Pres Obama put your executive signing privilege to work productively.


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
If Obama would use executive signings as Bush did we could put the economy back together.
This approach will require back bone. And it could move the wheels much faster.

Pres Obama: We taxpayers own the interstate highway system let's fix it,make it safe and put thousands of taxpayers back to work! Let taxpayers take tax dollars home to pay bills.

Maintaining all of the federal property that taxpayers own makes sense! Let’s put many more thousands of taxpayers back to work. It’s good use of tax dollars.

The following initiatives could get the economy back on the move:

1. The medical insurance industry does not want the uninsured and senior citizens. Use the executive order privilege to initiate IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance. Allow we IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance consumers the right to bring OUR tax dollars home to our respective communities. This will create an estimated 2 million new jobs.

2. Mandate that all federal government employees be enrolled in IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer insurance as a means of reducing the cost of the federal government substantially. Now we're talking true fiscal conservative thinking not BS.

3. Sign on to a budget that some democrats put forward in spite of the party of NO aka repubs:

This is the only budget that does everything this country needs:
* Reduces Debt by $10 trillion
* Creates good-paying jobs
* Fully maintains our social safety net
* Invests in education
* Ends our costly wars
* Closes the tax loopholes that have made offshoring jobs profitable
* Ends oil and gas subsidies that pollute our country at taxpayer expense
* Creates a national infrastructure investment bank to help us make intelligent investments for the future
Congressional Progressive Caucus : The People's Budget

4. Let’s also get on with this gold mine which could put another 355,000 back to work.
It’s called rebuilding economies:
Renewing America's Economy (2004) | Union of Concerned Scientists
All of the above will produce the trickle up effect = millions of other jobs.

Reaganomics trickle down effect killed jobs as industry left the country.
oh goody, from the Congressional Communist caucus telling the Obama how to become a DICTATOR..

how lovely
If Obama would use executive signings as Bush did we could put the economy back together.
This approach will require back bone. And it could move the wheels much faster.

Pres Obama: We taxpayers own the interstate highway system let's fix it,make it safe and put thousands of taxpayers back to work! Let taxpayers take tax dollars home to pay bills.

Maintaining all of the federal property that taxpayers own makes sense! Let’s put many more thousands of taxpayers back to work. It’s good use of tax dollars.

The following initiatives could get the economy back on the move:

1. The medical insurance industry does not want the uninsured and senior citizens. Use the executive order privilege to initiate IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance. Allow we IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance consumers the right to bring OUR tax dollars home to our respective communities. This will create an estimated 2 million new jobs.

2. Mandate that all federal government employees be enrolled in IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer insurance as a means of reducing the cost of the federal government substantially. Now we're talking true fiscal conservative thinking not BS.

3. Sign on to a budget that some democrats put forward in spite of the party of NO aka repubs:

This is the only budget that does everything this country needs:
* Reduces Debt by $10 trillion
* Creates good-paying jobs
* Fully maintains our social safety net
* Invests in education
* Ends our costly wars
* Closes the tax loopholes that have made offshoring jobs profitable
* Ends oil and gas subsidies that pollute our country at taxpayer expense
* Creates a national infrastructure investment bank to help us make intelligent investments for the future
Congressional Progressive Caucus : The People's Budget

4. Let’s also get on with this gold mine which could put another 355,000 back to work.
It’s called rebuilding economies:
Renewing America's Economy (2004) | Union of Concerned Scientists

I cannot think of a word that accurate portrays how incredibly stupid you are. Luckily for the rest of us, Obama is not a king.
Hey thanks for dropping by with another no comment..... sooooooo incredible.

Meanwhile other avenues to improve the economy go like this...

Off Your Butts NOW!

Fiscal Conservative/Socially Responsible Republicans have no republican to vote for.

Neoconservative RINO's vote blindly for anyone that calls themselves republican

Democrats come out to vote but not in huge numbers until the crap hits the fan. Democrats truly need to start cleaning house and bring in MORE new democrats
who will show some backbone.

The Green Party needs to become very very loud to keep the issues on the table instead of allowing the neoconservative party and the democratic party to decide what the issues are...... and WHO the candidates should be.

All voters especially the democrats need to get off their butts,follow politics more closely and stop relying on the BS mainstream media as a source for much of anything.

All candidates running for any office should be allowed to participates in all debates INSTEAD of allowing the neoconservative party,the democratic party and the BS mainstream media to call the shots.

Ralph Nader for President - he may piss off the mainstream politicians but at least he'll get the attention of the citizens who then can badger the politicians.

Lets’s demand a new system and vote in Fair Vote America : | Instant Runoff Voting

Demand an opportunity to vote for Fair Vote and Public Finance on the next ballot.

Incumbents say NO to the voters and YES to corrupt special interest money.

We need public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue.
Home | Public Campaign

Who would be against Public Funding? The special interest money providers plus their bought and paid for politicians!
Hey thanks for dropping by with another no comment..... sooooooo incredible.

Meanwhile other avenues to improve the economy go like this...

Off Your Butts NOW!

Fiscal Conservative/Socially Responsible Republicans have no republican to vote for.

Neoconservative RINO's vote blindly for anyone that calls themselves republican

Democrats come out to vote but not in huge numbers until the crap hits the fan. Democrats truly need to start cleaning house and bring in MORE new democrats
who will show some backbone.

The Green Party needs to become very very loud to keep the issues on the table instead of allowing the neoconservative party and the democratic party to decide what the issues are...... and WHO the candidates should be.

All voters especially the democrats need to get off their butts,follow politics more closely and stop relying on the BS mainstream media as a source for much of anything.

All candidates running for any office should be allowed to participates in all debates INSTEAD of allowing the neoconservative party,the democratic party and the BS mainstream media to call the shots.

Ralph Nader for President - he may piss off the mainstream politicians but at least he'll get the attention of the citizens who then can badger the politicians.

Lets’s demand a new system and vote in Fair Vote America : | Instant Runoff Voting

Demand an opportunity to vote for Fair Vote and Public Finance on the next ballot.

Incumbents say NO to the voters and YES to corrupt special interest money.

We need public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue.
Home | Public Campaign

Who would be against Public Funding? The special interest money providers plus their bought and paid for politicians!

The public?
Hey thanks for dropping by with another no comment..... sooooooo incredible.

Meanwhile other avenues to improve the economy go like this...

Off Your Butts NOW!

Fiscal Conservative/Socially Responsible Republicans have no republican to vote for.

Neoconservative RINO's vote blindly for anyone that calls themselves republican

Democrats come out to vote but not in huge numbers until the crap hits the fan. Democrats truly need to start cleaning house and bring in MORE new democrats
who will show some backbone.

The Green Party needs to become very very loud to keep the issues on the table instead of allowing the neoconservative party and the democratic party to decide what the issues are...... and WHO the candidates should be.

All voters especially the democrats need to get off their butts,follow politics more closely and stop relying on the BS mainstream media as a source for much of anything.

All candidates running for any office should be allowed to participates in all debates INSTEAD of allowing the neoconservative party,the democratic party and the BS mainstream media to call the shots.

Ralph Nader for President - he may piss off the mainstream politicians but at least he'll get the attention of the citizens who then can badger the politicians.

Lets’s demand a new system and vote in Fair Vote America : | Instant Runoff Voting

Demand an opportunity to vote for Fair Vote and Public Finance on the next ballot.

Incumbents say NO to the voters and YES to corrupt special interest money.

We need public financing of campaigns. Citizens cannot afford special interest money campaigns for it is the citizens that get left out. Let citizens vote on this issue.
Home | Public Campaign

Who would be against Public Funding? The special interest money providers plus their bought and paid for politicians!

The public?

Well, that would be one explanation.

But... merrilly thinks the 'wealthy' should fund everything. His math is not good.
When Obama ran for President, he thought everybody in America would just lay down and play dead while he redistributed all the nation's treasury into the pockets of personal friends of himself, Nancy Pelosi, and others we won't know about until we can look over his cooked books.

I'll truly be glad to have a restored America that redistributes American education back to the military way and prevents colleges from being communist breeding grounds ever again.
All of the above will produce the trickle up effect = millions of other jobs.

Reaganomics trickle down effect killed jobs as industry left the country.

Wow, Not even going to try and debate you dude. You are clearly completely and totally convinced you are right. Even though none of what you say makes any sense at all.
I hope that what we're seeing now is him stopping trying to work WITH the GObP/Repubs. I think that has been the biggest mistake of his administration. From the moment he was elected, the Repubs have said they would fight him on everything and they have made good on that threat. They have filibustered, stalled and obstructed every single bill that would help the United States - Even the bills introduced by their own party. They hate their president a lot more than they have every loved their country and they have proven that every day for the last three years.

I hope President Obama kicks every one of them under any bus he can find and continues to do what he has been doing - working FOR the United States.

Anyone who disagrees with this, I'll invite you again - Post even ONE thing the Republicans have done FOR this country. I've posted lists of President Obama's accomplishments but none of you rain-dead fox followers has been able to post a list of Repub's accomplishments.

What the heck has Obama done so far?
When Obama ran for President, he thought everybody in America would just lay down and play dead while he redistributed all the nation's treasury into the pockets of personal friends of himself, Nancy Pelosi, and others we won't know about until we can look over his cooked books.

I'll truly be glad to have a restored America that redistributes American education back to the military way and prevents colleges from being communist breeding grounds ever again.

If you "follow the money", you do find that most all of the redistributed funds are going into the coffers of Obama's friends, cronies, and campaign supporters. Damned few of the actual voters are feeling any improvement at all as a result of Obama's favored redistribution programs.

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