President Obama's Latest Magnificent Achievement


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
President Obama's slow ride down Gallup's daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history. Since March, Obama's job approval rating has hovered above Carter's, considered among the 20th century's worst presidents, but today Obama's punctured Carter's dismal approval line. On their comparison chart, Gallup put Obama's job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter's 51 percent.

Poll: Obama Job Approval Now Worse Than Carter's - Guy Benson
Doesn't matter what the polls say. He's always going to have the 40% sheep that will support him no matter what.

What matters is motivating the rest of the country to vote his ass out on election day.
LMAO!! Someone just posted a thread last night claiming voters held Barry at the 14th rank amongst all Presidents to have ever served.. It's baddddd when you rate below Jimmuh Cartuh.

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