President Obama may JUMP on this one


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2009
New Jersey
Single Payer insurance program, Government into owning and or controlling everything, Oh Yeah, one of Obamas pals making changes too. That's what we need is government stores, Oh YEAH :lol: Obama's "Dream Country" He and his pals control everything.

We're going to defeat speculation. Private individuals in sales can still sell, but they'll have to compete with us and with a people who is now fully aware," Chavez said.

Chavez announces new discount 'socialist' stores
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I'm sorry..

I don't see the connection between Venezuela and the US
Single Payer insurance program, Government into owning and or controlling everything, Oh Yeah, one of Obamas pals making changes too. That's what we need is government stores, Oh YEAH :lol: Obama's "Dream Country" He and his pals control everything.

We're going to defeat speculation. Private individuals in sales can still sell, but they'll have to compete with us and with a people who is now fully aware," Chavez said.

Chavez announces new discount 'socialist' stores

Wouldn't expect anything less of OL'Hugo. Don't think it would fly here though. The reatailers must have a lobby and can buy their way out of it. Someone will take the money.
This is not about any "Connection" between the US and Venezuela 'Mr. Spinmasterwinger'
You didn't get it did you? Too many people are ready to throw spears at the others before engaging their brains.

Number two, THIS is what I was talking about, TAKING OVER ALL BIZ, in THIS CASE, the OIL companies, or as many businesses as they could in time.

Note at the end the comment about Hugo Chavez and Venezuela in the first clip.


This is just HER clip.

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