Pot legalization goes down in smoke in Calif

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ba ha ha............

Oh thank gawd the voters took pleasure away from the their fellow citizens. It wouldn't seem like a facist state without it. I never looked at the numbers. Are the MJ supporters gaining at all?:booze::boobies::coffee::dance: Conade the destroyer did take the wind out of the MJ haters sail, and repealed the MJ misdemeaner law, making possession a MJ Ticket fine of $100. Leave my Margaritas alone!!
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Pot legalization measure defeat in THE MOST LIBERAL STATE IN THE UNION was a clear message.
In 2010 the AMA's position that Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug was removed from the DEA's mandate, the FDA formally requested that Cannabis be declassifed and California was the first state to have a ballot measure to legalize Cannabis. 14 states allow Medical Marijuana and another 7 have legislation pending. Many other states have "de-criminalized" the drug ... Prop 19 wasn't the right way to go. But, it's time for prohabition to end.
I'm surprised. California just gave Moonbeam another term as governor. All those people inhaled. Who was left to vote against MJ?
ba ha ha............

There's no doubt that Californians are some kind of different weird breed. Here they kick two successful--major job creator women --Meg Witman and Carly Fiornina to the curb--and then vote against an initiative that would have certainly brought in billions of new tax revenue--to their already 48 BILLION dollar DEFICIT.

I guess this is what you get with the "entitlement state" of this nation-- and it's just I am glad as hell that I don't live in California.
The potheads wouldbe dancing in the streets if it had passed

GOT PUNKED..............................
I guess at the core heart of ever lip servicing liberal there is a conservatives heart beating.

Imagine that, California, the liberal heart beat of the nation votes down porp. 19 AND gay marriage. What IS this world coming to?
ba ha ha............

There's no doubt that Californians are some kind of different weird breed. Here they kick two successful--major job creator women --Meg Witman and Carly Fiornina to the curb--and then vote against an initiative that would have certainly brought in billions of new tax revenue--to their already 48 BILLION dollar DEFICIT.

I guess this is what you get with the "entitlement state" of this nation-- and it's just I am glad as hell that I don't live in California.

billions of new tax revenue from where? The people who are laid off and such?
Like alcohol and lotteries, it would just take money from other more essiential things.

When the people are pretty much spending all they they get you cannot just pull money out of the air unless you are the feds.

I am not against legalizing pot, it is just that some of the logic supporting it is somewhat hosed.
drug use was a major factor in US "defeat" in Nam

stoned out of their minds.................
America has the highest incarceration rate of any advanced nation by a staggering margin. If you believe our self proclaimed superiority -- that we are the most advanced, enlightened, evolved nation in history -- than you would have trouble explaining why we have to put so many of our citizens in cages.

If you look at a graph of our incarceration rates, you will see a spike in incarceration starting with the Reagan War on Drugs. Prior to that, the U.S. prison industry tracked global averages unspectacularly.

This War on Drugs lead to another U.S. anomaly: the incredibly high, unbelievably disproportionate rate of black imprisonment.

What political conditions did the War on Drugs emerge from? Why were white drugs users/dealers spared such high incarceration rates?

Some historical context. Please recall the white flight in the 70s (i.e., whitey fleeing urban cities for the suburbs, under the politically manufactured threat of black demons, i.e., "see what the liberals have done to your cities with their social movements? They're giving welfare to these people"). Please recall the Southern Strategy, where Republicans told the South that the Civil Rights movement represented runaway federalism. In order to seize power from the Liberals, i.e., in order to break the New Deal coalition and win the south back, the GOP gave bigotry, ignorance, and hate a political home. The War on Drugs became a tool of this complex political re-alignment. It helped Republicans criminalize this great mass of disenfranchised blacks -- a mass of people who could (and eventually would) become electorally dangerous if appropriately mobilized by the left. The War on Drugs also allowed Republicans to grow Big Government Law Enforcement, so the state could prepare itself for the instability that would result from the slow unwinding of the welfare state. When people become hopeless, they become more dangerous to the political power and property of the minority. Therefore, the state requires expanded power to watch, detain, and imprison the restless have nots. If you want to grow the power of Government, you need a war (war on poverty, war on drugs, Cold War, war on terrorism, etc. The rhetoric of war is how both parties open the taxpayer's wallet and shred the constitution).

But it goes even deeper...

Drugs have always been one of the many "sins" or "social dangers" that Republicans "protect" us from -- this energizes their Conservative base. Indeed, the anti-drug hysteria of the Nancy Reagan movement represented a calculated shift in populism. Let me explain. When Reagan took office, his job was to replace the old Teddy Roosevelt populism (against the great malefactors of wealth) with a revised quasi-Christian populism (against drugs and sin). The point of the Reagan Revolution was to get America to stop worrying about the kinds of corporate corruption that lead to the Great Crash, thereby empowering FDR to move against the overwhelming political power of the Robber Barons, thus laying the foundation for the New Deal and the great postwar Regulatory State. Indeed, Reagan was sent to Washington to repair the political power and the image of the great malefactors. His job was to usher in a second gilded age where capital didn't have to give the middle class a slice of the pie. His job was to get Americans to focus on the welfare pimp selling nickel bags to rich white kids, so the capitalist could sneak in the back door with teaser rates and subprimes . . . which formula eventually lead to another historic crash where trillions were looted. That is, the War on Drugs distracted us with demons so the real crooks could rob the state blind

We traded our worries over companies like Enron for hysteria over Janet Jackson's breast. This was the point: to give the serfs a new demon, so business could return to its pre WW II corruption

You don't hear this stuff on Hannity. The War on Drugs is very complex political tool indeed. . .
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drug use was a major factor in US "defeat" in Nam

stoned out of their minds.................

Only smoked during down time. Stoned on the line will get you or someone else killed.
I did not let any of my squad go out stoned either.
Try and go out stoned with me and you would spend a few days in the stockade for something...
Did not turn them in for smoking, but I could always think of something else to get em on.
You have to be able to count on each other in the field.
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I'm surprised. California just gave Moonbeam another term as governor. All those people inhaled. Who was left to vote against MJ?


The illegal aliens stuffed the ballot boxes for the Mexican drug cartels. There is no other explanation in that god-forsaken dope sucking state.

If pot legalization measure in Calif had won -would have been ALL OVER THE FRONT PAGES in the liberal media.

Been buried on page 7 when it got punked.

Not bad.

I'm informed that the major pot growers and distributors of Hombolt county put a lot of money behind killing that reformendum.

Per usual, the winners of continued prohibition are POT criminals and our ever so aptly named criminal justice system.
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I guess at the core heart of ever lip servicing liberal there is a conservatives heart beating.

Imagine that, California, the liberal heart beat of the nation votes down porp. 19 AND gay marriage. What IS this world coming to?

This is a conundrum, isn't it?

It makes one wonder what a Liberal is really trying to accomplish. They don't want to endorse Gay Marriage or Endorse legalized Pot. They don't want to endorse drilling, a balanced budget, immigration controls, or you name it.

Maybe it's just that they can't take a stand.
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