President Trump unveils new logo for the Space Force. take a look, my friends!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

God bless our troops!

Trump unveils Space Force logo

Let's not forget that Obama killed the space program and told NASA their mission was to reach out to Muslims.
Now all we need are some badass uniforms and weapons.

Mind-blowing ...


That's what Democrats said about President Ronald Reagan when he initiated research to develop, our anti-ballistic missile system. Democrats laughed and made fun of "Ronnie Raygun" and ridiculed him.

We now have an effective anti-missile system which is installed at locations around the world and has saved thousands of lives. Yet "you" laughed at the time.

What is your intent with the post saying, "mindblowing"? Do you believe a Space Force is a waste of money?

Are you aware that while failed former President Barack Hussein Obama slowed our research into new weapons, China developed a satellite killing rocket, tested it on dead satellites and it works?

Our Air Force was created in 1907, World War I ran from July 1914 through November 1918. The budding Army-Air Force did not play a significant role. During WW-II, control of the air was a major deciding factor in winning the war. After the War, in 1947, the Air Force was split from the Army.

Was it a great decision to form the Army Air Force in 1907?
99% of the Space Force will be ground support personnel. Just like how the Air Force is 95% ground support personnel for the actual flight crews.
What the Space Force needs is a one of those ray guns that destroys clothing but doesn't harm human flesh. I think they had a weapon like that in one of the Get Smart movies.

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