President Obama's new brochure

Oh Goodie!! A shiny new picture book!! "Julia" will love it!

Politico has it up on their site.
Document: Obama second-term plan brochure - Politico Staff -

Lots of nice pictures.
Not much of anything different than what he has done for the last 4 years.

He says after ending the 2 wars he will use that money for infrastructure and reducing the deficit.
We all know that we had to borrow that money to pay for those 2 wars.
Talk about smoke and mirrors.

I see many pictures, and more talking points. Nothing specific/detailed.
I guess he figures most of his base are kiddies and needs all the pictures...:lol:

my gawd, have you EVER seen a President ACT this way?

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Here's Obama's plan in Three Easy Steps.

1. Take more money from rich people.

2. Give more money to the kind of people who vote for Obama.

3. Try to set new record by achieving a $2 trillion deficit.


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