Prediction, Unemployment To Drop To Record Low In Next Two Months


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
With all the company's cutting full time employees to part time and hiring additional part time to cover labor needs and avoid obamacare the unemployment numbers should drop to record lows. According to the government a job is a job, It doesn't matter if it's full time or part time. Welcome to a Fundamentally Changed America. Think of all the new union members, the unions should bake out like bandits with all the employed poor.
Welcome to the Era of Lowered Expectations. By the way, part-time employment will increase the number of government beneficiaries, thus maintaining a voting majority for the Dems.
Granny been wonderin' where Uncle Ferd been gettin' his money from...
Gov't Doles Out $10.3 Billion in Improper Unemployment Payments – In 1Year
January 29, 2013 – The Federal-State Unemployment Insurance program paid out $10.3 billion in benefits in 2012 to people who should not have received the money, according to the Department of Labor (DOL).
The data provided on the government website,, shows those payments amount to 11.42 percent of all the unemployment insurance checks handed out – an increase from 11.36 percent in 2011 and in excess of the government’s “target” for overpayments of 9.66 percent. The DOL states that most of the data reported on its paymentaccuracy website was for the federal government’s fiscal year, which runs from Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, but that some data may have come from calendar year tabulations, which is why the department “used the term fiscal reporting year to best describe the time period in which the most current information was reported.”

The data also show that improper unemployment insurance payments increased steadily between 2009 and 2012, from 10.3 percent to 12 percent, respectively. That percentage dropped 0.6 percent between 2011 (12 percent) and 2012 (11.4 percent), according to the DOL, which consequently forecasts that improper payments will fall below 10 percent in 2013 and 2014. As reported by, statistics released by DOL show that of the $10.3 billion in improper payments, the states improperly paid more than $5 billion for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. (See DOL spread sheet on states payments.xls )

The “program contents” portion of the website states that 70 percent of the $10.3 billion that was paid out in 2012 was done so through one of three scenarios: “individuals did not meet their active work search requirements, continued to claim UI benefits after they had returned to work, or were ineligible for benefits because they voluntarily quit their jobs or were discharged for misconduct.” An estimated 2.85 percent of state and federal improper unemployment payments were the result of fraud, according to the DOL. The government website states that unemployment “helps cushion the impact of economic downturns and brings economic stability to communities, states, and the nation by providing temporary income support for laid off workers.”

Granny been wonderin' where Uncle Ferd been gettin' his money from...
Gov't Doles Out $10.3 Billion in Improper Unemployment Payments – In 1Year
January 29, 2013 – The Federal-State Unemployment Insurance program paid out $10.3 billion in benefits in 2012 to people who should not have received the money, according to the Department of Labor (DOL).
The data provided on the government website,, shows those payments amount to 11.42 percent of all the unemployment insurance checks handed out – an increase from 11.36 percent in 2011 and in excess of the government’s “target” for overpayments of 9.66 percent. The DOL states that most of the data reported on its paymentaccuracy website was for the federal government’s fiscal year, which runs from Sept. 30 to Oct. 1, but that some data may have come from calendar year tabulations, which is why the department “used the term fiscal reporting year to best describe the time period in which the most current information was reported.”

The data also show that improper unemployment insurance payments increased steadily between 2009 and 2012, from 10.3 percent to 12 percent, respectively. That percentage dropped 0.6 percent between 2011 (12 percent) and 2012 (11.4 percent), according to the DOL, which consequently forecasts that improper payments will fall below 10 percent in 2013 and 2014. As reported by, statistics released by DOL show that of the $10.3 billion in improper payments, the states improperly paid more than $5 billion for the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. (See DOL spread sheet on states payments.xls )

The “program contents” portion of the website states that 70 percent of the $10.3 billion that was paid out in 2012 was done so through one of three scenarios: “individuals did not meet their active work search requirements, continued to claim UI benefits after they had returned to work, or were ineligible for benefits because they voluntarily quit their jobs or were discharged for misconduct.” An estimated 2.85 percent of state and federal improper unemployment payments were the result of fraud, according to the DOL. The government website states that unemployment “helps cushion the impact of economic downturns and brings economic stability to communities, states, and the nation by providing temporary income support for laid off workers.”


They have a "target" of 9.66% for overpayments, why would it not be 0%?
Yup, unemployment will be a tad lower, which will be cause for celebration. And the government wasted billions, but hey, it's only our hard earned money, no cause for alarm. Meanwhile, we continue giving other countries billions, not to mention fighter jets, tanks and money to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.

What a fucking mess we're in. The government has no clue how to oversee their own damn programs and they hand out money like we're swimming in it.

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