Did The Soviet Union Lose The Cold War, or did The Cold War Leave The Soviet Union

  • Yes, The Democrat Party is carrying The Torch for Khrushchev

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No, America will never be a Socialist Country even with The Democrat Party threatening to destroy us

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Democrat Radicals Are Channeling Khrushchev Today! They want Impeachment under their Christmas Tree, and in their rush to accuse and write articles of impeachment against our duly elected president, denied him Due Process, Refused to allow The Judiciary to arbitrate disagreements between The Executive and House, & have ram-rodded an impeachment vote through The House in just 36 days. 36 Days!

Bill Clinton's Impeachment which allowed for Due Process and Arbitration of The Judiciary took 162 Days! Not 36, not 72 Days, 162 Days and he was acquitted after all of that, despite the fact he admitted he had committed some crimes, and imo, was generally remorseful for doing so, regardless of what you think of him.

In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.

What is today's Impeachment about? The President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire James Comey, The President's Right to defend himself against an illegal COUP, assert his right to Due Process and Executive Privilege, and exercise his right to set Foreign Policy.

But looking back on "impeachment" it is troubling, and polarizing. But why and when did Impeachment become "common place" "watered down" and "weaponized?"

In my opinion, this Impeachment Insanity all started some time after The Cold War Began. This was a Cold War btw, The Soviet Union knew that they were struggling to win and may not win at the time, but like the masters of disinformation and propaganda they are, they always tried to bluff you in to believing they were unstoppable.

From The Outside Looking In, The Soviet Union lost The Cold War, but I disagree. The Cold War, and Communist-Socialist Ideology simply Immigrated in to The Democrat Party. Khruschev's Threat To Bury us From Within, has become The DemNazi War Cry in their Jihad to Fundamentally Destroy America, from Within. Only difference being is that The Left today is wielding Impeachment like Khruschev wielded his shoe. Pounding on The Pulpit and telling us That American Capitalism, The Electoral College must be destroyed, and the 2016 Election be overturned.

Khruschev's Congo Speech or his 1960 Speech at The UN if translated in English sounds like things were hear every day here. Tell me that Khruschev does not sound like every Liberal you know today.

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The Issues that divide America in our current state of prosperity, which teeters at the edge of a cliff of fiscal insanity brought on by excessive Socialist Spending are petty, and intentionally so.

They are not important issues. They are tools and wedges used to disrupt common sense, and cooperation and unity between diverse peoples, and it was how The Soviet Union used to go in to a satellite state, or a target of theirs that they wanted to annex, propagandize the crap out of that state, and make mountains out of molehills, fan flames of division, and then slowly install their people in power, and then swoop in and take over when the time was right.

These are the same tactics The Democrat Party has used since the 60s after The Death of JFK who was the LAST Democrat Patriot who ever held office as a Democrat President. These are the same tactics they adopted from The Soviet Union codified in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals that they are using today in The House of Representatives to attempt for the 4th time since 2016 to impeach and remove The President With.

The Democrat Party are The New Soviets, intentionally dividing America against itself, one petty grievance at a time. If they can fracture E Pluribus Unum, there is No Union.

We as a nation can be Diverse, but we must be unified under a common flag, common principles, rights and privileges guaranteed us under the Rule of Law and Constitution.

If we start implementing violations of our Civil Liberties and Rights such as The Right to Privacy, Due Process, The Right to Face Your Accuser, and The Right to See Evidence Against you and Cross Examine Adverse Witnesses in The NAME of So Called Safety, we have lost The Republic.

Secret Witnesses, Secret Courts, Secret Affidavits, Secret Transcripts, Secret Judges, and Secret Hearings are Forbidden by Our Constitution and DUE PROCESS, yet here we are with an Out of Control Surveillance State, Corrupt Bureaucrats who call themselves Law Enforcement Officials in The FBI, and all of this Unconstitutional and Unaccountable Entities in Existence, that Violates The Very Nostrils of Freedom.

And on top of that, we have weaponized all of that, sanctioned violations of our Rights and Privileges in THE NAME OF SAFETY and SECURITY. This includes an impeachment process only meant to be employed in grievous situations of National Emergency that too against all common sense was weaponized against The American People, and Their Choice of Representation the day The Democrat Party and unelected Bureaucrats disagreed with The Will of The People.

This is not what E. Pluribus Unum is supposed to look like. It is what The Soviet Union looked like as it aspired to gain more and more control over more and more peoples and suppress and extinguish dissent, even going so far as to eliminate anyone that dared have the audacity to be different or dared disagree with them.

Welcome to The Orwellian America where your rights have become privileges, and privileges like a Driver's License, or any other thing The Left can give away have become rights.
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The Democrats are in in a damn hurry to remove President Trump due to the Election being just 11 months away and The Democrat Party being in dire straights being $7 Million in debt, while Donald J. Trump has over $250 Million already in contributions for his Re-Election. Bill Clinton's impeachment was thorough and Bi-Partisan and allowed for Due Process. It took 106 days for The House to conduct their inquiry and vote on impeachment. It took an additional 20 days for The Senate to take it up, so that is 126 days from The House Inquiry to The Senate review of House Evidence against President Clinton. He was acquitted on February 12, 1999, adding to the Impeachment process another 36 days for a Grand Total of 162 Days

October 5, 1998
The House Judiciary Committee votes to launch a congressional impeachment inquiry against President Clinton.

December 19, 1998
President Clinton is impeached as the Republican controlled House approves two of the four proposed articles of impeachment by narrow partisan majorities: 228-206 and 221-212. Mr Clinton is sent for trial in the Senate.

January 8, 1999
Republican and Democratic senators agree to postpone the issue of whether to call witnesses until later in the month, enabling the Senate trial of President Clinton to commence.

Contrast that with Donald Trump's rushed Impeachment which began on Nov. 13, 2019

Impeachment Timeline: From Early Calls To A Full House Vote

Public impeachment hearings began in the Intelligence Committee. Lawmakers heard from a range of witnesses, including Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a National Security Council Ukraine expert who testified he thought Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president was "improper;" former ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, who said she felt threatened by Trump's comments about her in that phone call; and the U.S. ambassador to the E.U., Gordon Sondland, who testified he believed Trump's demand that Zelenskiy open an investigation into the Bidens did constitute a "quid pro quo."

We are at just 36 Days from the official beginning of The Impeachment Inquiry to a Vote in The House because "Pelosi did not want to wait on The Courts to arbitrate on matters of Executive Privilege." 36 Days. Bill Clinton's Impeachment did not reach this stage until 106 Days, and his entire Impeachment Process from beginning to end where he was acquitted was 162 Days.

Yet, The Democrats want to tell you in The House, that they have enough evidence and it is irrefutable while knowing that the entire hoax started 3 years ago with FISA Abuse, and FBI Criminal Actions, and knowing that they deliberately wanted to by pass The Judiciary as an arbitrator of disagreements between The Executive and The House at the same time they denied all 10 of The GOP's witness requests.

Again, 36 days from the start of The House Inquiry to voting on Impeachment vs, 106 Days, with The House saying They have Irrefutable Evidence and have more than enough incontrovertible Evidence to Impeach, while Schummer over in The Senate is saying he does not have enough evidence and wants to call "Witnesses" to shore up a poor House case, when that is not The Function of The Senate to continue The House Inquiry. They only decide on The Case The House Constructed.

36 Days and No Due Process for President Trump, Secret Hearings, Secret Witnesses who refused to appear before the committee.

162 Days were Given Bill Clinton, & he was afforded DUE Process, and Faced his Accusers, and was provided all Evidence that was against him.
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In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.

What is today's Impeachment about? The President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire James Comey, The President's Right to defend himself against an illegal COUP, assert his right to Due Process and Executive Privilege, and exercise his right to set Foreign Policy.

But looking back on "impeachment" it is troubling, and polarizing. But why and when did Impeachment become "common place" "watered down" and "weaponized?"

In my opinion, this Impeachment Insanity all started some time after The Cold War Began. This was a Cold War btw, The Soviet Union knew that they were struggling to win and may not win at the time, but like the masters of disinformation and propaganda they are, they always tried to bluff you in to believing they were unstoppable.

From The Outside Looking In, The Soviet Union lost The Cold War, but I disagree. The Cold War, and Communist-Socialist Ideology simply Immigrated in to The Democrat Party. Khruschev's Threat To Bury us From Within, has become The DemNazi War Cry in their Jihad to Fundamentally Destroy America, from Within. Only difference being is that The Left today is wielding Impeachment like Khruschev wielded his shoe. Pounding on The Pulpit and telling us That American Capitalism, The Electoral College must be destroyed, and the 2016 Election be overturned.

Khruschev's Congo Speech or his 1960 Speech at The UN if translated in English sounds like things were hear every day here. Tell me that Khruschev does not sound like every Liberal you know today.

It should be noted that there was no position of Defense Secretary, at that time. Stanton was Secretary of War. It would also be noted that there was no crime alleged in the 11 articles of Impeachment...just a bare knuckle fight over who the Cabinet officers served. the fight was really about Reconstruction..and what the Radical Republicans saw as a too conciliatory of a tone set by the President.

In one of the oddities of our processes of the time..Johnson was Democrat. He was saved from removal by a Republican...who voted his Principles..and destroyed his political career. 10 other Republicans also voted to Acquit..none of them ever held political office again.
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.
We have had 2 impeachments in the last 50 years, not 3. And that's only if you count the pending Trump impeachment.

Reagan was not impeached. Neither Bush was impeached. Although Trump demanded the second Bush be removed from office for lying about WMDs in Iraq.

Put down the crack pipe and learn some American history, you little FSB whore.
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.

What is today's Impeachment about? The President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire James Comey, The President's Right to defend himself against an illegal COUP, assert his right to Due Process and Executive Privilege, and exercise his right to set Foreign Policy.

But looking back on "impeachment" it is troubling, and polarizing. But why and when did Impeachment become "common place" "watered down" and "weaponized?"

In my opinion, this Impeachment Insanity all started some time after The Cold War Began. This was a Cold War btw, The Soviet Union knew that they were struggling to win and may not win at the time, but like the masters of disinformation and propaganda they are, they always tried to bluff you in to believing they were unstoppable.

From The Outside Looking In, The Soviet Union lost The Cold War, but I disagree. The Cold War, and Communist-Socialist Ideology simply Immigrated in to The Democrat Party. Khruschev's Threat To Bury us From Within, has become The DemNazi War Cry in their Jihad to Fundamentally Destroy America, from Within. Only difference being is that The Left today is wielding Impeachment like Khruschev wielded his shoe. Pounding on The Pulpit and telling us That American Capitalism, The Electoral College must be destroyed, and the 2016 Election be overturned.

Khruschev's Congo Speech or his 1960 Speech at The UN if translated in English sounds like things were hear every day here. Tell me that Khruschev does not sound like every Liberal you know today.

It should be noted that there was no position of Defense Secretary, at that time. Stanton was Secretary of War. It would also be noted that there was no crime alleged in the 11 articles of Impeachment...just a bare knuckle fight over who the Cabinet officers served. the fight was really about Reconstruction..and what the Radical Republicans saw as a too conciliatory of a tone set by the President.

In one of the oddities of our processes of the time..Johnson was Democrat. He was saved from removal by a Republican...who voted his Principles..and destroyed his political career. 10 other Republicans also voted to Acquit..none of them ever held political office again.

The FSB does not get training in American history.
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.

What is today's Impeachment about? The President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire James Comey, The President's Right to defend himself against an illegal COUP, assert his right to Due Process and Executive Privilege, and exercise his right to set Foreign Policy.

But looking back on "impeachment" it is troubling, and polarizing. But why and when did Impeachment become "common place" "watered down" and "weaponized?"

In my opinion, this Impeachment Insanity all started some time after The Cold War Began. This was a Cold War btw, The Soviet Union knew that they were struggling to win and may not win at the time, but like the masters of disinformation and propaganda they are, they always tried to bluff you in to believing they were unstoppable.

From The Outside Looking In, The Soviet Union lost The Cold War, but I disagree. The Cold War, and Communist-Socialist Ideology simply Immigrated in to The Democrat Party. Khruschev's Threat To Bury us From Within, has become The DemNazi War Cry in their Jihad to Fundamentally Destroy America, from Within. Only difference being is that The Left today is wielding Impeachment like Khruschev wielded his shoe. Pounding on The Pulpit and telling us That American Capitalism, The Electoral College must be destroyed, and the 2016 Election be overturned.

Khruschev's Congo Speech or his 1960 Speech at The UN if translated in English sounds like things were hear every day here. Tell me that Khruschev does not sound like every Liberal you know today.

It should be noted that there was no position of Defense Secretary, at that time. Stanton was Secretary of War. It would also be noted that there was no crime alleged in the 11 articles of Impeachment...just a bare knuckle fight over who the Cabinet officers served. the fight was really about Reconstruction..and what the Radical Republicans saw as a too conciliatory of a tone set by the President.

In one of the oddities of our processes of the time..Johnson was Democrat. He was saved from removal by a Republican...who voted his Principles..and destroyed his political career. 10 other Republicans also voted to Acquit..none of them ever held political office again.

Thanks for the correction on Secretary of War.
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.

What is today's Impeachment about? The President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire James Comey, The President's Right to defend himself against an illegal COUP, assert his right to Due Process and Executive Privilege, and exercise his right to set Foreign Policy.

But looking back on "impeachment" it is troubling, and polarizing. But why and when did Impeachment become "common place" "watered down" and "weaponized?"

In my opinion, this Impeachment Insanity all started some time after The Cold War Began. This was a Cold War btw, The Soviet Union knew that they were struggling to win and may not win at the time, but like the masters of disinformation and propaganda they are, they always tried to bluff you in to believing they were unstoppable.

From The Outside Looking In, The Soviet Union lost The Cold War, but I disagree. The Cold War, and Communist-Socialist Ideology simply Immigrated in to The Democrat Party. Khruschev's Threat To Bury us From Within, has become The DemNazi War Cry in their Jihad to Fundamentally Destroy America, from Within. Only difference being is that The Left today is wielding Impeachment like Khruschev wielded his shoe. Pounding on The Pulpit and telling us That American Capitalism, The Electoral College must be destroyed, and the 2016 Election be overturned.

Khruschev's Congo Speech or his 1960 Speech at The UN if translated in English sounds like things were hear every day here. Tell me that Khruschev does not sound like every Liberal you know today.

It should be noted that there was no position of Defense Secretary, at that time. Stanton was Secretary of War. It would also be noted that there was no crime alleged in the 11 articles of Impeachment...just a bare knuckle fight over who the Cabinet officers served. the fight was really about Reconstruction..and what the Radical Republicans saw as a too conciliatory of a tone set by the President.

In one of the oddities of our processes of the time..Johnson was Democrat. He was saved from removal by a Republican...who voted his Principles..and destroyed his political career. 10 other Republicans also voted to Acquit..none of them ever held political office again.

That to me is amazing that all of those Republicans stuck their necks out like that to save Democrat President Johnson from what looked like to me to be a simple disagreement on policies and his Executive Rights, and a process that seemed to be unfair.
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.
We have had 2 impeachments in the last 50 years, not 3. And that's only if you count the pending Trump impeachment.

Reagan was not impeached. Neither Bush was impeached. Although Trump demanded the second Bush be removed from office for lying about WMDs in Iraq.

Put down the crack pipe and learn some American history, you little FSB whore.
Nixon, Clinton, Trump. That's 3.

Constitution signed in 1787

Johnson Impeachment was in 1868

From 1787 to 1973 is 186 Years.

One Impeachment in 186 Years.

Then 3 in the next 45 Years.

1974 Nixon
1999 Clinton
2019 Trump

3 Impeachments in 45 Years.

Thank you and show yourself to the Dunce Room.
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So why are Republicans planning to rush it through the Senate?

Clinton’s was longer because Clinton actually cooperated with the investigation and allowed his staff to testify
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.

What is today's Impeachment about? The President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire James Comey, The President's Right to defend himself against an illegal COUP, assert his right to Due Process and Executive Privilege, and exercise his right to set Foreign Policy.

But looking back on "impeachment" it is troubling, and polarizing. But why and when did Impeachment become "common place" "watered down" and "weaponized?"

In my opinion, this Impeachment Insanity all started some time after The Cold War Began. This was a Cold War btw, The Soviet Union knew that they were struggling to win and may not win at the time, but like the masters of disinformation and propaganda they are, they always tried to bluff you in to believing they were unstoppable.

From The Outside Looking In, The Soviet Union lost The Cold War, but I disagree. The Cold War, and Communist-Socialist Ideology simply Immigrated in to The Democrat Party. Khruschev's Threat To Bury us From Within, has become The DemNazi War Cry in their Jihad to Fundamentally Destroy America, from Within. Only difference being is that The Left today is wielding Impeachment like Khruschev wielded his shoe. Pounding on The Pulpit and telling us That American Capitalism, The Electoral College must be destroyed, and the 2016 Election be overturned.

Khruschev's Congo Speech or his 1960 Speech at The UN if translated in English sounds like things were hear every day here. Tell me that Khruschev does not sound like every Liberal you know today.

It should be noted that there was no position of Defense Secretary, at that time. Stanton was Secretary of War. It would also be noted that there was no crime alleged in the 11 articles of Impeachment...just a bare knuckle fight over who the Cabinet officers served. the fight was really about Reconstruction..and what the Radical Republicans saw as a too conciliatory of a tone set by the President.

In one of the oddities of our processes of the time..Johnson was Democrat. He was saved from removal by a Republican...who voted his Principles..and destroyed his political career. 10 other Republicans also voted to Acquit..none of them ever held political office again.

That to me is amazing that all of those Republicans stuck their necks out like that to save Democrat Andrew Johnson from what looked like to me a simple disagreement on policies and his Executive Rights.

Nothing simple..at the time. Some of it was just rebounding from Lincoln's high-handed methods...which congress resented..even though they were mostly of the same party. When Johnson was percieved to be taking the same tack...many worried that the power of congress would be forever diminished..as indeed it was. A reader of US history would note that the concept of 'equal powers' did not really come into vogue in the early years. Congress was the big dog..and the President, excluding his war powers, was very much 2nd fiddle. Most believe that this was by intent. Over time..more and more power has accrued to the Executive..usually in times of war--and when peace comes..the power stays..reducing Congresses function..to where have the current state of affairs. If a President had tried to govern by Executive order, like is done now...prior to the Civil War..they would have rode him out of town on a rail!

So why are Republicans planning to rush it through the Senate?

Clinton’s was longer because Clinton actually cooperated with the investigation and allowed his staff to testify
Why do you lie?

The Clinton administration invoked executive privilege on fourteen occasions. In 1998, President Bill Clinton became the first president since Nixon to assert executive privilege and lose in court, when a federal judge ruled that Clinton aides could be called to testify in the Lewinsky scandal.

Executive privilege - Wikipedia
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.
We have had 2 impeachments in the last 50 years, not 3. And that's only if you count the pending Trump impeachment.

Reagan was not impeached. Neither Bush was impeached. Although Trump demanded the second Bush be removed from office for lying about WMDs in Iraq.

Put down the crack pipe and learn some American history, you little FSB whore.
Nixon, Clinton, Trump. That's 3.

Constitution signed in 1787

Johnson Impeachment was in 1868

From 1787 to 1972 is 185 Years.

One Impeachment in 185 Years.

Then 3 in the next 46 Years.

1973 Nixon
1999 Clinton
2019 Trump

3 Impeachments in 46 Years.

Thank you and show yourself to the Dunce Room.

g blocked me because he is a coward - true story
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.
We have had 2 impeachments in the last 50 years, not 3. And that's only if you count the pending Trump impeachment.

Reagan was not impeached. Neither Bush was impeached. Although Trump demanded the second Bush be removed from office for lying about WMDs in Iraq.

Put down the crack pipe and learn some American history, you little FSB whore.
Nixon, Clinton, Trump. That's 3.

Constitution signed in 1787

Johnson Impeachment was in 1868

From 1787 to 1972 is 185 Years.

One Impeachment in 185 Years.

Then 3 in the next 46 Years.

1973 Nixon
1999 Clinton
2019 Trump

3 Impeachments in 46 Years.

Thank you and show yourself to the Dunce Room.
Nixon was not impeached..he resigned before the vote. Your date is also wrong...Nixon resigned August 6, 1974
Dude...you need to learn your US history..or folks here will eat you up.
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.

What is today's Impeachment about? The President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire James Comey, The President's Right to defend himself against an illegal COUP, assert his right to Due Process and Executive Privilege, and exercise his right to set Foreign Policy.

But looking back on "impeachment" it is troubling, and polarizing. But why and when did Impeachment become "common place" "watered down" and "weaponized?"

In my opinion, this Impeachment Insanity all started some time after The Cold War Began. This was a Cold War btw, The Soviet Union knew that they were struggling to win and may not win at the time, but like the masters of disinformation and propaganda they are, they always tried to bluff you in to believing they were unstoppable.

From The Outside Looking In, The Soviet Union lost The Cold War, but I disagree. The Cold War, and Communist-Socialist Ideology simply Immigrated in to The Democrat Party. Khruschev's Threat To Bury us From Within, has become The DemNazi War Cry in their Jihad to Fundamentally Destroy America, from Within. Only difference being is that The Left today is wielding Impeachment like Khruschev wielded his shoe. Pounding on The Pulpit and telling us That American Capitalism, The Electoral College must be destroyed, and the 2016 Election be overturned.

Khruschev's Congo Speech or his 1960 Speech at The UN if translated in English sounds like things were hear every day here. Tell me that Khruschev does not sound like every Liberal you know today.

It should be noted that there was no position of Defense Secretary, at that time. Stanton was Secretary of War. It would also be noted that there was no crime alleged in the 11 articles of Impeachment...just a bare knuckle fight over who the Cabinet officers served. the fight was really about Reconstruction..and what the Radical Republicans saw as a too conciliatory of a tone set by the President.

In one of the oddities of our processes of the time..Johnson was Democrat. He was saved from removal by a Republican...who voted his Principles..and destroyed his political career. 10 other Republicans also voted to Acquit..none of them ever held political office again.

That to me is amazing that all of those Republicans stuck their necks out like that to save Democrat Andrew Johnson from what looked like to me a simple disagreement on policies and his Executive Rights.

Nothing simple..at the time. Some of it was just rebounding from Lincoln's high-handed methods...which congress resented..even though they were mostly of the same party. When Johnson was percieved to be taking the same tack...many worried that the power of congress would be forever diminished..as indeed it was. A reader of US history would note that the concept of 'equal powers' did not really come into vogue in the early years. Congress was the big dog..and the President, excluding his war powers, was very much 2nd fiddle. Most believe that this was by intent. Over time..more and more power has accrued to the Executive..usually in times of war--and when peace comes..the power stays..reducing Congresses function..to where have the current state of affairs. If a President had tried to govern by Executive order, like is done now...prior to the Civil War..they would have rode him out of town on a rail!

Thank you, Enjoyed those comments.
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.
We have had 2 impeachments in the last 50 years, not 3. And that's only if you count the pending Trump impeachment.

Reagan was not impeached. Neither Bush was impeached. Although Trump demanded the second Bush be removed from office for lying about WMDs in Iraq.

Put down the crack pipe and learn some American history, you little FSB whore.
Nixon, Clinton, Trump. That's 3.

Constitution signed in 1787

Johnson Impeachment was in 1868

From 1787 to 1972 is 185 Years.

One Impeachment in 185 Years.

Then 3 in the next 46 Years.

1973 Nixon
1999 Clinton
2019 Trump

3 Impeachments in 46 Years.

Thank you and show yourself to the Dunce Room.
Nixon was not impeached..he resigned before the vote. Your date is also wrong...Nixon resigned August 6, 1974
Dude...you need to learn your US history..or folks here will eat you up.
It doesn't not matter that he resigned, which he did for the good of the country because he did not want it DIVIDED OVER IMPEACHMENT.

Official Impeachment was launched against Nixon.

An impeachment process against Richard Nixon began in the United States House of Representatives on October 30, 1973, following the "Saturday Night Massacre" episode of the Watergate scandal.

Impeachment process against Richard Nixon - Wikipedia
The FSB needs to do a better job training its morons about US history.
In the 1st 175 years of American History, we only had one Impeachment Attempt, and it was over a President exercising his Constitutional Right to fire his own Defense Secretary.

In the Last 50 Years we have had 3 Impeachments, but also it should be noted that The Democrat Party has tried to impeach every single GOP President since Nixon.
We have had 2 impeachments in the last 50 years, not 3. And that's only if you count the pending Trump impeachment.

Reagan was not impeached. Neither Bush was impeached. Although Trump demanded the second Bush be removed from office for lying about WMDs in Iraq.

Put down the crack pipe and learn some American history, you little FSB whore.
Nixon, Clinton, Trump. That's 3.

Constitution signed in 1787

Johnson Impeachment was in 1868

From 1787 to 1972 is 185 Years.

One Impeachment in 185 Years.

Then 3 in the next 46 Years.

1973 Nixon
1999 Clinton
2019 Trump

3 Impeachments in 46 Years.

Thank you and show yourself to the Dunce Room.
Nixon was not impeached..he resigned before the vote. Your date is also wrong...Nixon resigned August 6, 1974
Dude...you need to learn your US history..or folks here will eat you up.

I used 1973, would you like me to change it to 1974?

An impeachment process against Richard Nixon began in the United States House of Representatives on October 30, 1973, following the "Saturday Night Massacre" episode of the Watergate scandal. The House Judiciary Committee set up an impeachment inquiry staff and began investigations into possible impeachable offenses by Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States. The process was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the House granted its Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach President Nixon of high crimes and misdemeanors under Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution.

Impeachment process against Richard Nixon - Wikipedia

So why are Republicans planning to rush it through the Senate?

Clinton’s was longer because Clinton actually cooperated with the investigation and allowed his staff to testify
There are no Fact Witnesses, and the primary two witnesses that initiated this, are illegally being allowed to remain anonymous and are refusing to testify.

Further more, There is Direct Evidence in The Transcript, plus Ukraine's testimony that there was never any pressure, and the fact that Aide was released within the deadline prescribed.

There are also no violations of US Code listed in The Articles. Impeachment requires High Crimes and Misdemeanors that can actually be found in US Code.

Lastly, The House refused to allow The Judiciary to Arbitrate in matters of Disagreement between The Executive & House, so They Violated Due Process in that respect and also denied all 10 witnesses requested by The GOP and furthermore did not allow The President to have Counsel and Representation in some of the proceedings.

So it's basically and open and shut case easily dismissed due to lack of evidence to support The Accusations leveled at The President, and the House refusing to allow Due Process to take it's due course.
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