congress accepting money and favors for their votes on legislation. The president can ask to debate issues on national TV with those in Congress that are pushing anti-America legislation.

The president can use the power and voice of the American public to challenge Congress on issues not beneficial to all Americans. In other words, the president needs to use the people to confront Congress on every issues that's not right for America. I would strongly support a president that personally lead marches and protests against Congress. The president could call for non-violent riots in the streets to protest Congress. The president plus the people is a powerful combination.
uhm...why Don't you tell the low information voter, to vote in the midterms?
Sometimes it is better to have a strong and empowered leader who would be able to implement policies according to his political will. In this case president's actions should have a priority. Sometimes , when the nation made the wrong choice, it is wise to tighten control over president's actions with the help of congress. Everything is about power balance between legislative bodies.
So the question is. How to make the most out of good presidents and confine the unworthy?
That's an easy question to answer. The president has the power and authority to ask the American people to join in a protest of Congress. The president can personally lead marches to the steps of the Capitol, and call Congress out into the street. The president can ask for air time on national TV, name names, expose the selling of votes on the floors of Congress, expose corruption, call out the ones pushing anti-America legislation, and call for investigations of those members of Congress accepting money and favors for their votes on legislation. The president can ask to debate issues on national TV with those in Congress that are pushing anti-America legislation.

The president can use the power and voice of the American public to challenge Congress on issues not beneficial to all Americans. In other words, the president needs to use the people to confront Congress on every issues that's not right for America. I would strongly support a president that personally lead marches and protests against Congress. The president could call for non-violent riots in the streets to protest Congress. The president plus the people is a powerful combination.
uhm...why Don't you tell the low information voter, to vote in the midterms?
FYI - - I've been preaching to voters for many years now. Besides, I'm sure that you're aware of how voters vote. Voters vote for professional politicians 99% of the time. It's very difficult to educate voters that are determined to vote party, instead of voting for what's good for this country and her citizens. As a rule, voters either vote Democrat or Republican, thus the sad shameful state of this nation. Also, it doesn't matter whether an election is mid-term or not, voters do the exact same thing each election, yet expect a different result.
Sometimes it is better to have a strong and empowered leader who would be able to implement policies according to his political will. In this case president's actions should have a priority. Sometimes , when the nation made the wrong choice, it is wise to tighten control over president's actions with the help of congress. Everything is about power balance between legislative bodies.
So the question is. How to make the most out of good presidents and confine the unworthy?
That's an easy question to answer. The president has the power and authority to ask the American people to join in a protest of Congress. The president can personally lead marches to the steps of the Capitol, and call Congress out into the street. The president can ask for air time on national TV, name names, expose the selling of votes on the floors of Congress, expose corruption, call out the ones pushing anti-America legislation, and call for investigations of those members of Congress accepting money and favors for their votes on legislation. The president can ask to debate issues on national TV with those in Congress that are pushing anti-America legislation.

The president can use the power and voice of the American public to challenge Congress on issues not beneficial to all Americans. In other words, the president needs to use the people to confront Congress on every issues that's not right for America. I would strongly support a president that personally lead marches and protests against Congress. The president could call for non-violent riots in the streets to protest Congress. The president plus the people is a powerful combination.
uhm...why Don't you tell the low information voter, to vote in the midterms?
FYI - - I've been preaching to voters for many years now. Besides, I'm sure that you're aware of how voters vote. Voters vote for professional politicians 99% of the time. It's very difficult to educate voters that are determined to vote party, instead of voting for what's good for this country and her citizens. As a rule, voters either vote Democrat or Republican, thus the sad shameful state of this nation. Also, it doesn't matter whether an election is mid-term or not, voters do the exact same thing each election, yet expect a different result.
What I always see is democrats vote popularity and republicans vote policy and now you want the president to march in protest? Of what? He is supposed to be a leader a Compromising president, like Regan, Bush sr and Clinton of recent memory
What I always see is the left voting democrat no matter what - the right voting republican no matter what, and elections being decided by the intelligent, issue-driven middle.
The president plus the people is a powerful combination.

:iagree: ..., BUT ! with the wrong president like the one now who fucking America every which way he can find is the fastest way to destroy this once great country, his race dividing ways are causing riots and death every day now.., please everyone, remember, he HATES America.., probably more than any living human. :up:
The best way to control power and limit abuse is to pick a candidate that is interested in the welfare of the whole country.
The president is our president ... And doesn't belong to one half of the country.

That means there are things the president may want to do that are not done ... As well as things they may want to do that do get done.
When you are willing to sell out half of society in order to support the other half ... And give them equal say in the law or legislation ... That is abuse.

Sometimes it is better to have a strong and empowered leader who would be able to implement policies according to his political will. In this case president's actions should have a priority. Sometimes , when the nation made the wrong choice, it is wise to tighten control over president's actions with the help of congress. Everything is about power balance between legislative bodies.
So the question is. How to make the most out of good presidents and confine the unworthy?
That's an easy question to answer. The president has the power and authority to ask the American people to join in a protest of Congress. The president can personally lead marches to the steps of the Capitol, and call Congress out into the street. The president can ask for air time on national TV, name names, expose the selling of votes on the floors of Congress, expose corruption, call out the ones pushing anti-America legislation, and call for investigations of those members of Congress accepting money and favors for their votes on legislation. The president can ask to debate issues on national TV with those in Congress that are pushing anti-America legislation.

The president can use the power and voice of the American public to challenge Congress on issues not beneficial to all Americans. In other words, the president needs to use the people to confront Congress on every issues that's not right for America. I would strongly support a president that personally lead marches and protests against Congress. The president could call for non-violent riots in the streets to protest Congress. The president plus the people is a powerful combination.
uhm...why Don't you tell the low information voter, to vote in the midterms?
FYI - - I've been preaching to voters for many years now. Besides, I'm sure that you're aware of how voters vote. Voters vote for professional politicians 99% of the time. It's very difficult to educate voters that are determined to vote party, instead of voting for what's good for this country and her citizens. As a rule, voters either vote Democrat or Republican, thus the sad shameful state of this nation. Also, it doesn't matter whether an election is mid-term or not, voters do the exact same thing each election, yet expect a different result.
What I always see is democrats vote popularity and republicans vote policy and now you want the president to march in protest? Of what? He is supposed to be a leader a Compromising president, like Regan, Bush sr and Clinton of recent memory
The president is suppose to lead, to stand up for what's best for this country and her citizens. A president should use every available means to see to it that only beneficial legislation and policy is enacted. A president should use the power of the people to push Congress in the right direction. A president is responsible to the American people, and should stand WITH the PEOPLE in order to make sure that the PEOPLE are well represented in government. The president should not try to go it alone, but instead ask the people to stand with him against Congress. It's a well known fact that Congress is controlled by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential, and couldn't care less about this country and her citizens.

The president should take the lead role in exposing government corruption, exposing the misuse of tax dollars, demand that our judicial system be one of true justice, ensure that ALL foreign trade agreements and policies are beneficial to this country and her citizens, ensure that infrastructure is maintained, to never send our soldiers to fight and die in senseless deadly costly wars, ensure equal, fair, and just opportunities for ALL Americans, promote education, ensure proper health care, ensure that our Vets are well taken care of, provide adequate national security, protect our borders, establish friendly and beneficial foreign policy, including diplomatic resolutions beneficial to all parties involved, provide opportunities for future generations, and to work towards a self-supporting nation and citizenry.

The president, along with the people, CAN force Congress to serve the best interests of this nation and her citizens.

As it stands now, and has stood for many decades, the president is content with "politics as usual", playing the political game, and asking Congress instead of DEMANDING Congress act in our best interest. Congress serves the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential, thus the sad shameful state of this once great nation. Main Street America bears witness to many decades of "The Selling of America". To "The Washington Brotherhood", "the peoples'" duties are to vote and pay taxes, and that's all Congress regards them as, nothing more.

The president has a sworn duty and obligation to ensure fair, equal, and just representation, to protect this nation, her citizens, and to protect the well-being of both. We, the American people, depend on the president to see to it that our best interest is represented in Washington, and that Congress acts responsibly on our behalf. We elect representation, and we should expect those that accept the responsibility given them, to act in our best interest. Again, the president CAN ask the PEOPLE to stand with him/her, in protest of anti-America legislation and policy considered by members of Congress. The president CAN lead, a la MLK, and push Congress to act favorably in our best interest.
What I always see is the left voting democrat no matter what - the right voting republican no matter what, and elections being decided by the intelligent, issue-driven middle.
"Intelligent"? You're being way too generous. If they were intelligent, this nation wouldn't be in the sad shameful state that it's presently in.
Sometimes it is better to have a strong and empowered leader who would be able to implement policies according to his political will. In this case president's actions should have a priority. Sometimes , when the nation made the wrong choice, it is wise to tighten control over president's actions with the help of congress. Everything is about power balance between legislative bodies.
So the question is. How to make the most out of good presidents and confine the unworthy?
That's an easy question to answer. The president has the power and authority to ask the American people to join in a protest of Congress. The president can personally lead marches to the steps of the Capitol, and call Congress out into the street. The president can ask for air time on national TV, name names, expose the selling of votes on the floors of Congress, expose corruption, call out the ones pushing anti-America legislation, and call for investigations of those members of Congress accepting money and favors for their votes on legislation. The president can ask to debate issues on national TV with those in Congress that are pushing anti-America legislation.

The president can use the power and voice of the American public to challenge Congress on issues not beneficial to all Americans. In other words, the president needs to use the people to confront Congress on every issues that's not right for America. I would strongly support a president that personally lead marches and protests against Congress. The president could call for non-violent riots in the streets to protest Congress. The president plus the people is a powerful combination.
uhm...why Don't you tell the low information voter, to vote in the midterms?
FYI - - I've been preaching to voters for many years now. Besides, I'm sure that you're aware of how voters vote. Voters vote for professional politicians 99% of the time. It's very difficult to educate voters that are determined to vote party, instead of voting for what's good for this country and her citizens. As a rule, voters either vote Democrat or Republican, thus the sad shameful state of this nation. Also, it doesn't matter whether an election is mid-term or not, voters do the exact same thing each election, yet expect a different result.
What I always see is democrats vote popularity and republicans vote policy and now you want the president to march in protest? Of what? He is supposed to be a leader a Compromising president, like Regan, Bush sr and Clinton of recent memory
The president is suppose to lead, to stand up for what's best for this country and her citizens. A president should use every available means to see to it that only beneficial legislation and policy is enacted. A president should use the power of the people to push Congress in the right direction. A president is responsible to the American people, and should stand WITH the PEOPLE in order to make sure that the PEOPLE are well represented in government. The president should not try to go it alone, but instead ask the people to stand with him against Congress. It's a well known fact that Congress is controlled by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential, and couldn't care less about this country and her citizens.

The president should take the lead role in exposing government corruption, exposing the misuse of tax dollars, demand that our judicial system be one of true justice, ensure that ALL foreign trade agreements and policies are beneficial to this country and her citizens, ensure that infrastructure is maintained, to never send our soldiers to fight and die in senseless deadly costly wars, ensure equal, fair, and just opportunities for ALL Americans, promote education, ensure proper health care, ensure that our Vets are well taken care of, provide adequate national security, protect our borders, establish friendly and beneficial foreign policy, including diplomatic resolutions beneficial to all parties involved, provide opportunities for future generations, and to work towards a self-supporting nation and citizenry.

The president, along with the people, CAN force Congress to serve the best interests of this nation and her citizens.

As it stands now, and has stood for many decades, the president is content with "politics as usual", playing the political game, and asking Congress instead of DEMANDING Congress act in our best interest. Congress serves the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential, thus the sad shameful state of this once great nation. Main Street America bears witness to many decades of "The Selling of America". To "The Washington Brotherhood", "the peoples'" duties are to vote and pay taxes, and that's all Congress regards them as, nothing more.

The president has a sworn duty and obligation to ensure fair, equal, and just representation, to protect this nation, her citizens, and to protect the well-being of both. We, the American people, depend on the president to see to it that our best interest is represented in Washington, and that Congress acts responsibly on our behalf. We elect representation, and we should expect those that accept the responsibility given them, to act in our best interest. Again, the president CAN ask the PEOPLE to stand with him/her, in protest of anti-America legislation and policy considered by members of Congress. The president CAN lead, a la MLK, and push Congress to act favorably in our best interest.
Why you going for a fantasy world? Obama is now in it for his legacy, he will make millions when he is gone, he never knew what to do, Hillary is now even worse, the only ones I trust now is Governors like Nikki Haley
What I always see is the left voting democrat no matter what - the right voting republican no matter what, and elections being decided by the intelligent, issue-driven middle.
"Intelligent"? You're being way too generous. If they were intelligent, this nation wouldn't be in the sad shameful state that it's presently in.
I'm sorry your life sucks. But it's not Obama's fault.
That's an easy question to answer. The president has the power and authority to ask the American people to join in a protest of Congress. The president can personally lead marches to the steps of the Capitol, and call Congress out into the street. The president can ask for air time on national TV, name names, expose the selling of votes on the floors of Congress, expose corruption, call out the ones pushing anti-America legislation, and call for investigations of those members of Congress accepting money and favors for their votes on legislation. The president can ask to debate issues on national TV with those in Congress that are pushing anti-America legislation.

The president can use the power and voice of the American public to challenge Congress on issues not beneficial to all Americans. In other words, the president needs to use the people to confront Congress on every issues that's not right for America. I would strongly support a president that personally lead marches and protests against Congress. The president could call for non-violent riots in the streets to protest Congress. The president plus the people is a powerful combination.
uhm...why Don't you tell the low information voter, to vote in the midterms?
FYI - - I've been preaching to voters for many years now. Besides, I'm sure that you're aware of how voters vote. Voters vote for professional politicians 99% of the time. It's very difficult to educate voters that are determined to vote party, instead of voting for what's good for this country and her citizens. As a rule, voters either vote Democrat or Republican, thus the sad shameful state of this nation. Also, it doesn't matter whether an election is mid-term or not, voters do the exact same thing each election, yet expect a different result.
What I always see is democrats vote popularity and republicans vote policy and now you want the president to march in protest? Of what? He is supposed to be a leader a Compromising president, like Regan, Bush sr and Clinton of recent memory
The president is suppose to lead, to stand up for what's best for this country and her citizens. A president should use every available means to see to it that only beneficial legislation and policy is enacted. A president should use the power of the people to push Congress in the right direction. A president is responsible to the American people, and should stand WITH the PEOPLE in order to make sure that the PEOPLE are well represented in government. The president should not try to go it alone, but instead ask the people to stand with him against Congress. It's a well known fact that Congress is controlled by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential, and couldn't care less about this country and her citizens.

The president should take the lead role in exposing government corruption, exposing the misuse of tax dollars, demand that our judicial system be one of true justice, ensure that ALL foreign trade agreements and policies are beneficial to this country and her citizens, ensure that infrastructure is maintained, to never send our soldiers to fight and die in senseless deadly costly wars, ensure equal, fair, and just opportunities for ALL Americans, promote education, ensure proper health care, ensure that our Vets are well taken care of, provide adequate national security, protect our borders, establish friendly and beneficial foreign policy, including diplomatic resolutions beneficial to all parties involved, provide opportunities for future generations, and to work towards a self-supporting nation and citizenry.

The president, along with the people, CAN force Congress to serve the best interests of this nation and her citizens.

As it stands now, and has stood for many decades, the president is content with "politics as usual", playing the political game, and asking Congress instead of DEMANDING Congress act in our best interest. Congress serves the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential, thus the sad shameful state of this once great nation. Main Street America bears witness to many decades of "The Selling of America". To "The Washington Brotherhood", "the peoples'" duties are to vote and pay taxes, and that's all Congress regards them as, nothing more.

The president has a sworn duty and obligation to ensure fair, equal, and just representation, to protect this nation, her citizens, and to protect the well-being of both. We, the American people, depend on the president to see to it that our best interest is represented in Washington, and that Congress acts responsibly on our behalf. We elect representation, and we should expect those that accept the responsibility given them, to act in our best interest. Again, the president CAN ask the PEOPLE to stand with him/her, in protest of anti-America legislation and policy considered by members of Congress. The president CAN lead, a la MLK, and push Congress to act favorably in our best interest.
Why you going for a fantasy world? Obama is now in it for his legacy, he will make millions when he is gone, he never knew what to do, Hillary is now even worse, the only ones I trust now is Governors like Nikki Haley
It's NOT a fantasy world, not in the least. It happens to be reality, and what is expected. Yes, Obama, like many before him, is NOT pro-America. Hillary is a joke, as is ALL professional politicians. I have never ever voted for a professional politician, and I never will.
What I always see is the left voting democrat no matter what - the right voting republican no matter what, and elections being decided by the intelligent, issue-driven middle.
"Intelligent"? You're being way too generous. If they were intelligent, this nation wouldn't be in the sad shameful state that it's presently in.
I'm sorry your life sucks. But it's not Obama's fault.
FYI - My life is GREAT !!! .. I'm very fortunate and blessed, in many ways. I have lived a full life, and now retired and doing well. I have never ever said it's Obama's fault that my life is GRAET. Obama is nothing more than a cheap clown act, period.
Your posts betray you sonny. Take responsibility and take charge of your own life. Quit trying to blame others. You will be a lot happier.
Your posts betray you sonny. Take responsibility and take charge of your own life. Quit trying to blame others. You will be a lot happier.
FYI --- I'm a very responsible person, and have always been. I'm in complete control of my life, and life is GREAT. I'm retired now and living the good life. I have a wonderful life and family. I have always taken charge of my life, and no plans to change that at my age. I'm very blessed and very fortunate, and I'm very thankful for all that I have and have been blessed with. By the way, when did I blame someone for the way my life is? I don't recall blaming anyone for the way my wonderful life is. Are you imagining things?

Anything else?
I know it's hard for posters like the OP to understand - the Office of the President of the United States was NEVER meant to be a "voice" of the American people!

It was created to execute the laws enacted by the people's representatives - Congress. That and to defend the republic from enemies, "domestic and foreign,."

It is NOT there to create laws in any form, only to issue rules and regulations for having those laws put into effect.

The worst thing that ever happened in American history was the passage of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution creating election of Senators by popular vote, opening the way for the same by the President.

The best thing that could happen to this country is a concerted effort to revoke this amendment!
Keep telling yourself that sonny. Maybe one day even you will believe you are not a bitter, old, finger-pointing whiner. But your posts here betray you.
Keep telling yourself that sonny. Maybe one day even you will believe you are not a bitter, old, finger-pointing whiner. But your posts here betray you.
Very funny ... cute also...... strange that you have never met me, know anything about me, yet talk as if you have known me forever. I find your comment silly, pathetic, and a great distance from any truth..... I'm in no way bitter, and I never whine.... telling it like it is, is in no way whining, or being bitter. My posts and comments speak the truth, and if you can dispute them, by all means do so. But, please dispute them with something other than just your opinion. You see, there are almost 7 billion people on this Earth, and at least that many opinions. Also, attacking me doesn't prove anything. Personal attacks are childish and silly. Please comment in an adult and civil manner, if you know how. Thanks.

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