Pot Nazis Alert!


Groovy Dude
Jan 24, 2013
They got on their combat gear with their automatic weapons, masks, and all the storm trooper gear and they are not going to stand for legal pot.

Police Groups Furiously Protest Eric Holder's Marijuana Policy Announcement

"Local law enforcement agencies rely heavily on the drug war for funding. Police departments are often able to keep a large portion of the assets they seize during drug raids, even if charges are never brought. And federal grants for drug war operations make up a sizable portion of local law enforcement funding."
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The police have to deal with the effects of drugs every day. Eric Holder doesn't. Eventually the police will have to step back from direct action and assist citizens who are protecting themselves by refusing to arrest those who have protected themselves. When the authority refuses to exercise its authority, it is up to the individual citizen to exercise their own.
You know, I'm with Holder on this. He's still a POS with a special place in hell awaiting, but I love it when shock troops can't knock down doors, throw flash bangs, kill all the pets, terrorize the occupants, and get a pat on the back for being a bunch of bald, jackbooted pigs who deserve to be put against a wall and shot.
Yet another example of this administration picking and choosing which laws to enforce. Even if I don't like the law in this case, the fact that the administration is doing the same thing with the Obamacare mandates and other laws makes it just another impeachable offense. I believe Congress does exist as an institution.
Only citizens exercizing justice can deal with things like this. When the authorities abandon their role, the country becomes lawless. If we have fewer police we need more vigilantes.
The Republicans are missing the boat on this issue. They should be pushing for legalization on the federal level. 2016 is a ways off and there's still time to seize the initiative.
Pot can be just as destructive as any drug once a person becomes addicted.

Like Booze and cigs??? What happened to personal freedom?

You don't understand. A drug is a drug, is a drug. If you get hooked on it then it will ruin your life because the drug will become the central theme in your life. I said nothing about preventing anyone from exercising personal freedom. You're reaching.
Only citizens exercizing justice can deal with things like this. When the authorities abandon their role, the country becomes lawless. If we have fewer police we need more vigilantes.

Did you ever consider that you might be outgunned by reefer madness.:eek:
The only reason I disagree with this is the double standard.

Federal officials brought their war on medical marijuana dispensaries to Los Angeles on Tuesday, raiding several shops and issuing warning letters to dozens more.

Officials at the U.S. attorney's office said it was the first large-scale federal action taken against cannabis shops in the city, and said more will probably follow.

U.S. raids L.A. marijuana shops - Los Angeles Times

They got on their combat gear with their automatic weapons, masks, and all the storm trooper gear and they are not going to stand for legal pot.

Police Groups Furiously Protest Eric Holder's Marijuana Policy Announcement

"Local law enforcement agencies rely heavily on the drug war for funding. Police departments are often able to keep a large portion of the assets they seize during drug raids, even if charges are never brought. And federal grants for drug war operations make up a sizable portion of local law enforcement funding."

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