President Koroma Court hearing – Yumkella remains hopeful and cautiously optimistic


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Ok, so here is a little backdrop for those that missed it. Sierra Leone Supreme Court Sits On VP Injunction Petition Today

It's a constitutional question. It's something that I have been following. There have been protests in Sierra Leon.
Sierra Leone opposition threaten protests over VP sacking - Yahoo News

And in the UK
Mass Protest in London against Vice President s Removal in Sierra Leone

The US has said take it to court.

So, I hit this site which has a predictable response:

Initial reports were that His Excellency the President does not enjoy support from Sierra Leone lawyers over act of relieving the former Vice-President of duties he had purported to be doing after that Office fell vacant.

However, the scene at the Supreme Court yesterday April 9th 2015 at the first hearing of the matter has exposed the fallacy in those initial reports. A huge throng of lawyers lined up to offer their services in support of President Koroma’s actions being not only legal but absolutely constitutional. Many offered themselves free of charge.
Sierra Leone News Lawyers Throng to Support that Relieving of Former VP is Constitutional Sierra Leone News

Now, check out this one:
It contains an interview with Dr. Yumkella a presidential hopeful. Note he is planning a protest in New York.
President Koroma Court hearing Yumkella remains hopeful and cautiously optimistic Sierra Leone Telegraph

Every time I encounter something like that, my first questions is: Didja drop all that in there for lil' ol' me?

That's going to be the new thing for awhile. I noticed it listening to NPR. Let's make comparisons to Selma.
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