President Trump is a True American Patriot


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2015
Mr. Trump wants to unify our citizenry for the betterment of all. He faces an uphill battle fighting the deeply entrenched corrupt Establishment what is on the payroll of Big Money. Here is a great article to analyze his upcoming struggle.

"Trump’s Declaration of War
Paul Craig Roberts

President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it.
Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans’ enemies are right here at home: globalists, neoliberal economists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.
If truth can be said, President Trump has declared a war far more dangerous to himself than if he had declared war against Russia or China."

The full article linked below paints a frightening picture.

Trump’s Declaration of War -
When you've read the article come back and share your thoughts. Thanks.
I read it. Trump is a buffoon.

Not only a buffoon, but a dangerous one.

All that talk of victimization and Trump has victimized everyone he has ever worked with, his family, his friends and now he's victimizing this country by victimizing poor Republicans.
How about a slice of Trump U?
Or a helping of Trump Foundation?
A dash of stiffed workers perhaps?
Everyone he has ever met, he's victimized.
First off, President Trump's inaugural address was grim as fuck. I agree with George Will in that it was the most dreadful inaugural address in our history. It will always be remembered as his "Midnight In America" speech.

And wtf was he going on about "American carnage!"? Really? Is he a fucking American President or a loose-lipped AM radio show fuckwit? Did he inherit 800,000 jobs losses a month and a tanking economy? No. Did he inherit 2 full-on wars involving a quarter million of our best and bravest? No.

"America First", he says. Anyone here stupid enough to believe that? Trump First is his only guiding principle.

If it were America First, you don't go to the CIA with a few dozen of your people to cheer you on while you say shit like "Maybe we'll have another chance to take the oil" from Iraq, which infuriated the very Iraqi allies on the ground our troops are serving alongside.

He's already literally put our people in danger with his big fucking mouth, undermining the great work our troops do up and down the line in their fight against terrorism and in the very hard work they have in building relationships in foreign countries with people who need to trust that we're there looking out for their interests, not ours.

Sorry, but if Obama had done this on his opening weekend, Trumpsters would be rightfully livid.

It's not about politics with Trump: it's about whether you're patriotic enough to admit his loose cannon, know-nothing style is already fucking shit up.

President Trump, please learn to STFU, you fucking child.
First off, President Trump's inaugural address was grim as fuck. I agree with George Will in that it was the most dreadful inaugural address in our history. It will always be remembered as his "Midnight In America" speech.

And wtf was he going on about "American carnage!"? Really? Is he a fucking American President or a loose-lipped AM radio show fuckwit? Did he inherit 800,000 jobs losses a month and a tanking economy? No. Did he inherit 2 full-on wars involving a quarter million of our best and bravest? No.

"America First", he says. Anyone here stupid enough to believe that? Trump First is his only guiding principle.

If it were America First, you don't go to the CIA with a few dozen of your people to cheer you on while you say shit like "Maybe we'll have another chance to take the oil" from Iraq, which infuriated the very Iraqi allies on the ground our troops are serving alongside.

He's already literally put our people in danger with his big fucking mouth, undermining the great work our troops do up and down the line in their fight against terrorism and in the very hard work they have in building relationships in foreign countries with people who need to trust that we're there looking out for their interests, not ours.

Sorry, but if Obama had done this on his opening weekend, Trumpsters would be rightfully livid.

It's not about politics with Trump: it's about whether you're patriotic enough to admit his loose cannon, know-nothing style is already fucking shit up.

President Trump, please learn to STFU, you fucking child.

It was an assessment of the country, an accurate one at that. The fact that communists, socialists, and progressive twats are foaming at the mouth over it just confirms that he was right on. Your days of destroying America are over, leftist twats.
Mr. Trump wants to unify our citizenry for the betterment of all. He faces an uphill battle fighting the deeply entrenched corrupt Establishment what is on the payroll of Big Money. Here is a great article to analyze his upcoming struggle.

"Trump’s Declaration of War
Paul Craig Roberts

President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it.
Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans’ enemies are right here at home: globalists, neoliberal economists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.
If truth can be said, President Trump has declared a war far more dangerous to himself than if he had declared war against Russia or China."

The full article linked below paints a frightening picture.

Trump’s Declaration of War -

Trump is a misfit, a disgrace to statesmanship and a huge fucking sack of MRSA.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using mobile app
Mr. Trump wants to unify our citizenry for the betterment of all. He faces an uphill battle fighting the deeply entrenched corrupt Establishment what is on the payroll of Big Money. Here is a great article to analyze his upcoming struggle.

"Trump’s Declaration of War
Paul Craig Roberts

President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it.
Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans’ enemies are right here at home: globalists, neoliberal economists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.
If truth can be said, President Trump has declared a war far more dangerous to himself than if he had declared war against Russia or China."

The full article linked below paints a frightening picture.

Trump’s Declaration of War -

Trump is a misfit, a disgrace to statesmanship and a huge fucking sack of MRSA.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using mobile app
You a taker?
First off, President Trump's inaugural address was grim as fuck. I agree with George Will in that it was the most dreadful inaugural address in our history. It will always be remembered as his "Midnight In America" speech.

And wtf was he going on about "American carnage!"? Really? Is he a fucking American President or a loose-lipped AM radio show fuckwit? Did he inherit 800,000 jobs losses a month and a tanking economy? No. Did he inherit 2 full-on wars involving a quarter million of our best and bravest? No.

"America First", he says. Anyone here stupid enough to believe that? Trump First is his only guiding principle.

If it were America First, you don't go to the CIA with a few dozen of your people to cheer you on while you say shit like "Maybe we'll have another chance to take the oil" from Iraq, which infuriated the very Iraqi allies on the ground our troops are serving alongside.

He's already literally put our people in danger with his big fucking mouth, undermining the great work our troops do up and down the line in their fight against terrorism and in the very hard work they have in building relationships in foreign countries with people who need to trust that we're there looking out for their interests, not ours.

Sorry, but if Obama had done this on his opening weekend, Trumpsters would be rightfully livid.

It's not about politics with Trump: it's about whether you're patriotic enough to admit his loose cannon, know-nothing style is already fucking shit up.

President Trump, please learn to STFU, you fucking child.
The forgotten man was one of the best I've heard.....
Mr. Trump wants to unify our citizenry for the betterment of all. He faces an uphill battle fighting the deeply entrenched corrupt Establishment what is on the payroll of Big Money. Here is a great article to analyze his upcoming struggle.

"Trump’s Declaration of War
Paul Craig Roberts

President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it.
Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans’ enemies are right here at home: globalists, neoliberal economists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.
If truth can be said, President Trump has declared a war far more dangerous to himself than if he had declared war against Russia or China."

The full article linked below paints a frightening picture.

Trump’s Declaration of War -

Trump is a misfit, a disgrace to statesmanship and a huge fucking sack of MRSA.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using mobile app
You a taker?

Is that it?? Lmao, pffft

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using mobile app
Yes, I thought so....
Mr. Trump wants to unify our citizenry for the betterment of all. He faces an uphill battle fighting the deeply entrenched corrupt Establishment what is on the payroll of Big Money. Here is a great article to analyze his upcoming struggle.

"Trump’s Declaration of War
Paul Craig Roberts

President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it.
Trump made it abundantly clear that Americans’ enemies are right here at home: globalists, neoliberal economists, neoconservatives and other unilateralists accustomed to imposing the US on the world and involving us in endless and expensive wars, politicians who serve the Ruling Establishment rather than the American people, indeed, the entire canopy of private interests that have run America into the ground while getting rich in the process.
If truth can be said, President Trump has declared a war far more dangerous to himself than if he had declared war against Russia or China."

The full article linked below paints a frightening picture.

Trump’s Declaration of War -

Trump is a misfit, a disgrace to statesmanship and a huge fucking sack of MRSA.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using mobile app
You a taker?

Is that it?? Lmao, pffft

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using mobile app
Yes, I thought so....
You do know that 'takers' voted for dickface Trump, don't you? Southern racist fucks living in mobile homes eating baby food because they don't have any fucking teeth.

Now that America's assholes have one of their own in the Oval office they're free to be the fucktards like you are.

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using mobile app
A lot of democrats did child.....

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