PREDICTIONS for more ginned up Dem talking points!


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
There is the relatively new "meme" going around that the GOP has some war against women.

In fact, some of our loyal liberal Democrat pitch-members are busy trying to make that talking pointless fly.

Go to first new post Still Think It Was A Good Idea For The GOP To Piss Off Women During An Election Year? ( 1 2 3 4)

Go to first new post The Republican War On Women ( 1 2 3 4 5... Last Page)

The game in THIS thread is to PREDICT what new talking pointlesses the liberal Democratics will craft next?

They are not above ginning some up, obviously.

So make your wagers.

Remember, the GOP is declaring war on women, they hate black people, they hate your grandparents and want them to die, they are the 1% and --

what's next?
Honestly im not expecting much new from the whitehouse. The fake ass war on women and class warfare seem to be working for him currently.

Newt and Santorum damaged Romney pretty bad over his finances and various other liberal style attacks. It saddens me that our own party stooped so low this year in an effort to oust Romney. Now we must reap what we sewed. Sucks, but just look and Romneys approval and dislike numbers since the primary race begun. They've plumeted.

Obama will just continue the divide and conquer bullshit. Hopefully Newt will drop out soon so Romney can put the pieces back together and raise his numbers before Obama starts to dig into him. was a leftist media hoax to convince Rush Limbaugh called a college girl a slut for wanting access to birth control that Santorum opposes.


I hate to tell you this, but women already are going for Obama by a nearly 20 point difference.

Obama led Romney 57 to 38 percent among registered female voters surveyed, the president's largest margin among women to date, according to Langer Research Associates ( pdf), which produced the April 5-8 poll for ABC.
Women Boost Obama Over Romney in New ABC Poll - ABC News

So you're only what? A week behind in your "prediction" ?

Got any other predictions? Mebbe about the Titanic? was a leftist media hoax to convince Rush Limbaugh called a college girl a slut for wanting access to birth control that Santorum opposes.


I hate to tell you this, but women already are going for Obama by a nearly 20 point difference.

Obama led Romney 57 to 38 percent among registered female voters surveyed, the president's largest margin among women to date, according to Langer Research Associates ( pdf), which produced the April 5-8 poll for ABC.
Women Boost Obama Over Romney in New ABC Poll - ABC News

So you're only what? A week behind in your "prediction" ?

Got any other predictions? Mebbe about the Titanic?

She already had access jackass. Their are two clinics within a mile of her campus. One offered them for free while the other charged 9 bucks. The fact that she claimed to be having so much sex that 9 bucks was breaking her financially is what made her a slut. And more than that, she wanted someone else to pay for her to have recreational sex. In my book that would also make her a prostitute and congress her pimp.
There is the relatively new "meme" going around that the GOP has some war against women.

In fact, some of our loyal liberal Democrat pitch-members are busy trying to make that talking pointless fly.

Go to first new post Still Think It Was A Good Idea For The GOP To Piss Off Women During An Election Year? ( 1 2 3 4)

Go to first new post The Republican War On Women ( 1 2 3 4 5... Last Page)

The game in THIS thread is to PREDICT what new talking pointlesses the liberal Democratics will craft next?

They are not above ginning some up, obviously.

So make your wagers.

Remember, the GOP is declaring war on women, they hate black people, they hate your grandparents and want them to die, they are the 1% and --

what's next?

What's next? They will do anything to deflect from Obama's record and the actual state of crisis the nation is in.

Some will be:

Republicans hate education.
Republicans hate the poor
Republicans hate gays
Republicans hate kids.

More bullcrap talking points that rdean always spouts without thinking.
Perhaps we should make up some bingo cards with Democrat talking points. And every time they use one we mark it off. We can see who gets bingo first.

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